If you spot something that needs moderator attention, post about it here.
Specify the exact thread and post number(s) if possible.
spam links, likely illegal or virus.
Getting a lot of persistent trolling on this thread suddenly. Accusations that posters want the subject to commit suicide, admissions of trolling and now porn. All done under a variety of names (including pretending to be regular posters) though some may be the same person. Could you clean up please?
Posts 564, 582, 583, 588, 596, 602.
Repeat post >>600. Please do something about this or there is little point having a moderator.
Another abusive post at 621 of this board.
Spam threads in http://4-ch.net/tv/index
Thread 1, 3-14
just did a round, deleted a bunch of spam
Please delete this (legit) pedo shit it's making me scared to use this website:
Some babyfucker's posting a lot in the images board.
dqn is currently being shitposted to death by a handful of extremely dedicated political trolls from both the right and the left and unfortunately on such a small site all it takes is 2 or 3 dedicated retards to completely change the tone and the atmosphere
this is just from the first couple hundred posts of the current current thoughts thread, the entire board is getting inundated in this kind of shit
It clearly isn’t fixed, have you considered implementing some better way of reporting the ban evading retard?
The imageboard experiment has failed. The only people that regularly post there are abusers and spammers. The one mentioned included.
I can't see a reason to keep it, considering. We had slightly interesting posts the first week of it's existence and that's about it.
The Games board is being raided currently.
spam, seems to be contained to the one thread currently
Images got spammed pretty hard.
There’s a bunch of child porn on /img/, and most of the board is spam now.
I didn't click on these links but I very much doubt they're related to anime.
I didn't click on this link but I very much doubt it's related to anime.
Please move the "7 words at a time" thread from General to DQN where it belongs
ADULT-XXX-CHAT-03-06 is my favorite anime
Spam link from a while back.
These guys sure like hitting the anime board and nowhere else. Is it the first board listed somewhere? I remember it was on iichan/wakachan but I thought they died a while ago.
That post/link is in like 100+ threads across all the boards. Probably not worth cleaning up at this point unless there's some way to do it with a script.
Some old spam
If /img/ isn't coming back, please delete the link in the sidebar.
the only ejuice allowed on this website is apolojuice
the only nike allowed on this website is noko
>>629-632,636,637-639 Deleted.
>>634,635 Banned + spamlisted. I'd rather leave DQN alone, plus both posts have already gotten replies.
I'll ask bps about /img/. Also bit.ly is now on the spam list, and twitter is off. Not sure why it was there in the first place.
Should be in /tech/, not /general/.
This is old, but shouldn't be on the sports board:
The "8ch died" thread in General should be moved to either Net Culture or IAA.
Or just deleted because it's on track to fill up with more neonazi bullshit.
Even if that does happen, 8ch dying is an important enough topic that it deserves a thread dedicated to its death. Moderators can just delete any especially shitty posts or permasage it if it devolves into political shitflinging.
This new spammer is pretty weird.
vc: chise
>>641-643,645-652,654-655 Done, and thanks for your reports.
>>660,663-665 Those are all from the same range (as well as some of the posts above) and probably just one person/bot, considering the fairly consistent posting style. Requesting a rangeban on it, which I suppose I should have done a while ago.
Thank you for your good work!
this is probably spam? idk, it's kind of on topic for the thread
how convenient
>>672,676 Deleted.
>>668,673,675 Permasaged, don't seem worth deleting; same for >>674
>>669 Seems to be the case; didn't delete it in time and now it has some replies. If I can find a way, I'll remove only the link.
Happy new year.
Also >>678 (´・ω・`)
I don't know if this is subject to deletion, but I'm not a fan of new, prone-to-die imageboards being spammed on other websites.
this could, theoretically, be output from talktotransformer but I'm pretty sure it's spam
coomers as far as the eyes can see
The 4chan virus seems to be spreading and bringing its lingo together with it.