A skilled Vietnamese guerrilla who can't afford a car and thinks removing the breaks on my bike before I take my morning ride in Hanoi is a good way to impress his superiors in the NLF
A rabies infected puppy strategically preened for maximum cuteness carefully placed on your doorstep with pro-beastiality paraphanalia
>>106 has crafted a weapon specifically to defeat https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1247184946/470
>>108 a collection of 56 nanahira CDs
>>107 is either the same poster as https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1247184946/470, or is even less sexually experienced than him, if such a thing is possible.
A broken bottle of vodka.
Divine intervention
Cute girl who will love you to death and then promptly stab you to death.
Apple III computer that had to be picked up and dropped to work on the instructions of the manual itself because steve jobs thought it was a good idea to remove fans and air vents, dropped right on your head to re-seat the partially melted circuitry.