fuck work (108)

60 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-16 20:30 ID:qsuHhc2q

Managers are literally incompetent by definition. The Peter Principle states that people are promoted based on their performance in their current position, not the position they are being selected for. The Dilbert principle states that people who are so good at their current position (this applies more to technical positions as opposed to leadership ones) as to be irreplaceable will be passed up for promotions so as to avoid the headache of training someone else to fill their shoes. Ergo: Management are people who were good - but not great - at ground floor positions and ended up stagnating performance-wise at lower and/or middle management, since those who were actually really good leaders of men and good planners ended up getting promoted to the senior management and executive level.

Just something to think about.

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