Japanese Online Idioms (412)

1 名前: Anonymous 2004-11-26 05:15 ID:Heaven [Del]

I would like to know what some of the Japanese phrases mean that are mostly used online, on boards like 2ch, e.g.

There is DQN and (ry, for instance.

What do those mean? Are there other ones I need to know to understand an average online conversation?

Please enlighten me!

This thread refers to another thread, by the way:


26 Post deleted by user.

28 名前: Japanese 2004-12-02 07:06 ID:dWgvnIyg [Del]

Hi,nice to meet you. I'm Japanese.I'm gonna tell you meaning of DQN. DQN (noun) someone who doesn't have purpose of their life,and they often do antisocial act;moreover,they have dissolute life.2ch'r call them DQN. My English is less,so I'm not sure you guys understand.Anyway,Thank you. See you later.

29 Post deleted by user.

30 名前: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-12-02 14:28 ID:8Zqzs/6w [Del]

Your English is quite good.
Is it ok if I correct the small errors?
"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Japanese. I'm gonna tell you the meaning of DQN. DQN (noun) is someone who doesn't have a purpose in his life, and he often does antisocial acts; moreover, he has a dissolute life. 2ch'rs call them DQN. My English is poor, so I'm not sure you guys understand. Anyway, thank you. See you later."

31 名前: Anonymous 2004-12-02 18:31 ID:Heaven [Del]

× and he often does antisocial acts
○ and he often commits antisocial acts

32 名前: Japanese 2004-12-03 02:13 ID:4AkuYZGg [Del]

Hi! I'm Japanese. Thank you guys correcting my grammar problem,and I could know my problems which are article,subject verb agreement.I'm going to check it again! Would you mind if I visit sometimes here for my English skill and fun? Thank you. You guys have a great day!!

33 名前: Japanese 2004-12-03 02:13 ID:4AkuYZGg [Del]

Hi! I'm Japanese. Thank you guys correcting my grammar problems,and I could know my problems which are article,subject verb agreement.I'm going to check it again! Would you mind if I visit sometimes here for my English skill and fun? Thank you. You guys have a great day!!

34 名前: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-12-03 03:01 ID:uTLv96sA [Del]

× Thank you guys correcting my grammar problems
○ Thank you guys for correcting my grammar

× I could know my problems which are article,subject verb agreement
○ I know I have problems with the article and the subject-verb agreement

Yes, you can come back whenever you want. ヽ(・∀・)ノ

35 名前: Anonymous 2004-12-03 16:38 ID:KsTXkH6Q [Del]

How about the term: "abone"? Any relation to mahabone?

36 名前: Anonymous 2004-12-04 23:43 ID:Heaven [Del]


38 名前: Anonymous 2004-12-05 15:17 ID:Heaven [Del]

39 名前: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-12-05 17:41 ID:ITz5aWsA [Del]

40 名前: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-12-05 17:44 ID:ITz5aWsA [Del]

lol, "Go to heaven!!!"
Is that the Japanese equivalent of "Go to hell"?

41 名前: Anonymous 2004-12-05 19:16 ID:Heaven [Del]


I thought so myself, but now I am not too sure anymore:


42 名前: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-12-05 21:44 ID:ITz5aWsA [Del]

They are talking about SLEPT, not NETA.
NETA is very much in use, while SLEPT is rarely used if at all.

43 名前: Anonymous 2004-12-05 23:13 ID:Heaven [Del]


> "ネタ"(neta) means a story you make up either to amuse someone or decieve them.

44 名前: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-12-05 23:34 ID:ITz5aWsA [Del]

In Japanese, "material" for news and stories is called "neta." The term has strong journalistic associations, but also gets used to describe material that can become the topic of conversation among friends or family: a new store seen on the way to work; a cousin who just dropped out of high school; a funny story heard on the radio. Camera phones provide a new tool for making these everyday neta not just verbally but also visually shareable.

As the mundane is elevated to a photographic object, the everyday is now the site of potential news and visual archiving. Sending camera-phone photos to major news outlets and moblogging are one end of a broad spectrum of everyday and mass photojournalism using camera phones. What counts as newsworthy, noteworthy and photo-worthy spans a broad spectrum from personally noteworthy moments that are never shared (a scene from an escalator) to intimately newsworthy moments to be shared with a spouse or lover (a new haircut, a child riding a bike). It also includes neta to be shared among family or peers (a friend captured in an embarrassing moment, a cute pet shot) and microcontent uploaded to blogs and online journals. The transformation of journalism through camera phones is as much about these everyday exchanges as it is about the latest headline.

