Translation request thread (part 2) (639)

57 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-01-14 21:15 ID:olh6CRuE


On a related note (所で), I am an idiot. The original says ごし, not ごじ, so of course it means 越し (across, over, beyond), in this case evidently beyond the cervix of the... subject. Totally my fault on that one, and you caught me. So now I trust you! Here's a nanori problem from the same source:

A woman is named 千石堂美佳. No furigana are ever provided. Is there an obvious way to read that? Another... researcher has gone with せんごくどう・みか, but considering the woman is rather... well-endowed... I'm thinking there might be a pun. 千石 can be read as ちぢわ according to my dictionary, and 乳 (ちち), of course, means breasts. Is ちぢわどう (How-about-my-tits) a plausible interpretation?

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