How to date a Japanese girl? (87)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-27 14:32 ID:+0Z1XWt2 This thread was merged from the former /love/ board. You can view the archive here.

So I live in the countryside of Japan. Not many opportunities to meet pretty girls out here, but I have met one. The problem is, outside of hand holding, she has been very non-commital. But whenever I give up on her, she emails me saying she really wants to do something with me.
I'm not sure about the rules in Japan. Does one just go for the gusto, like in the Japanese movies? Somehow I doubt life is like the fiction. I'm a relatively shy guy that got tired of being burned, so my progress is glacial to say the least.
Does one have to admit one has feelings, ala densha otoko? How do I move to the next stage.

Supplementary: she is six years older than me. Maybe she sees that as a problem.

38 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-18 17:09 ID:xVcvocrF


But it's all good entertainment, right?

39 Name: AmericanGuy : 2008-01-19 02:14 ID:DFN/WGwT

Dont do it kid, you dont know this girl. Shes 16, and in JAPAN 16 year olds are considered ADULTS!

For all you know she might be in some BUKKAKE FILM?

40 Name: AmericanGuy : 2008-01-19 02:14 ID:DFN/WGwT

Dont do it kid, you dont know this girl. Shes 16, and in JAPAN 16 year olds are considered ADULTS!

For all you know she might be in some BUKKAKE FILM?

41 Name: AmericanGuy : 2008-01-19 02:15 ID:DFN/WGwT

Dont do it kid, you dont know this girl. Shes 16, and in JAPAN 16 year olds are considered ADULTS!

For all you know she might be in some BUKKAKE FILM?

42 Name: AmericanGuy : 2008-01-19 02:15 ID:DFN/WGwT

Dont do it kid, you dont know this girl. Shes 16, and in JAPAN 16 year olds are considered ADULTS!

For all you know she might be in some BUKKAKE FILM?

43 Name: AmericanGuy : 2008-01-19 02:16 ID:DFN/WGwT

Dont do it kid, you dont know this girl. Shes 16, and in JAPAN 16 year olds are considered ADULTS!

For all you know she might be in some BUKKAKE FILM?

44 Name: AmericanGuy : 2008-01-19 02:17 ID:DFN/WGwT

Dont do it kid, you dont know this girl. Shes 16, and in JAPAN 16 year olds are considered ADULTS!

For all you know she might be in some BUKKAKE FILM?

45 Name: AmericanGuy : 2008-01-19 02:18 ID:DFN/WGwT

Dont do it kid, you dont know this girl. Shes 16, and in JAPAN 16 year olds are considered ADULTS!
For all you know she might be in some BUKKAKE FILM?

46 Name: AmericanGuy : 2008-01-19 02:19 ID:DFN/WGwT

Dont do it kid, you dont know this girl. Shes 16, and in JAPAN 16 year olds are considered ADULTS!
For all you know she might be in some BUKKAKE FILM?

47 Name: AmericanGuy : 2008-01-19 02:20 ID:DFN/WGwT

Dont do it kid, you dont know this girl. Shes 16, and in JAPAN 16 year olds are considered ADULTS!
For all you know she might be in some BUKKAKE FILM?

48 Name: AmericanGuy : 2008-01-19 02:21 ID:DFN/WGwT

Dont do it kid, you dont know this girl. Shes 16, and in JAPAN 16 year olds are considered ADULTS!
For all you know she might be in some BUKKAKE FILM

49 Name: AmericanGuy : 2008-01-19 02:24 ID:DFN/WGwT


In japan 16 is an ADULT, and she could be in BUKKAKE MOVIES for all you know!

50 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-26 22:42 ID:Heaven

16? Adult? No, not really.

51 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-02 10:57 ID:Heaven

20 is the usual age at which someone becomes an adult in Japan. I think it differs in some areas, but yeah.

52 Name: Japan Educated : 2008-06-12 02:11 ID:ct3NaIbT

first about Japanese NOT watching anime...I think that you are forgetting who created anime to begin with THE JAPANESE. Anime and Manga are sold everywhere to the Japanese, they read Anime and Manga more than most American or Brits read Tabloids.

AmericanGuy...sorry dude but do you really think that your post is more noticed because of how many times you type it? Benson did not say she was 16 years old. Yes, Japan 16 is an adult AS SO LONG as she is also graduated H.S. (typically around 16 or 17), has no religion saying otherwise (Thai Buddism in Japan says 20 not 16 or 18), and also parents who claim them as adult (meaning they have understanding as such).

Bukkake Films are not typical in Japan though. They are typical in Thailand. Look it up by the CIA and FBI reports of the US government.

