Translation request thread (part 2) (639)

369 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2009-01-20 20:58 ID:29juCgNW

What does "重々承知しております" means? From the circumstances, I sum it up as to mean "perfectly aware of" or something along the line..

Also this "ぶち込んで" have been bugging me because I've googled the meaning high and low but my search is in vain. Is it like a gitai-go and I just assume it means like "straight forward/directly"...

I am confused with the structure of the above sentence. Could it possibly means "Wait for Nishimoto-san (to come) with the report"

Does this 熱を持ち出す means "to reduce the fever"?

And "暑っ苦しい" = sweltering hot? painfully hot?


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