I’m in an er room (9)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-28 13:12 ID:5/gC9KLr


The worse thing about panic attacks is you feel like you’re dying but there is no release

I’ve been binge drinking vodka everyday now to cope with the panic attacks, but coincidentally it’s also triggering them when sober.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-29 01:27 ID:THadu2JH

>I’ve been binge drinking vodka everyday now

Let's stop doing this.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-29 04:43 ID:p8Kid0KC


Thankfully I got some librium!
Hopefully this helps with my anxiety and prevents any withdrawal symptoms.
IDK what I'm gonna do when it runs out though, hydroxyzine doesn't do anything and I'm afraid of SSRIs (I've been about things like brain zaps etc).

4 Name: Anonymous : 2022-12-31 09:45 ID:p8Kid0KC

I noticed that if I take benzos after a night of drinking and try to get more rest I slip into a state of paralysis.
I can't move, my body starts to feel like it's vibrating and my breathing seems to stop.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-03 07:28 ID:PuQBWHle

Sounds like sleep paralysis. How long you been taking benzos?

6 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-03 14:41 ID:q5o1oxzL


Don't mix benzodiazepines and alcohol. It causes respiratory depression (which is why your breathing becomes strained; this can kill you) and it also induces amnesia as well as confusion, which can cause you to do things that can cause danger.

If you need help sleeping after drinking (I sometimes do myself...for some reason, beer and wine causes me to get very little REM sleep, though liqour/spirits don't do this) I suggest taking diphenhydramine/DPH aka Benadryl in the North American market. It's an antihistamine that'll knock you right out and let you get a good rest. Do set an alarm, though. It'll also give you real vivid dreams which can be fun.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-04 00:03 ID:wDUhrUXk

>>6 I read somewhere that Salvador Dalí used to wake himself abruptly from crazy vivid dreams then paint his visions

8 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-11 01:39 ID:C3Sa3A6Q

I went through something similar a few years ago. While living in Japan I was prescribed trazadone, xanax and ambien for my severe anxiety. I was taking loads of all three every day for over 2 years. My doctor was like 80 years old and once told me to just drink more beer to calm down, not even kidding.

Anyway, after years of benzos, alcohol and cigarettes I moved back to the States and I was forced to abruptly quit all three. I ended up in an ER where the doctor gave me 2 librium pills and it eased the withdrawals enough to somewhat function.

The rebound anxiety and panic attacks were severe, and I was on the brink of suicide. Until someone introduced me to Kratom. Kratom helped me live a happy, normal life for about a year and now I've tapered off and living a sober, panic free life.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2023-01-12 10:18 ID:9AdhfZO1

I cringed at all those medications you've dosed yourself with. I'm glad that you've found a pathway to get off those.

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