When is it too late to get into the relationship game? (81)

61 Name: girls love alphas : 2013-01-05 17:21 ID:QRp6OeBR

a troll to beta males such as yourself. being a beta aint bad, just u wont get ne girls. betas, or some call "nice guys" are whiners w/ weak genes. alphas, or jerks as the "nice guys" call us are the doers with strong genes and teh beta cant handle that. oh girls change once they reach the age of 30 or even 40 and their used up. they say they want men with exp to be sure they get a nice guy. guess what, only teh jerks will have exp so you nice guys will lose out while we alphas will still get plenty of pussy. so nice guys either be happy being perm virgins or just kill yourselves.

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