Worst thing you’ve seen online? (67)

10 Name: Anonymous : 2023-03-14 09:25 ID:DNrH+t/k

Yeah, 2006. I remember feeling bad for the fire marshal that was pulverized who was only 19, at least Pryce died instantly. Looking back on it, it's kinda crazy just how easy it was to find this stuff on mainstream video sharing sites even unintentionally. I remember a lot of brutal Iraq war footage (suicide bombings, beheadings, US choppers mowing down civilians) and then Syria came along. I remember the footage from Douma.

I wonder where those things come from? They're pretty much killing small imageboards where there aren't enough mods to deal with that shit. I was thinking of setting up my own chan, and then I saw a site I frequent get flooded with real CP. Maybe I'll just make a textboard instead? Seriously, real CP is the most fucked up thing I've ever had the misfotune of seeing. People who produce and spread that stuff should be executed in the most painful way possible.

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