45 名前: Anonymous 2004-12-05 23:37 ID:Heaven [Del]


46 Post deleted by user.

47 名前: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-12-05 23:47 ID:ITz5aWsA [Del]

meme n.

A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.

[Shortening (modeled on gene), of mimeme from Greek mimma, something imitated, from mimeisthai, to imitate.]

48 名前: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-12-05 23:58 ID:ITz5aWsA [Del]

In summary:
neta = a news item.
meme = a transmitted piece of info.

Now, news implies a transmission.
Therefore, neta = meme.

49 名前: Anonymous 2004-12-06 06:53 ID:Heaven [Del]

ネタ can mean alot of things. for comedians neta=material. In sushi-terminology neta=the part of the sushi that isnt rice (the meat or main ingredient). In both cases i think its used pretty interchangeably with 材料. Some people say its derived rom タネ or 種 which means seed. So rather than implying transmission or dispersion i think it has more to do with the ネタ being the base material or the root from which something sprouts (as in a gag or news item or business model).

50 名前: Anonymous 2004-12-06 10:43 ID:Heaven [Del]

> Now, news implies a transmission.
> Therefore, neta = meme.

I think the implication within the term "news" does not justify the kind of generalization you made. Seems like a syllogistic fallacy to me.


"Selfish gene" (利己的な遺伝子) is a funny term, but makes sense somehow. Also, ミーム seems to refer precisely to what "meme" signifies:


Now the next question is: What ENGLISH word is there for NETA?

51 名前: asciic!gy8a4NxnD2 2004-12-06 11:20 ID:ljr0U+8A [Del]

"meme" has a very broad meaning, that's why it's such a fun word. "news" might be a subset of "meme", but they're not the same thing.

> What ENGLISH word is there for NETA?

source plz
starting point
...well, probably none of those, but something along those lines. How about "content"?

52 名前: Anonymous 2004-12-06 12:19 ID:Heaven [Del]

Doesn't 元ネタ=origin or source? Or is it just being redundant?

53 名前: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-12-06 13:55 ID:ITz5aWsA [Del]

JWPce dictionary defines NETA as:
 (1) material, joke material, contents, proof,
 (2) topping of nigiri sushi

54 名前: Congruent 2004-12-09 06:27 ID:KHT44f/A [Del]

Funny has two meanings. It can mean 'strange,' [変] or 'amusing' [面白い/おかしい].
Fun only has one meaning - it means 'enjoyable' or 'entertaining' [たのしい].

55 名前: Anonymous 04/12/19(Sun)16:22 ID:Heaven [Del]

16 名前: Anonymous 2004-11-25 15:48 ID:/547jK7A [Del]

Let me introduce some specialized vocabulary used by 2ch'er.

逝ってよし!! (Itteyoshi!! = Go away!!)
オマエモナー!(Omaemonar = You too!!)

Only with these two words, you can enjoy the 2ch world.

But if you use these words, you will never be able to return the right side of the life...

素人にはお勧めできない (Shiroutoniha osusume dekinai = We cannot recommend it to right person.)


23 名前: Anonymous 04/12/19(Sun)14:50 ID:RTQf6wYz [Del]

>逝ってよし!! (Itteyoshi!! = Go away!!)

逝ってよし has some complex meanings ,or rather, has some hidden meanings.

If you're a japanese and hear it without seeing the chinese character used in it,
then you will think it means "you may go" ,or "go away" in a less dominant imperative.
But if you read it while seeing the chinese character,
it means "you may kill yourself" or "kill yourself".

You can use this phrase when someone posts a silly remark or
asserts something with lame evidence.

note: "行く(iku)" means "to go", "逝く(iku)" means "to die".

56 名前: Anonymous 04/12/20(Mon)07:36 ID:Heaven [Del]

クソスレ (KUSOSURE) = Shitty thread, stupid thread, a thread that serves no other purpose than being a place for trolling and flaming.

57 名前: Anonymous 04/12/21(Tue)03:46 ID:athvYvGo [Del]

The definetions may be hard to understand, don't they?
So let me give you a quick explanation of where
those meanings come from. I will write in English
if you don't understand what's written below in Japanese.
That's because
it takes me long to write a somehow complicated
thing like this because of my poor English.


