4-ch is dead? (124)

1 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2014-11-13 07:33 ID:SUNLd6q3

The only relevant textboard in english ;_;

115 Name: 410 - Name Gone : 2021-06-23 17:02 ID:Heaven

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope the rest of the decade will be better for you and your family.

116 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2024-02-07 23:15 ID:++S1KHQT

Hello from 10 years after the creation of this thread, today is my birthday, I'm 30. :)

117 Name: 406 - Name Not Acceptable : 2024-02-10 21:32 ID:Yg7qqNOi

hi, happy birthday!

118 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2024-02-10 21:36 ID:Yg7qqNOi

i agree. this place is awesome. i know that if i said something here, maybe my son would find in the future and talk to his younger father!

119 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2024-02-11 00:14 ID:uKLPEnWS

hello 10 years from now, i am old as fuck now holy shit gonna take out my pension soon

120 Name: 422 - Unprocessable Name : 2024-02-13 16:10 ID:Yg7qqNOi


holyshit lmao
are you going to NEET?
got any kids?

121 Name: 401 - Unauthorized Name : 2024-02-13 20:34 ID:uKLPEnWS

i answer in 10 years

122 Name: 405 - Name Not Allowed : 2024-02-15 00:49 ID:v29cNORC

I was maybe 14 when I first posted on here, and now I'm 23, and I haven't really grown much. and I don't think my passion for Internet culture has really amounted to much, either.

123 Name: 408 - Name Request Timeout : 2024-03-03 10:45 ID:lmYKLmf0

It's been about a decade by now...

124 Name: 406 - Name Not Acceptable : 2024-03-21 20:13 ID:n301TNJX

It's more popular. The website as a whole seems to be anyway

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