ITT we tell the poster above us why their favorite anime sucks (655)

1 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-03-06 07:15 ID:q3Vd1Sli This thread was merged from the former /anime/ board. You can view the archive here.

For example, assuming >>0's favorite was Looney Tunes: That's not an anime, dumbshit. However, it is crippled by lack of a central plot, nonexistant character development, and inability to focus on a single set of characters.

My fave: Higurashi no Naku Koro ni

No protracted arguments in this thread please, just keep it going.

650 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2022-08-31 06:38 ID:dfCECo9L

A vast number of late '90s hentai artists wasted their prime years ritualistically drawing Ruri Hoshino's homely physique, again and again, when they could have been wielding their masterful talents upon much hotter anime babes like Misato Katsuragi. The vintage porno losses that humankind suffered on account of Martian Successor Nadesico's existence are nigh incalculable.

Cutey Honey Flash

651 Post deleted.

652 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2022-10-17 19:46 ID:JR0FnBKI

Too many women with weird hair

Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt

653 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2022-10-18 00:44 ID:kSD7B0KH

Had potential with two hot girls, but animation was only good for like 2 scenes and the fanart was easier to cum to

Sword Art Online

654 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2022-10-18 10:50 ID:x8PxseRm

I didn't watch this, but I did read five of the Light Novels on a recommendation from a friend, with the assurance that it "gets good". It did not. Rather, it got very cringey and felt rather like I was reading self-insert fanfiction. Like Nasu's H-Scenes but without such a colourful vocabulary.

Patema Inverted

655 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2022-12-01 01:01 ID:ERCBkCEK

All of the creative energy that went into this seemed to have been burnt in coming up with the initial concept and everything else is as bland and pedestrian as it gets.

New Dominion Tank Police

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