58 名前: Anonymous 04/12/21(Tue)04:19 ID:Heaven [Del]

読んでなかった・・・ orz

59 名前: l3reakManX 04/12/25(Sat)16:39 ID:1uQDc9RW [Del]

What is Saitama

60 名前: Anonymous 04/12/25(Sat)17:23 ID:HPPPoFFI [Del]

Saitama is the capital of Japan.
It's the most popular city where sophisticated poeple live.

61 名前: Anonymous 04/12/25(Sat)17:32 ID:Heaven [Del]


Saitama is a prefecture in Japan:


Historically, a lot of funny & weird news come from Saitama.

How this gave birth to this AA meme, I do not know,
I think it has something to do with a logo for the
capital (of the same name) or the prefecture itself
which looks the same:


AA & related info:

62 名前: 61 04/12/25(Sat)17:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

64 名前: Anonymous 04/12/29(Wed)16:59 ID:Heaven [Del]


                \ │ /
                 / ̄\  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
               ─( ゚ ∀ ゚ )< さいたまさいたま!
                 \_/  \_________
                / │ \
                    ∩ ∧ ∧∩ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ ∩∧ ∧∩\( ゚∀゚)< さいたまさいたまさいたま!
さいたま〜〜〜〜! >( ゚∀゚ )/ |    / \__________
________/ |    〈 |   |
              / /\_」 / /\」
               ̄     / /

66 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/01/04(Tue)20:26 ID:Heaven [Del]

What's "Uruse hage" and "manse"?

67 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/01/09(Sun)13:37 ID:Heaven [Del]

I'm worried about how long 4-ch can survive. Why do so few post?

68 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/01/11(Tue)04:31 ID:Heaven [Del]

Using "Uruse hage" is very rude even on the net.
It is like a curse.
"Uruse" means "shut up, don't disturb me, shut your big mouth"
or whatever(anyway very rude).
"hage" means bald as an adjective. As a noun
You can call someone
who's bald "hage" as well(Very offensive indeed).
On the other hand, "manse" is not the Japanese language.
It's Korean, meaning "I'll say, I couldn't agree more" or
something like that, I think.
The reason why some Japanese people use it online is because
they've watched on the tube that North Korean people
obey anything their leader commands, saying "Manse".
It's because of the autocracy of North Korea, I think...

69 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/01/12(Wed)09:19 ID:Heaven [Del]


Thank you for clearing that up for me. That was very educational indeed.

70 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/01/16(Sun)00:13 ID:Heaven [Del]

I see the phrase "うp" very often on Japanese BBS. What does it mean?

71 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/01/16(Sun)02:00 ID:Heaven [Del]

When you type "うp", you push "U" and "P" on your keyboard.
So "うp" is "up".
And when they say "うp", it means they ask someone
to "up"load photos/music/articles or whatever.

In a nutshell, うp means uploading such a thing.

72 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/01/16(Sun)23:59 ID:Heaven [Del]


Thank you very much. You have been of great help to me!

73 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/01/17(Mon)10:05 ID:Heaven [Del]


74 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/02/10(Thu)22:08 ID:Heaven [Del]

I have come across "UMA" some times now. It seems like it is used to characterize something weird or unusual, but I am not sure. Can anyone shed any light on this?

75 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/02/12(Sat)10:34 ID:Heaven [Del]

Is it a kind of Japanese acronym?
Honestly, I've never seen it..
I guess I can be of help, if you let me get the context of
how UMA was used, as long as it's Japanese.

And when I wrote the above, something sprung to mind.
Is it "(゚Д゚)ウマー"? that you meant?
If so, I can tell you what it's like.

So Uma- often means one's feelings(often a very positive ones),
such as when some food hits the spot, tastes delicious,
or has a good flavour to the extent that you want to shout,
"I love it!", "Very delicious!!" or something like that.
And another meaning is that what's happened is very favorable
to you and you love the situation, so you want to shout,
"It's veeery nice!!", "It couldn't be better!" or what not.
Anyway, both of the usages are slangy, though.

Sorry if I took you wrong.

76 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/02/19(Sat)09:12 ID:Heaven [Del]

Think this thread is useful.

77 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/02/19(Sat)13:15 ID:2nZo6VYJ [Del]



78 名前: Sling!XD/uSlingU 05/02/19(Sat)21:48 ID:Heaven [Del]

I have a question too: what means 「萌える」?

For example the phrase:
kono sure mechamecha houeru.
==> "This confused thread buds." ??

79 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/02/19(Sat)23:53 ID:Heaven [Del]

Hmm, that's a tough question to answer,
because 萌える has mistakenly been used online,
especially on 2ch, as a result of which the wrong
usage spread offline in Japan.
So I believe the online usage of 萌える is hard to find
in the Japanese dictionaries, let alone in the ones
for Japanese learners.

