Apple Vision pro, yay or nay? (48)

23 Name: Anonymous : 2023-07-01 07:36 ID:Heaven


>VR games are popular

They really aren't.

>especially VRchat

It really isn't.
The numbers are low.
There is an incredibly high chance that VR will be very popular in the coming decades, but you're kidding yourself if you think it is currently popular outside your own bubble. For example, one entertainer with a lot of views doing something funny in a game does not make the game popular. A bunch of VCs saying it will be huge does not make it popular. People playing the game makes it popular. VR games even with tons of exposure from people who think it's cool still has a relatively low amount of players compared to several other games in genres that are considered "dead". Most likely because literally anyone can play those games on their shitbox PC all day long at no investment.

It is an untapped market as you say because the market hasn't even started yet outside of getting venture capitalists' capital. We're still 1-2 decades away from the tech becoming so good that it blows people's mind. I hate to bring up AI because 99% of the time it's irrelevant buzzword nonsense, but I also expect that improvements there will be useful in improving 3D output in video by doing all sorts of computations like accurately predicting where you're going to look next to focus selective rendering for the highest depth and quality on that area before you even look. It's gonna be decades of research and innovation for it to really become powerful, feel authentic, and cheap enough computation that billions enter into the market. Right now it's just a hobby toy in comparison to what it could be.
34 million units total owned predicted in 2024.
Literally nothing. A drop in the ocean. Adoption and popularity would push this into several hundred millions of units owned.

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