#1: https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1253758247/l50
( ・-・) That French cop is right. The rioters ARE vermin that smell bad and eat garbage and burn stuff that doesn't belong to them because they're too stupid to express themselves in a more constructive manner.
( ・-・) In other words, they're French.
( ・-・) They don't call it the land of the pedophile racists for nothing.
( ・-・) I love those posts about how when the French protest they actually get results, listing all the great benefits they enjoy compared to USA people,, and that Americans are just too lazy to fight for their rights, and then Americans get butthurt and make excuses like “b-b-but they have guns we'll get shot in the face :(((”
( ・-・) I'm surprised it's aimed at Americans, when they don't usually mock them for it like Brits do. In both cases it's because English speakers have a notoriously high threshold to riot, it's weird because unlike a lot of other cultures that do, most people won't get disappeared in English cunts for rioting.
( ・-・) Cracky-chan is old and busted.
( ・-・) Upon seeing cracky-chan, I am reminded of my own oldness and bustedness.
( ・-・) You have to be somewhat attractive to do small penis humiliation porn. I know doing fetish content makes appearance less important but if you look like an out of shape teenage boy with tits I could probably still bed you with my tiny dick.
( ・-・) I don’t feel sorry
( ・-・) When it comes to geopolitics, I think people need to stop complaining about hypocrisy. There are no "good" countries.
( ・-・) I’m a rape fetishist
( ・-・) I licked the skid marks in the toilet after my 13 year old step sister left the bathroom when she got done taking a huge dump
( ・-・) I still eat my boogers
( ・-・) I eat other people's boogers.
( ´_ゝ`)っ-̾ I've invited like 5 different girls in the past two weeks to my home, and the security guard that lets me in with them still thinks I'm in a romantic relationship.
( ・-・) I used to really like that dyed pixie cut she-twink look but it turned into the uniform of fat chicks who enjoy rainbow flag reskins of that old lame-ass preachy Christian bookstore crap.
( ・-・) I jerk off to qt girls I see on the subway
( ・-・) I hate cute girl and I hate cute girl threads. There I said it kill me!
( ・-・) The South Korean is already the lowest class under man
( ・-・) Stephen Colbert looks like a lesbian.
( ・-・) I think about murdering my sister every day.
( ・-・) Even without talking about how fucked up the kids can be, people who furiously masturbate to azns never think that they would have very little in common
( ・-・) I disagree. We are worse than that. Koreans are sea orcs minus anything that would make that idea cool. Sedentary Mongols with no horse. The anger issues but not the fecundity. Intelligent but only in a multiple-choice-test kind of way. Emigration as the premier way of dropping out of our locust-eat-locust society. Maybe the language is cool, in a sense of "this is the brown note with which we kill xenos bottom text".
( ・-・) My armchair opinion of why it can get so fucked up is because they developed too fast, if the world powers didn't get involved after the colonial era it would likely be a homogeneous Myanmar but that might've been more fitting for who they are. Also, the fertility isn't as bad as made out and their neighbors are likely to be worse in the long-run, well maybe not China because they can just force people to have kids.
( ・-・)There is something poignant to say about China doing forced abortions a decade ago, but now there's the distinct possibility of forced pregnancies, but I'm not smart enough to make that point.
( ・-・) Norwich City's new badge looks like Hitchin Town's.
( ・-・) Shippers didn't start everything wrong with the Internet today, but I sure as hell will blame them every chance I get
( ・-・) There isn't a way I can put this that sounds like a compliment, but loyal Hatsune Miku fans are kings among losers.
Moot ruined the internet
( ・-・) Moot may have ruined the Internet, but he would never have had the opportunity if not for Lowtax (may he rest in piss.)
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(((jjノ⊂彡☆))>>entire thread
( ・-・) It's not racist to not like guacamole, you leftist idiot.
( ・-・) I don’t care how many egirls Hamas kills. I’m not siding with Israel period. And I’m glad your hamster died.
K-On! is overrated
( ・-・) Sometimes I wish I could fart and fart and fart and fart for fun
( ・-・) fornication should be illegal
( ・-・)
( ・ー・) smile
( ・-・) who was the mf that decided that westoids should only have overrated shonen trash and some random ass magical girl anime
( ・-・) people who use based/cringe speak should be lined up and shot
( ・-・) Everybody who disagrees with my corporation provided government approved opinions needs to die.
( ・-・) everybody should experience a drug induced psychosis at least once
( ・-・) I realize what the syndicates wanted were nothing short of selling out, but Bill Watterson should have merchandised a little. The children yearn for the merch.
( ・-・) Neo-Kantians should be put in the electric chair
( ・-・) Steven Moffat is a one trick pony, and it's not even a particularly good trick. Remember Sherlock? I sure don't.
