Apple Vision pro, yay or nay? (48)

33 Name: Anonymous : 2023-07-11 10:36 ID:0j6HaPWt


VR may be here for good, but it's not something that'll have the same kind of mass appeal as phones regardless. Phones opened up new avenues for people to pursue during hours of their lives where they'd normally just be stuck sitting in silence and staring at the scenery. VR isn't going to gain the same adoption rate unless it's as convenient to set up (i.e. you can put it on and take it off while sitting on the bench waiting for a bus) and not be a pain to use.

Another thing, why the fuck are we still pursuing the metaverse? That seems to be the only purpose for VR goggles alongside gaming, but I think it's a ludicrous idea that somehow it'll be the next big thing. Continuing on the phones analogy, expecting people to be happy that they can spend time setting up their VR space and goggles, explore the virtual world to find a virtual store in which you do shopping like in a real store is stupid. The option alongside that is using the device you already own to just browse a storefront and do the same thing in half the time. I think the metaverse will forever remain a pipedream of the truly morbidly socially inept, since most people are happier going outside into real shops.

In general, I feel like this idea of everyone being funneled into very few places to live their life online is a retarded experiment from the 2010s that seems to be dying off. The big companies really pushing for it have taken a fair share of hits in the years during and postceding covid, and more and more people are slowly trying to move out of the internet to have their social experiences in the real world. I think Apple may be behind the times with this doohickey they're producing.

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