Board archival and merge thread (72)

1 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2021-02-11 20:26 ID:uixywlqQ This thread was NOT merged from the former Requests (/req/) board; this is just a dummy message. You can view the board archive here, however.

In its own separate thread for convenience!
There are two main elements to this:

1: Archiving old threads
To clean the boards up a little bit, and to marginally lighten the load on Kareha, the plan is to move all threads that have not seen any activity for the past ~8 years (half the age of this site) to the archive. Maybe with the exception of DQN which can get an earlier cutoff date (or none at all), and I'm definitely doing this for Romance which has over two thousand (!) unarchived threads.

2: Merging boards
This has been a recurring topic for some time, and I think it's about time something be done about it. So as not to have a bunch of barely active boards on the boardlist, and to make the site slightly tidier (and more convenient to moderate), it seems prudent to merge some of the less active boards and the ones that have overlapping themes. My proposal is as follows:

  • General

    • General
    • Fashion + Food + Sports + Hobbies ⇒ Hobbies
    • Romance + Personal Issues ⇒ Personal
    • Images
    • Requests
  • Internet

    • Programming + Tech Support ⇒ Technology (/tech/)
    • Internet Addicts + Net Culture ⇒ Internet (/net/)
    • DQN
    • AA Bar
  • Culture → Media

    • Film & TV
    • Anime + Manga ⇒ Otaku culture (/otaku/, tentative)
    • Games
    • Music
    • Literature
  • World

    • Language + Nordic ⇒ Language
    • 日本語
    • News + Politics + Debate ⇒ Discussion
    • Science

Please use this thread to voice your opinions and ideas. This is also probably a better place to discuss necrobumping, rather than the mod requests thread.
I would like to get the archiving done pretty soon (and it would also be easy to undo at some later point in time), but the board merge isn't all that urgent and the final decision on it can take its time.

2 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2021-02-11 21:07 ID:uixywlqQ

3 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-11 21:56 ID:bNEyakWD

I think a cut off date of 8 years is reasonable.

I agree with all of the mergers but I don't really know where to put the food board. It's such an odd one out. I think it makes sense to merge it with the lifestyle boards, but in practice, all of the threads dedicated to recipes will really stand out like a sore thumb. And I'm not sure how many people would want to continue posting recipes on a hobby board (not that it's an active board anyway). Maybe food could be moved to the world section? The recipes to me look international enough that it would fit.

4 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-11 22:29 ID:MGuuGNQS

Politics + Debate ⇒ Politics & Debate
"Discussion" doesn't really convey that it's a board for contentious topics or how it's separate from General. I'd rather keep News separate but I guess I can see how it could bleed over into politics depending on what's posted (though lately I & some other(s) seem to be using it mainly as a weird & zany news board.)

Otherwise I don't see much to object to.

5 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-11 23:14 ID:ulOtkfkG

If food gets merged into a general hobbies board, I don't think I'll be using that board. It's already pretty dead, so I'm not expecting you to keep it anyway.

6 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-11 23:18 ID:zPomMUhW

All looks good to me. Go for it!

7 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-11 23:44 ID:bNEyakWD

Maybe "current events"? It could contain both news, as well as discussions of hot topics of the day.

8 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-12 00:04 ID:BJnzq0n1

I agree with >>4 and >>7. I think >>7's name is probably better, it allows for nazi & pedo discussion threads to be removed as off topid if you are so inclined (except when nazis & pedos are in the news)

I also agree food is an odd fit for a hobbies board but it was fucking dead except for joke/troll threads anyway, even more so than the rest of the boards. Looks like the last time actual recipes were posted there was today (probably as a direct result of this thread,) on 2021-01-06, and then on 2019-07-11 in the "Chicken Tendies" thread (sort of, it was a link.) I'm in favor of merging and starting a single recipes thread on the new board.

9 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-12 00:44 ID:Heaven

But /food/ has a cool header image.

10 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-12 00:55 ID:Heaven

Yeah, today was actually the first time I looked at it and was surprised. Most of the hobby boards don't have one.

11 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-12 01:22 ID:MGuuGNQS

"Current Events" sounds reasonable.

12 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-12 02:37 ID:Heaven

( ゚ -゚) I don't think merging News and Politics is a good idea.
If the News board ends up getting political that's another story, but for now I think they should stay separated.

13 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-12 03:12 ID:bNEyakWD

It's more that the politics and debate board (when the posts aren't shitposts) overlaps with news than the other way around.

14 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-12 06:57 ID:BJnzq0n1

Suggestion: Create a few header images for each board (or invite other people to create them, I think this is what Squeeks did aeons ago) and make them randomly rotate with each visit to the webpage. Include the current header images in the rotation if you don't think them being labeled with the names of different, nonexistent boards would be confusing.

That way Hobbies can still have food header images. The current Film & TV one is pretty cool too.

