The shraiff don't like it. Lock the taskbar.
I'm inrove with you!
Vlad Tepes will not let any terk conquer Romania.
I'm so relieved that jo biden won the election.
Well if you start shitting liquid, convulsing, hurting neuropathically, experiencing any cardiovascular symptoms, and/or dying that's just the wolfsbane doing its thing!
O deage, O de mores!
ambivalent about men
There's plenty more fish in the sea, but I have nobate.
i need a vecation
All right, all right, there's no need to showt!
When you wipe wrong, you gotta wash your hands reele thoroughly.
I wish my life was a sloyss of life instead of a psychological horror.
You should kill yourself, NOW
I would sooner die than bathe, thank you very much
Keep wallowing inuck, then.
I'm looking for a Mr. inoff, first name Jack? Has anyone seen Jack inoff?
Yeah, I saw him, and after what I saw him doing I think I'm gonna vom.
I wasn't paying attention to the last few posts, and now something reex.
Jesus, what is that smell? Screw this, I'm going home!
Sorry everyone, that's just the smell of my stinky reeking unwashed vageen.
Babe, you're the Chick-fil-A® sowss to my waffle fries.
Anyone else think that matador is looking awfully goreable just now?
Because of the president's executive orders on transgender health I can no longer deboy. :(
You're still a she to me. <3
I'm firing my unitt.
I like my wine how I like my philosophical conundrums: mulled.
wutile clan aint nuthin ta fuck with
Dost thou mocketh me?
gib me the beans, boys, and free my bowels; the mess is gonna take a hundred towels.
lo and behold, the turds cometh
Someone has grievously soiled an hundred of this bathhouse's glorious rayment....
Suck my kock!
The chai goes on the chaitable.
Everyone was left in stunod silence when I told them what "donuts" is backwards.
Oy vey, shut it down, the goy knows
Is this the thread where we input CAPTCHAs?
Alas, I have no son or dawther to give in marriage.
This Chihuahua looks very yipable
I'm sorry honey, but until you take care of that heast infection, you better sew that bologna port SHUT! YEW HEEYER MEE MISSY??????
You won't even eat my stinky vagina? Such meanness...
hanag! ...sorry, I sneezed in your hair.
Alas, her revage didn't match her plumage.
I am inume to propaganda.