Apple Vision pro, yay or nay? (48)

24 Name: Anonymous : 2023-07-01 17:30 ID:/U4v1LHR


>There's lot's of improvements and innovation in the space of VR including haptics, eye tracking and selective rendering, and positional tracking technology.

Maybe but almost every VR game looks like a tech demo at best and utter shovelware at worst.

>It's being used in various commercial and governmental training simulations for a variety of industries.

So still irrelevant for most users.

>I also believe that there's a large untapped market for hobbyist or game type simulators that utilize VR to it's full potential.

And that market will remain untapped because VR headsets are still prohibitively expensive for the vast majority of the world. Even in countries where most people could easily afford them, VR is not being adopted a whole lot because the asking price compared to the utility/entertainment value is still too high and will likely remain so forever.

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