15 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-12 12:12 ID:/QqTx3g1

This definitely seems like a good idea overall but the elitist in me will miss the old esoteric list of topics... this is just nostalgia speaking though, so axe away. Thanks for the hard work, ssz

I've actually (I think?) never posted on /food/ but now have kind of vowed to be active there after reading it for a bit thanks to this thread.

Will existing links still magically work in the future? I know that now-archived threads seem to parse.

16 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-12 17:54 ID:UmOULRRH

The problem is that it's a thread about simple recipes. I often don't make anything simple when I have the time, so I never bother posting in there. Making a thread for more complicated recipes would be pointless since it would be even less likely to have a dedicated posterbase than the simple one. Having a unified recipes thread would be best, but that's not really feasible unless the simple recipe thread reached bump limit.

17 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-12 21:54 ID:Heaven

Having thought about it, I don't mind if food gets merged, it's not as out of place as I had previously thought.

18 Name: vc: cull : 2021-02-12 22:37 ID:BJnzq0n1

tbqh I didn't consider the ramifications of the word "merged." I think, ideally, all the current threads on Food should be archived for being 98% kusosure and a new recipe thread started on the new board.

19 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-13 10:19 ID:iriV+K/V

>Anime + Manga ⇒ Otaku culture (/otaku/, tentative)

Please go with something else e.g. Animanga, Anime&Manga

20 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-14 02:26 ID:sRwfs9aY

anime + manga + DQN => 2d/random


21 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-14 10:18 ID:Heaven

In other words: garbage.

22 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2021-02-14 18:20 ID:uixywlqQ

>>4 et al
I would like to have the politics board be a sort of quasi-containment board to redirect bad posters to (instead of pointing them off the site or straight up banning them)... But then again, there hasn't been any actual need for that in the past 2.5 years or so.
"Current Events" sounds nice.

"Merges" could also involve moving a few select threads, or none at all (retiring the board completely and only having its front page redirect to the replacement board). Very partial towards the latter with Fashion and Nordic.

I would rather just put out tender for entirely new headers, and relegate the old ones to the archives. Some of the remaining boards don't have any, and it might be nice to create some for those at the same time.

23 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2021-02-14 18:24 ID:uixywlqQ

Also: Would it be possible to combine the "western media" boards somehow? On the other hand, they're just about active enough that it's probably fine to just leave them.

24 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-14 18:31 ID:DNokPquT

Oh yes they are fine as is.

25 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-15 04:15 ID:Heaven

>Internet Addicts + Net Culture ⇒ Internet (/net/)

I'd prefer to see this new board still named Internet Addicts. Net Culture always seemed the less "iconic" one to me, so it would make more sense for it to be absorbed into /iaa/.

26 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-15 04:27 ID:V39PyYIv

Should mergers occur, would it be possible to add little tags to thread titles to indicate which board they originally came from? Maybe it's a bit of a strange idea, but something about not knowing which of the retired boards a thread originally came from stresses me out.

27 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-15 07:24 ID:BJnzq0n1

I think an addendum added to post 1 of the thread might look better, like the fake one I've added to this post.

This thread was merged from the previous iteration of the Requests (/req/) board. You can view the archived board here.

28 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-15 07:31 ID:BJnzq0n1

...though in the case the board no longer exists, it should probably say "former Requests (/req/) board" or something.

29 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2021-02-16 00:16 ID:uixywlqQ

Good idea. I've added one to this thread, please tell me what you think.

Yes! (only as an example; this link is probably going to break in the future!)

30 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2021-02-16 14:11 ID:uixywlqQ

Well, it's not like there isn't enough overlap already. Besides, there's not much happening in there aside from the funny headlines threads — which would work very well as a single thread in a /current/ board, IMO.

Revised proposal:

General /general/
Hobbies¹ /hobbies/
Personal /personal/
Requests /req/
Images /img/
Anime & Manga (/animanga/)²
Games /games/
Film & TV /tv/
Music /music/
Literature /book/
AA Bar /ascii/
DQN /dqn/
Technology /tech/
Internet Addicts /iaa/
Language /language/
日本語 /nihongo/
Current Events /current/
Science /science/
  1. Nothing from /fashion/, and only the recipe thread from /food/ moved over — the board could still be brought back if there ends up being enough demand.
  2. I would still like /otaku/, or some comparable term ACG or 二次元. /nijigen/?

31 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-16 19:46 ID:sRwfs9aY

we could always just steal "society for the study of modern visual culture" for /animanga/

maybe /gen/ for short

32 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-16 19:57 ID:Heaven

But without /fashion/, where will I mass reply to every thread about my fabulous codpiece?

On a more serious note, the proposed board groupings could probably be improved. DQN fits the Internet category well enough (though it's such a unique board in content that labeling it an "internet culture" board seems a little disrespectful); it's weird seeing DQN so low on the list but I'll get used to it. The inclusion of Hobbies and Personal under General also feels rather off, but I can't think of any better place to put them. Seeing as I can't think of any better groupings, these are probably good enough after some getting used to. We'll see what others say.
/nijigen/ sounds okay, better than /animanga/ at least.

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