I do see a huge amount of generalism in this thread and also in the article. There are a total number of 4 religions and 24 Japanese cultures...combining these can be more obvious of the countless variations of the lifes in Japan (ALL THREE ISLANDS). So first thing is first, how am I Japan Educated...I spent 3 years of my life in Japan. My first girlfriend was from Hong Kong and her dad was with a firm dealing with Japan businesses. He mentored me a great deal about the different lives. Most Japanese are making fun of us western people...we really are gaijins (don't go by what westerners are taught what it the language itself. Calling a westener a gaijin is like calling a black person the N**** means naive, stupid, hypocritical it's an insult).

Benson, I have ONLY dated Asian women all my teen and adult life. I have been married to a Japanese woman now for the last 10 years. I do believe that you should confess, just word it correctly. Japanese women like honesty because that shows your honor (YES ALL JAPANESE WOMEN DO WANT A MAN OF HONOR). But do becareful in a true marriage relationship...Japanese women are slightly submissive on the outside, but in the marriage..they are very demanding. Not saying it is a bad thing, just different for most who are not expecting it. Many of the Japanese women do like men who go after what they want (not in a controlling way..they also usually know what they are looking for). Many Japanese men are also very, very jealous and possisive..which is many reasons why they look for non Japanese husband (that's also in accordance with Asia Connect dating service).

53 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-12 03:47 ID:Heaven

>There are a total number of 4 religions and 24 Japanese cultures
>Anime and Manga are sold everywhere to the Japanese, they read Anime and Manga

thanks for that informative necro

54 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-15 14:06 ID:NLbcTOIE



55 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-01-31 23:39 ID:gcqyPtNS

I like chocolate!

56 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-02-01 00:21 ID:GlOQx4WT

I can't offer you advice that comes from personal experience on dating japanese women however i had the same problem as I was working a co-op term in seoul, Korea. Having studied in japan for about 8 months i found that they are very similar in that they are very shy and will almost never make a first move so it is up to you to make a first move and let her know you are interested.
If youre wondering ididnt have time for dating while in japan due to my heavy heavy course load -_- but i did in seoul because i was working. I found it more difficult to approach korean women as there are way less foreigners in korean than there are in japan so they were easily intimidated. Make sure you dont move to quickly. Be gentle and once you earn their trust you can start to make your move. i did this and have been with this same korean girl for 3 years.

57 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-02-03 02:55 ID:z9z53qnY

Nice 2 year necro, guys. Just let this thread die in peace.

58 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-03-25 16:46 ID:o3zMQVjX

2 years old? Try 4! HOLY MOLEY!

59 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-03-25 23:48 ID:z9z53qnY

Use sage next time, lol. This thread refuses to die, it seems.

60 Name: No LYFE : 2010-03-29 03:29 ID:W53Fgla1


61 Name: No LYFE : 2010-03-29 03:32 ID:W53Fgla1


62 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-05-18 03:13 ID:4z7TnArs


63 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-05-23 17:23 ID:7XL9U/YK


64 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-05-26 01:04 ID:z9z53qnY


65 Name: unDead : 2010-06-11 13:59 ID:HvVvoWWM

Love is Love. If you choose to give up on her, then DO so. ~ If you choose to have a relationship, then go find one ...with someone who is worthy of YOU. (NOT the other way around!)

Even in the remote country-side, a person will find choices. And Love, ...TRUE Love... is never hidden. TRUE Love is not found by playing (her)Game-of-Confusion or Condescention.

You are not a glacier. You are Human. Sit, Stand, Walk, Laugh, ...and Love like one. If you so choose.

66 Name: Your Mum : 2010-06-24 03:18 ID:aNKzpqE3

Hey jap addicts, stop being a noob and go back to your own fucking country =)

67 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-09-21 14:57 ID:ah+GjhhD

68 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-09-23 05:34 ID:Heaven

No. I love hearing a jap girl squeal when I have my way with her while her husband is working. Feels good, man. =)

69 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-08-25 06:32 ID:m/zqiKoc

Response to >>1 "I'm a relatively shy guy that got tired of being burned, so my progress is glacial to say the least."
Be shy, you have your reasons; and in your own time-ing you will grow less shy. Until then seek slutter women, play in the sac (to some degree) and build your Confidence.

Regarding that one women in your paragraph ..let her go. If she wants a sexual encounter she'll find it. If she wanted you for a sexual encouner, then she would have used her mind & voice and told you already. Move on. She doesn't appreciate your goodness. (date some sluts, and then..)..find a woman who appreciates your goodness.

