>>4 lost all his friends after junior high.
A brick, inside a sock.
>>10 does absurd fighting stances every time he's holding cutlery.
>>11 always makes sure to issue a final warning before unleashing the paper tiger in his pocket.
A banana
>>15 recently went to the beach and collected some cool rocks and seashells.
Played too much Runescape growing up.
Pure, unbridled rage
>>20 is very diligent about flossing his teeth.
Shrewd diplomacy and careful de-escalation.
>>22 Level 500 Mafia boss or low-level bum gangster
Glock 50 blicky switch, my draco, open carry, wal-mart
>>23 has strong opinions on barbeque condiments.
Syringe filled with mysterious glowing green liquid.
>>26 is too poor to afford guns
Erect AIDS infested homosexual penis
Simultaneously yearns for and is terrified of emotional intimacy.
>>30 larps as a knight and cosplays as hegel
A sharpened bible for maximum paper cut
>>32 was raped and murdered by Spanish Catholics
Armalite AR-18 gas operated automatic assault rifle + balaclava
>>33 is an IRA larper who’s probably lived in Boston all his life
Vodoo doll
>>34 is very excited for the upcoming Barbie movie.
Seduction, followed by a stiletto dagger to the back.
>>37 is clearly a lowly peasant. Get back in the field!
Scythe (the board game)
>>38 is about to learn some difficult lessons about the offensive and defensive capabilities of cardboard.
A sequence of intricate and beautiful danmaku patterns.
>>39 is appreciated more for their lore than fighting style.
A rock, a strong throwing arm, and good aim.
>>41 is dinosaur jazz man who uses killer driller jive nobody these days understands
A playstation 2 controller
>>42 is a dinosaur who still uses a console from an era where 380p was high def and requires wires eww!
An umbrella with a hidden cyanide injector in the tip
>>43 doesn't have access to radioactive substances and is working for poor-ass spooks, probably North Korea's or something.
A homemade shotgun wrapped in large amounts of duct tape
>>45 is a beloved relic from a simpler time.
Passive-aggressive comments and hostile body language.
>>47 wants to know why did his friend turn into a cannibal.
A bottle of liquid nitrogen.
>>48 is single because he constantly gives everyone the cold shoulder
A mysteriously ticking package
Is George and Jeb Bush's secret sister
The total strength of Israel's military
>>53 is a pushy bastard at the best of times.
A sniper rifle with a wide angle lens for a sight.
>>57 understands that sometimes the only way to fix things is to burn it to the ground and start over.
Mechanical Pencil (Empty).
>>58 is not very receptive to constructive criticism on his artwork.
Giant robot.
>>60 Even smaller penis.
An army of hand-crafted dolls filled with gunpowder.
>>61 has the second best stage theme in Perfect Cherry Blossom.
Pit full of venomous snakes.
>>62 is an aspiring herpetologist.
Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon.
>>63 is making the mother of all omelets
A flash drive with a zip bomb containing 47 yottabytes of furry porn
>>64 is mentally ill
An IBM Thinkpad running Kali Linux and a Whonix portal
>>65 wears thigh-highs (programming socks) and has their dick locked in a chastity cage
A flamethrower specially equipped with an attachment that allows it to shoot mace at the same time
>>66 is an attractive woman who lives in an urban area
An internet troll farm
>>67 is in the early stages of congestive heart failure due to bulking up on steroids some thirty years ago.
An envenomed bodkin
>>68 is a sign who has lost the ability to have normal conversations due to reading to many fantasy novels.
My hands
>>70 is on the run from the UPRPRC.
An absurd number of throwing daggers.
Works for cold steel
A plastic freezer bag filled with diarrhea
>>72 is a chump who fell for Great Uncle Pawdabber's Pretend Bolognese Showdown.
Is a Japanese fisherman’s wife
A remote detonating loli with a suicide vest
>>77's skincare routine needs improvement.
Guilt-tripping and emotional manipulation.
Is a woman or transgender
The anal probe from Destroy All Humans 2
>>79 is the alien from Destroy All Humans 2.
Running away very fast.
Can’t spell
A suicide vest but instead or a bomb its a canister of nerve gas
A skilled Vietnamese guerrilla who can't afford a car and thinks removing the breaks on my bike before I take my morning ride in Hanoi is a good way to impress his superiors in the NLF
A rabies infected puppy strategically preened for maximum cuteness carefully placed on your doorstep with pro-beastiality paraphanalia
>>106 has crafted a weapon specifically to defeat https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1247184946/470
>>108 a collection of 56 nanahira CDs
>>107 is either the same poster as https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1247184946/470, or is even less sexually experienced than him, if such a thing is possible.
A broken bottle of vodka.
Divine intervention
Cute girl who will love you to death and then promptly stab you to death.
Apple III computer that had to be picked up and dropped to work on the instructions of the manual itself because steve jobs thought it was a good idea to remove fans and air vents, dropped right on your head to re-seat the partially melted circuitry.