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669 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9149 18:43

Poking around Wikipedia a bit, one pop-sci author appears to use the terms "amygdala hijack" and "limbic hijack."

I don't think there's a formal term that encapsulates the "misplaced" part, since actual scientists are interested in the response itself rather than how rational it is (and generally studying mice or something where no instinctual response is really misplaced.)

678 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9149 21:25

I think I have to agree that it would escape formality, misplaced seems to be more like an opinion about what happened. I'm sure in the poetic manner you could say you stifled a freakout or withheld an urgent panic or had a pop quiz on Stoicism.

It does seem like a common enough experience that you could coin a new term and not worry if a synonym already exists.

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