Any waifuists here ? (56)

12 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-05 12:32 ID:QdCbmAiN

Oh right i forgot this one, yeah plushies/dakimakuras are a great way too, same with "talking" with your waifu, wich can be done with something like a plush, in your mind or just out loud.
Thanks a lot for saying it anon, kinda sad that you ended up leaving your waifu, but i hope you are at least happy.
There is no sex anon, some cope saying that masturbating to her its sex but that's simply not the case, if anything i would advice against using her for your sexual desires, lots of waifuists end up just using their waifu as a sort of sexual thing rather than someone they love outside of just the erotic part, its disgusting, i personally just went full voluntary celibate and im way happier this way.
You can't have multiple waifus, some ""waifuists"" do but they are not true waifuists, since the start its always been one waifu there is a reason the whole joke about "more than one waifu will ruin your laifu" exists, waifuism its a 1 to 1 relationship not some polygamous shit.
Regarding waifuists communities, the biggest one its a subreddit (r/waifuism) but that place kinda sucks, its almost entirely made of teenagers who simply latch on a anime girl for some months and then switch her for other one, i don't blame them really but i heavily dislike the place, then there is at least one community on most big imageboards (there are multiple on 4, tohno chan was kinda made for waifuists etc), if you seek you will find.

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