( ・-・) I generally want a really left wing anarchist world. But if I am to be forced to live under a state, I feel the least uncomfortable under a republican led state. Republicans are idiots and never scream about how white people are evil, nor do they raise my taxes.
( ・-・) I hang out on tranny boards where I can post about my schizophrenia induced paranoia of my own body parts without being detected and receive validation and support. They actually think I am one of them. Its really quite endearing.
( ・-・) I constantly worry about if a certain particular Ukrainian girl died from the war.
( ・-・) I could wear the jersey, but it wouldn't make me a Tampa Bay Buccaneer.
( ・-・) Super Mario Sunshine is an unfinished game.
( ・-・) why don't they just assassinate politicians to reroll the chances of accidentally getting a politician who supports their side
( ・-・) If your mind map doesn't look like a tech tree, what the fuck are you doing?
( ・-・) Collectivism is for fags.
( ・-・) At night things come out of my anus. They change colour when I eat burger king halloween burger.
( ・-・) Boomers noticing the newest, only-the-slightest-bit-more-strange/obnoxious version of something that's been around a long time before complaining about it is so on brand.
( ・-・) maybe this asshole wouldn't need to smoke weed if they stopped spamming my dashboard with mutual aid posts
/ ヽ
| ● − ● | ( ・-・ ) If only I could face the viewer...
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( ・-・) The windows on the bus don't have a flavor.
( ・-・) I know shitting on the French has become popular again, but I think the outside world has failed to realize their gravest insults are like the gentle ribbings they give their friends. It's a place that arsons and bombs itself, guys, they will simply refuse to get the message.
My favourite Simpson is Lisa
( ・-・) On a subject entirely unrelated to >>65, if I were a resident of Australia I would be in prison.
( ・-・) The Mercenaries 2 version of Venezuela is a glow-up compared to what Chavismo had in store.
( ・-・) Ted Ts'o did nothing wrong, was 100% correct, and his tone is simply "Chinese", not "a problem".
( ・-・) I hate the playboy bunny girl outfit
( ・-・) It rides up in my crotch really painfully.
( ・-・) Browning meat is unnecessary and even wrong in most places where people give it as if it's an unbreakable Commandment, making it harder to distinguish the minority of cases where it is.
( ・-・) Just FAFO with the raw meat germs then, I'm not gonna stop you.
( ・-・) You seem stupid, so I will explain this with small words. You can cook meat to well done in the sauce with no browning. A simmer is just below boiling heat and will kill germs.
( ・-・) I don't feel sorry for the Lod airport massacre because the perpetrators were Japanese and therefore in the right.
( ・-・) You hate him because he's a disgusting individual with disgusting political opinions that he is also pretty hypocrtical about.
( ・-・) I hate him because I have bad eyesight and it makes his poorly constructed avatar resemble a beanmouth cartoon. We are not the same.
( ・-・) "Words of Christ in red?" Why is any of the text black you heretic.
( ・-・) Thorn is an ugly letter and every bit of paper and ink wasted on 'th' is a viable economical alternative to seeing it.
( ・-・) Kittens aren't even that cute.
( ・-・) I don't know if interracial uses them up faster or if they were carried by the direction and cinematography of blacked, but a lot of girls who became notable from it (Lena Paul, Piper Perri, etc.) have much lower profiles than I would expect and look much trashier than I would expect. Paul has gross ass-zits in her latest sex tape!
( ・-・) Prompted by the above (but a different person), HD prn was not an advancement we needed. I'm not here to get a detailed view of every pimple on a hooker's ass.
( ・-・) I remember guys on Slashdot saying before wide adoption of HD that they were specifically going to notice surgery scars and not enjoy it, and I wish that sort of useless knowledge wasn't in my head.
( ・-・) Trump loving Zionists who make AI generated agitprop deserve the electric chair.
( ・-・) Men's fashion sucks ass, and it's men's fault.
( ・-・) Most indie games genuinely do suck and most "pixel art" ones genuinely are lazily drawn garbage. Pixel art can look great but it's rare to see modern examples that actually show an understanding of how good-looking old games looked good vs. just embracing shitty modern stick-figure "style" or blurry messes that lean solely on "lol chonk pixel".
( ・-・) I'm a zoophile.
( ・-・) Hamas should kill all the hostages.
( ・-・) Hamas should eat my ass.
( ・-・) It is way past time Europe got called out for cordons sanitaires.
( ・-・) Latin is a good language and Esperanto isn't.
( ・-・) I’m tired of pretending homosexuality is ok. It isn’t. But male bisexuality is perfectly normal.