Anyway, 萌える originally(rightly) means burgeon.
But as you see, we use that word to express our feelings,
for instance, "I love sth because it's very pretty/cute/
interesting". it's used very humorously.
You don't want to say it when people are serious.
Note: this expression also implies sexuality (also humorous).

Did I make myself clear?

80 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/02/20(Sun)00:27 ID:Heaven [Del]

And let me make a comment on your sample sentence.
First 萌える is pronounced moeru.

The sencence makes me think he/she loved the thread
to the extent they were highly motivated/
horribly haunted to keep posting on it/reading it,
because the thread was extremely to their taste.

And I'm sorry they sound not well-educated to me if
they often use 萌える (of course, I know they may be
just kidding, though).

81 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/02/20(Sun)02:43 ID:Heaven [Del]

Sorry to post three times in a row, but
I think it's better to explain about one more word(めちゃめちゃ)
so that you can understand the sentence more clearly.

So めちゃめちゃ is used mainly in three ways(all of them very slangy).
A) (as an adverb) really, extremely, all too, or something like that
Sample:"めちゃめちゃ良い" means "really good"
B) (as an adjective)(in head)confused, deluded, messed up, etc.
Sample:"頭の中がめちゃめちゃだ" means "I'm confused"
C) (as an adjective)(about things such as a place), littered with sth, in disorder, messed up, etc.
Sample:"部屋がめちゃめちゃだ" means "My room is messed up".

82 名前: Sling!XD/uSlingU 05/02/20(Sun)05:56 ID:Heaven [Del]

Thank you very much.
I'll translate the sentence as "This excellent thread is hot."

83 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/02/21(Mon)00:59 ID:Heaven [Del]


Context: magical.m0ds.jp/futaba/uma/imgboard.htm
(Replace m0ds with mods. Sorry, that one particular link is still in a spam database @ http://wakaba.c3.cx/antispam/ - I took it out, but it still needs to be updated on here)

Your explanation does make sense anyway, thanks for that. I just can't come up with a single English term that would be equivalent to it, though.

84 名前: Sling!XD/uSlingU 05/02/21(Mon)01:19 ID:Heaven [Del]

My next question: what means「ブッチギリ」?
ee . bucchigiri desu !

85 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/02/21(Mon)02:07 ID:Heaven [Del]

Where did you take the sample from, anyway?:)

As an adjective, ブッチギリ sounds to me
very informal and a bit old (sometimes humorous),
meaning "going farther than the point that others expect", "winning sth such as a race completely", "doing something far better than expected", "dominant" or whatever.

The point is, you can use ブッチギリ
when you do something far too enough so
nobody can catch up with you and they are left far behind.
I hear the expression, such as when a marathon runner
wins a race a minute or two before another runner is finished:

86 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/02/21(Mon)02:22 ID:Heaven [Del]

And it's usually used in a affirmative way like
I said above.
If you use ブッチギリ in a negative way, however,
you're very sarcastic.
A sample context: if your friends and
you watch a baseball game together and
your favarite team is beaten by 10-0 and you get very mad
at and derogatory to the team, you can say to your friends(who
may love the opposite team), "今日はブッチギリで負けたよ".

87 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/02/21(Mon)02:45 ID:Heaven [Del]

Sounds great!
You're very concise and to the point!

If I were a good translater, I could think up expressions
that sound natural to English-speaking people.
All I can do is explain wordily.

88 名前: Sling!XD/uSlingU 05/02/21(Mon)14:11 ID:Heaven [Del]


>Where did you take the sample from, anyway?:)
It's from siokara.ath.cx/sio/res/1108881907478g.htm
Post No.289994.

89 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 05/02/26(Sat)15:51 ID:Heaven [Del]


90 名前: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-03-11 01:15 ID:JCwqSqSP

What does レロレロ mean? (rero/relo/lelo/lero?)
Dizzy? Drunk? Head is spinning?

91 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-11 01:29 ID:Heaven

You guessed right.

I guess it comes from this expression ろれつが回らない, meaning
somebody got so drunk that they don't pronunce clearly or
what they say makes no sense.

92 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-11 01:41 ID:Heaven

And レロレロ may sound like "dedo dedo" in English.
I mean the "Flap T sound" like ta in 'wha"t a"re you doing?'.

93 名前: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-03-11 02:41 ID:JCwqSqSP

Thanks. I'll use "inarticulated speech" for my translation. Or maybe "mumble-mumble".

