"I'm not gonna use the names of the actual drugs, but one makes you a tweaker, and one makes you a heroin addict." I find that line both unintentionally funny and incredibly horrifying.
🇺🇸MLWファンも「風になれ!」 言うてる( ̄□ ̄;)!!スゴ️
AI-generated illustration of a neo-Nazi renouncing his ways after taking MDMA
"a betyár kurva isten bassza meg a csillagos eget" what a beutiful language....
I cannot, however, honestly choke this down as a Buddhist. Life and health should certainly be cherished, but this obsessive eternalist clinging to form and existence is something Shakyamuni Buddha and others explicitly warned about. Everything comes to an end and one should strive to make peace with that.
If you want to delay some supposedly imminent human extinction via AI, focus on cultivating compassion by destroying ignorance rather than reinforcing it via the gamification of attachment and fruitless fear of death. It's either that or... idk. Maybe start destroying as many computers as possible.
I am a serious contender and player of music and mastered the art of rave on my own. I know when the beats are dropped right on time.
Solid State Disk just means it's not a liquid or a gas disk
It’s like the Invisible Cities of dating apps
God I hate those fucks...I've been robbed too dude...They took my PS3 my Wii (with out the cords or controllers, just what was on it, took no games or accessories) and for some reason a flower pot full of money and all they took from that was the pot, they left all the money on the floor (assholes)
I do genuinely care about Shrek this much, and I don't believe all this negative reaction, or even most of it, is from people merely "pretending" to do so. Shrek and its sequel are masterpieces in the realms of animation, family films, fantasy world building, and comedy. This is especially impressive considering the subversive tone of the original risked not aging very well, but managed to only get better with each passing year. Yes, the pop culture references and licensed music tie those movies explicitly to the 2000s, but the core story and characters are timelessly engaging. Though Shrek the Third and Forever After failed to live up to the quality of the first two films, they at least maintained the aesthetic and a bit of the heart, the latter more evidently in Forever After since the Third in contrast felt more like spinning the franchise's wheels than actually doing anything new and exciting. The few seconds shown of this new movie demonstrate none of the original appeal or charm, it explicitly dates this film to the 2020s with the doom scrolling, deep-fried memes, and casting of Zendaya, Fiona feels out of character for reacting the way she does, Felicia has brown eyes when she was established to be the only ogre triplet to have blue eyes, and these characters just look like ugly caricatures or AI distortions at a glance, I initially thought it was fake until I saw the full video the stills were taken from. The original Shrek designs weren't amazingly unique or anything, but they became iconic and their simple elegance kept them relevant. Doing a radical redesign like this undoes all the efforts to maintain brand identity and will only serve to alienate most of the audience. Nobody would be demanding a do-over if they approached this movie like they did with The Last Wish, said film was also a radical departure from the established animation style as shown in the original Puss in Boots, but it made up for it by maintaining the iconic designs of Puss and Kitty and making the animation so spectacular to behold that people appreciated the change. This new animation style isn't different in a awe-inspiring way, it's just different for the sake of being different, changes the designs enough to be off-putting, and looks no better than the previous films for it, if not worse. You can act like it's absurd for people to care about Shrek this much, but it's up on its fifth entry for a reason.
Ou ahoj, pamatujete si na mě?
Mrvý korejec číslo jedna, z číny
Teď jsem duch
to je všechno lidičky
Už nebudou se mnou v posteli žádné dětičky
Vzal jsem si trénink Payongyongyangu a
usnul jsem a umřel na AIDS
Teď se mnou nakupuje Steve Jobs
a dělám Bin Ladinovy čistírnu
touhou/type-moon/07th expansion was sort of like superwholock for early 00's jpn doujin culture
The statement "Everybody wants flat balls but don’t nobody want to smash their balls with a hammer" is false. "Flat balls" likely means testicles, and no one wants them flattened, which would be harmful. The second part, "nobody wants to smash their balls," is true, but the first part’s falsity sinks the whole claim. It’s not a real Nietzsche quote—his work doesn’t touch this. Likely just internet humor, not fact.
I worked at a fried chicken place in high school. We marinated some chicken tenders in monster and then battered and fried them like we would the regular chicken. It tasted like Krispe Kreame donuts.
you give off chill pedophile vibes like you lowkey like kids but you went to therapy and got impulse control so you would never hurt one if you know what i mean. im a pedophile too and it makes me happy when i read your announcements cuz it feels like i can participate on this server too. good on you bro thank you so much.
There are multiple acts of aesthetic terrorism visited upon us every day. It’s especially egregious when they do it using humans because we know that humans should look healthy and normal and not like freak shows.
Happy Tree Friends is an adult animated web series created by Aubrey Ankrum, Rhode Montijo, and Kenn Navarro, and developed by Montijo, Navarro, and Warren Graff for Mondo Media. Disguised as a kids' cartoon, the show follows the misadventures of cute anthropomorphic forest animals, whose initially peaceful lives always end with sudden, usually accidental, graphically violent incidents.
In Arabia, the show premiered on Comedy Central Arabia in 1999 and ended in 2002. And oddly enough while the characters normally only make sounds like screams, grunts and laughs, the Arabic dub has them talking.
Its interesting I read that exact same wiki a while ago and it mentioned him being sodomized. Someone changed "buggery" to "hardships" instead
Imagine choking on a hamburger in the woods and a freaking Ice Giant gives you the Heimlich and walks away.
thug shaker gifs have irreversibly reprogammed my brain i see a vid of a woman shaking her ass and i just laugh out loud thinking of thughunters
Pls make her fat because she eat all of this food pls
You’re probably right, but there are just so many more dignified ways of making money than this. This is about 10,000 rungs below being one of those guys who pretends to be a pedophile so streamers can make them drink hot sauce as far as a paid acting gig
their moat is their allegedly insane quant team but mostly the immortal science of third worldism which will dominate the global intellectual landscape. total maoist victory by way of dengism.
Lets be fair, there is a larger number of people suffering from compulsive masturbation than from Alzheimers
Your stupid strategy has never worked and never will. Do you know why there is not one /jp/ board that isn't shit? Because of retards like you. You only make newfaggots more interested in the sekrit klub and at the same time you ruin the board experience for other original users. The result is a board with neither fun or discussions. So the joke is on you you fat fuck perverted piece of trash manchild. You're destined to live a life of frustration and anger and you know that.
If the occult isn't real, then how can communism be a spectre?
Check and mate, atheists.
My failed time travel experience got recorded in Mark 14:51-52
gently stroking my electric kettle like she's my girlfriend
When my sister was like 8 one time on our way home from the grocery store my brother said "Oh I forgot! Mom said to pick up diapers for sister!" My dad went "oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot" and did a u-turn. My sister started screaming "I'M NOT A BABY!!" so my dad asked us to give her her pacifier. I said that it had rolled under the seat. This made her scream louder, which made my dad even more frustrated, confused and angry. It wasn't until we got all the way back to the store and he went to get her out of her booster seat that he realized how old she was. My brother and I got in trouble but it was absolutely worth it.