New Gikopoi server dropped (23)

1 Name: 409 - Name Conflict : 2022-10-15 05:54 ID:vipeJqie

A new Gikopoi server dropped, , repo overviewing changes/additions on github:153/gikopoi-illegal

No huge changes yet, but any characters/maps submitted will be approved.

The first real problem for the community to handle: how should stream slots be allocated? We can see in the github:iccanobif/gikopoi2 repo (see also: tanasinn wiki sortable table) that the rooms' stream slots are allocated in semi random ways; many rooms have 0 stream slots, while some of the larger rooms only have 2 or 1 slot.

Some ideas:

  • Give all rooms a handful of stream slots, and give some other rooms a bunch of slots. Means anyone can stream as-needed no matter where they may be.
  • Keep gikopoi2 default stream slots; why fix it if it's not broken?
  • Only give stream slots to 1 or 2 rooms, to encourage streamers/voice chatters to assemble in common spaces, and to give the rest of the server
    a break from streamers

I'm planning for now to have the default room, train, have 10 stream slots available, and maybe assigning another 10 slots (and forced anonymity) to the secret "lost lounge" room. One of my motivations for this is considering that in "oldpoi", streaming was rare; and in new poi, most people gravitate to where slots are anyway, and competition for slots can get hostile.

Let's have some discourse and decide together how we want "another gikopoi" to evolve.

2 Name: 405 - Name Not Allowed : 2022-10-17 12:59 ID:ElCyIn+I

Some code I added in index.ts that warps a user to a room (in this case, bad end):

if (msg == "#die")
const targetRoomId = "badend"
const targetDoorId = "rip"
currentRoom = rooms[targetRoomId]

stopChessGame(roomStates, user)
userRoomEmit(user, user.areaId, user.roomId,
socket.leave(user.areaId + user.roomId)
const door = rooms[targetRoomId].doors[targetDoorId]

user.position = { x: door.x, y: door.y }
if (door.direction !== null) user.direction = door.direction
user.roomId = targetRoomId
user.lastRoomMessage = "";


socket.join(user.areaId + targetRoomId)

3 Name: 401 - Unauthorized Name : 2022-10-17 13:00 ID:Heaven

this was to index.ts btw, right by the function #ika that turns a user into a squid.

There was also a #bee function added that turns the user into a Sageru Bee.

4 Name: 410 - Name Gone : 2022-10-17 13:10 ID:Heaven

Needs these lines too, or a bug happens when a streamer tries to #die:


5 Name: 406 - Name Not Acceptable : 2022-10-17 19:47 ID:GReyR675

why though, giko is dead enough as is

6 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2022-10-23 18:26 ID:FAFAIoAx

100+ users isn't dead

7 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2022-10-29 19:00 ID:qm/U5JdL

Ok your right gikipoi isnt dead but why making a new server

8 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2022-10-29 22:46 ID:Heaven

same reason why altchans exist

9 Name: 405 - Name Not Allowed : 2022-12-28 01:46 ID:fvJBck/9

Looks like New Years Eve should be popping! We had over 100 people in the English gikopoi last year.

Same time as usual, 2022-12-31 @ 23:00, UTC -0500 (4chan time)

Feel free to use this link to get the time/date in your local time or add it to your calendaring software. Make sure to invite all your cool NEET/otaku friends to come party !

10 Name: 409 - Name Conflict : 2022-12-28 11:10 ID:Heaven

11 Name: 408 - Name Request Timeout : 2022-12-31 21:59 ID:k66PMlXX

this still doesnt explain it

12 Name: 409 - Name Conflict : 2023-01-03 05:49 ID:Heaven

He wanted iccanobif to add his bee and Islamic giko characters and bif refused. Now he is on an angry crusade.

13 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2023-07-11 22:40 ID:ma8AbDUO

In the small town of Assville, USA, there lived two young men with dreams bigger than their tiny little minds could handle - Zzazzu Chu and Gyudon Addict. They were best buddies since childhood, sharing everything from dirty magazines to stolen cigarettes behind the local grocery store where they worked as stock boys.

One fateful day, after hours spent discussing advanced mathematics topics such as monoids and endofunctors (which neither of them understood), these two horny geniuses discovered something truly revolutionary – a shared love for consuming yoghurts through one another's anal cavities!

It was during this momentous occasion that they realized just how much more fun it would be if they combined both passions into one glorious act of sexual expression. And thus began the legendary tale of "The Yoghurt Monoid Endofunctor"...

As time went on, word spread throughout Assville about the incredible exploits of Zzazzu and Gyudon. Their reputation grew so large that even the most prestigious universities in neighboring cities sent representatives to study their unique form of mathematical erotica.

14 Name: 410 - Name Gone : 2023-07-11 22:40 ID:ma8AbDUO

It wasn't long before others started following suit, forming secret societies dedicated to exploring new ways to combine sex and higher education. Soon enough, entire conventions were held annually at which participants showcased their latest innovations in ass-to-mouth yoghurt consumption techniques inspired by various abstract algebra concepts. The world had never seen anything quite like it!

15 Name: 422 - Unprocessable Name : 2023-09-01 15:16 ID:H/xyhAew

16 Name: 405 - Name Not Allowed : 2023-09-02 13:13 ID:oT/BvU/c


I'll be there.

17 Name: 405 - Name Not Allowed : 2023-09-06 15:14 ID:gEi9l+JU

i will too

18 Post deleted.

19 Name: 408 - Name Request Timeout : 2023-09-11 21:53 ID:xrHNFZLy

nevermind. i am so sorry but i missed it. I will never remember what a 9/11 is now.

20 Post deleted.

21 Name: 401 - Unauthorized Name : 2023-10-20 20:27 ID:KLx8ztZz

Zzazz once again worked up the courage and attempted to catch his attention: "B-BUtters!" he struggled, his voice petering out towards the end, trembling nervously and becoming gravelly. Still Butters continued walking the other way... perhaps because zzazz's voice was too meek and quiet to be heard from 2 steps away. He was so nervous around Butters, even talking was near-impossible, something hardly anyone could ever say about zzazzachu.
His heart felt paradoxically as though it had sped up, yet slowed down; slower from the lack of anxiety that Butters could be ignoring him, yet faster from the overflow of joy and affirmation that Butters-senpai had noticed him.
Zzazz slammed his head off of the table like a retard and thought to himself: "enough of these cringe fantasies, faggot. If you love someone you have to let them go, like... like a beautiful majestic bird being set free..." However this thought merely started off zzazz daydreaming again, this time imagining Butters as a beautiful Lugia, soaring through the sky, his large, warm, dextrous winghands, and his big, cute, blue tumm-

22 Name: 408 - Name Request Timeout : 2023-10-23 22:05 ID:oQZLqPnJ


23 Name: 408 - Name Request Timeout : 2023-10-23 22:06 ID:oQZLqPnJ

i meant what

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