Any waifuists here ? (56)

10 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-05 08:29 ID:2Jvit+Dw

To add to >>8 -san's suggestions, if your waifu has merch, buying a nice plushie/fumo of them can be really great for "showing love" in different ways. I don't mean lewd shit, don't fuck a plushie of your waifu, but you could have a physical manifestation of them for hanging out/talking/going out places/etc. It's a lot of fun, and helps your appreciation for the character go further than a computer screen.

I did eventually end my waifuist ways and turn to a 3D woman, but my doll of my waifu was one of my closest friends for almost a decade straight, and I still talk to her and find random times to hang out with her.

Side note, but I wonder if anyone's dug into the therapeutic benefits of befriending and conversing with stuffed animals/dolls in this way. We're all utterly FUBAR, but I bet for more normal individuals it'd actually be a healthy endeavor.

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