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603 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9239 01:16

The kickstarter came out at just the right time. It was around the peak of the Oatmeal's popularity, when Millennials everywhere were still Liking and Sharing the comics because it was the Voice of their Generation. "Yes! I too, love Sriracha Rooster Sauce! SO TRUE."

Around the same time, non-digital games were growing in popularity. College dorms around the country were already stocked with Cards Against Humanity. Everyone was eager to add a new wacky faux-edgy party game to their collection.

And so households everywhere ended up with this crappy card game. Whenever I come across it, I like to ask about it as if I've never heard of it. The owner invariably replies something like, "Oh, that game? I got it from kickstarter...it's kinda fun, I guess." Their tone makes it clear that they've already outgrown the game.

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