70 Name: sweet mullet : 2012-05-01 19:12 ID:cWeLLa/n

oh my jizz! it got necro-ed 5 yrs... let this thread die guyz

71 Name: Secret Admirer : 2012-05-02 04:42 ID:Heaven

your words are at odds with your actions

72 Name: Secret Admirer : 2012-05-10 11:10 ID:Dghv3CGi

OK Japanese women are just like any other women, they all want the same thing, kindness, protection and providence from their man. A girl may already like you and is hoping that you do to, so they wait for you to do want thing, and that's to confess to them, because they're afraid that you might not like them back, so if you really love this girl confess to her and she'll tell you what she wants, unlike the US, Japanese woman are very considerate and will accept your feelings, but they'll tell you that they're not interested if they don't like you. My apologies for this being late, I just found this site.

73 Name: ham : 2012-06-06 18:30 ID:cWeLLa/n

hm... really? i thought jap babes usually are the more forward types who will confess their feelings for you like those cliched jap high school movies? and give handmade goodies on valentines too?
i also here they are a bit more materialistic? is that true?

74 Name: Secret Admirer : 2012-06-11 04:20 ID:RllnNF0k

【Japan is being in a critical situation】
In spite of this is an important time for Japan to revive, Japanese Government keeps trying to profit China and Korea.
So China has been invading Japan, and Korea has been eating at Japan.
On politically, socially, mentally and many sides or insides of things.

Many Chinese and Korean are living in Japan now.
Why do they only see this situation without a single word for the interests
of Japan?
If this situation is going on, Japan as what Japan is would not last much
Do they really want like that?

If Chinese people who live in Japan don't face the fact of their mother
country, they would lost nowaday's their freedom and wealth.
If Korean people who live in Japan don't change their attitude, they would
lost caretaker which they were depending on.

In ancient times many people or tribes came from over seas to these
May be from the Continent or the Peninsula, but it's not just because.
Here is not China, nor is Korea.
People who came from all over the world and the native people of these
islands were mixed, were grown up by the nature here.
They made up their mentality and nationality together, and then they made
this country Japan.
This is just Japan.

If Chinese and Korean who live in Japan have real intentions of loving
Japan personally, if they really want to keep living in Japan, they have to concider the problems which themselves include in.
If they are going to solve the problems, and they want to live here with Japanese people, we can raise Japan again together.
Is it impossible?
To make it possible is our mission.
This is what we are --- the people who live in Japan.

75 Name: Wolf : 2013-08-14 14:52 ID:I51loVbF

The Japanese are very reserved with their romance. They tend towards subtle flirting with gestures, body language, and indirect statements much more than western cultures which emphasis bravely pursuing a kiss or embrace. While they MAY find western bluntness some what endearing they will also shy away from it if they feel it is too much too soon or too fast. The Japanese do tend to put a lot of importance on the social bonds they form with others and as such take longer to reach a level of even friendship with others. The most you can do is be yourself but moderate some of your affectionate behavior so you're not "coming on too strong" and just take your time. Eventually when you've known each other for a good amount of time I think a minimum of a 1/2 a year would be ok you should admit how you feel and ask her on a date. There are some culture differences but women like feeling special and that's universal.

76 Name: Secret Admirer : 2014-03-27 16:06 ID:I60K8yIh

Japanese Cute Girls Photo

77 Name: Secret Admirer : 2014-03-27 17:51 ID:4SPAXk6j

They DO NOT date otakus and freaks.

78 Name: Anonymous : 2014-06-09 07:27 ID:8s/YwKFq

you need to do her in the butt

79 Name: gorrillaconvention : 2014-08-03 20:58 ID:Heaven

i dont care who says theyre hot or they arent id still put it in all their holes

80 Name: Ernesto : 2014-08-05 06:25 ID:xzrR3YTL

Try online dating like POF eg. The simplest way facebook or video-chats like dating-chat and so on. There is nothing difficult man. A friend of mine met girl from RUSSIA on such a site. He even moved to Russia to met her IRL. I think it's easier to meet girl from Japan.

81 Name: Secret Admirer : 2016-10-24 03:37 ID:OnsW5Gk8


82 Name: Secret Admirer : 2016-10-24 03:38 ID:OnsW5Gk8

i'm japanese high school girl.

83 Name: Secret Admirer : 2016-10-24 03:45 ID:OnsW5Gk8

I may be able to answer this qestion.

84 Name: Secret Admirer : 2016-10-25 10:03 ID:sU/tsnT6

Please do.(〃・ω・〃)

85 Name: Secret Admirer : 2016-10-28 01:41 ID:u4h0B6Jz

(ノシ´・□・`)ノシ What about Japanese boys!?

86 Post deleted.

87 Name: Secret Admirer : 2016-11-02 04:26 ID:aEUYGwtI

I want to hold hands with someone cute in the Japanese countryside (´・ω・`)

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