94 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-11 05:07 ID:Heaven

Don't mention it.
I'd say "mumble-mumble" suits the manga, because レロレロ is what's called a imitative word.

95 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-15 05:03 ID:LPWMzKDX

UMA = Unidentified Mysterious Animal

96 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-15 22:57 ID:Heaven

What' 『マジか』?

97 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-15 23:31 ID:LPWMzKDX

are you serious?

98 名前: 96 2005-03-16 00:26 ID:Heaven

Yes, I am.

99 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-16 06:55 ID:ebhsl5Ym

that was an answer, not a question

100 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-16 07:01 ID:Heaven

Are you kidding?

101 名前: 96 2005-03-16 14:29 ID:Heaven


Thanks for clearing that up, I am kinda slow sometimes.

103 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-18 01:36 ID:Heaven

It stands for commercial on TV:"C"o"M"mercial.

104 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-18 18:31 ID:Heaven


Thank you very much, that was also what I thought.

Another question: What does マジ or マジレス mean?


105 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-18 19:51 ID:Heaven

Also I'd like to know what "コラ" means (in combination with other words).

106 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-19 06:02 ID:Heaven


-a serious response
or more practically,
-a naively straightforward reply to a joke post



107 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-19 07:07 ID:Heaven

> -a serious response
> or more practically,
> -a naively straightforward reply to a joke post

That makes sense. How to translate this into a phrase of two or less words, though?

> -"photo-shopped"

I guessed as much.

Thank you once again!

108 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-21 19:35 ID:HN/FK661

BTW, that one thread in /music/ reminds me... What's 電波? I've figured out from the context that it probably means some altered state of mind like being drunk or in trance. Wondering if that's right, though...

109 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-21 20:32 ID:Heaven

I don't know in what context 電波 was used, but if you are referring to the specific online usage, you're almost right. If someone says something silly/ridicurous/over-the-top, sticks to it and never adopts to more acceptable one, then we often refer to them as if harmful radiowave. Note: 電波 means radiowave in Japanese.

110 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-22 15:22 ID:je7q72/C


Here's a word from Korean.

Basically, manse = banzai.

In English, it would be "Hooray!"

111 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-22 18:43 ID:jxzMatGF



112 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-23 16:23 ID:D6+Q9Hnl

It stands for 'Commercial Message'.

113 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-24 01:59 ID:G9HsxrqX

I don't know if these are subsculture-specific terms, but what do うまろ and マターリ (or マタリー) mean? I see them all the time on the 2ch boards I read.

Also, this is a very late response but 萌え also means "to have a crush on" someone.

115 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-03-25 22:21 ID:Heaven

マターリ is very informal, used alomst all the time only online, meaning being laid back. On the other hand, I have no idea what うまろ means, though. I guess it was a typo, or someone just tried to spread it, but it still has not been acceptable to most of us even if you see it often.

116 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-04-06 03:24 ID:QnIipgXM

Can anyone explain some of the icons frequently seen on 2ch?

I've got simple ones like monar, giko, si-, and onigiri, but what about things like >>1san and >>8toushin?

117 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-04-06 04:25 ID:Heaven

118 名前: nanashi 2005-04-20 15:37 ID:Heaven

Good thread. Now can I ask the following:
Why is this on the main site? What is Gangare?

Why is this used instead of neko?

Is this something ilke "thanks"? (osu?)

Desu-tane? Is it something like "overdone/cliche"? I've seen it used a lot in anime circles.

Ripoff? Hackjob?

119 名前: 英語わかない 2005-04-21 11:44 ID:0wklxfs2

gangare = ganbare(no meaning on 2ch local)
nuko = neko(no meaning on 2ch local)
乙 = おつかれさま(2ch local))
パクリ = Violation of writing or Unauthorized copying , etc..(not hack)

120 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-04-21 12:39 ID:Heaven

乙 = zzZZZzz ?

121 名前: 英語わかんない 2005-04-21 12:48 ID:0wklxfs2

乙(おつ) = おつかれさま(not sleep)

122 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-04-21 13:25 ID:Heaven


Oh, okay. Thank your for explaining.

123 名前: nanashi 2005-04-22 12:16 ID:Heaven


おつかれさま doesn't mean not sleep, but it means "Thanks for the hard work" (Otsukare-sama)

I was always wondering about desu-tane. Thank you soooo much 119!

124 あぼーん

125 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-04-27 04:42 ID:D6+Q9Hnl

Does 'tanasinn' mean 'harbl'?

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