Densha Otoko ( 2channel real story ) (627)

1 Name: 返信 2005-05-28 01:27 ID:HoZnHXLW

The movie "Densha Otoko" (Train Man) is to be shown in several countries in East Asia, including Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, following sales efforts at the recent Cannes Film Festival. The movie is based on a supposedly true story that played out on the Channel 2 web site, Japan's most popular BBS. It tells of an "otaku" (nerd), played by Yamada Takayuki (21), who comes to the rescue of a woman (Nakatani Miki, 29) being groped on a train. Not knowing how to pursue his newly found love, he turns to the Web for help and advice. The love story was turned into a best-selling book and has the subject of a lot of publicity over the last year, and has publishers scouring the Web looking for the next big hit. The biggest question that remains is whether it's really a true story of innocent love triumphing or just a clever marketing ploy. The movie opens on June 4.

149 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-24 00:05 ID:Heaven

Yeah, it's kinda weird what males will do for females.
On the other hand, men probably wouldn't do jack shit if it wasn't for women.


150 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-24 00:22 ID:57DFjk1r

The ending was so perfect ;_____________;

152 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-24 05:43 ID:ZBgd6IMx

Funny stuff... especially with all the forum members going insane, convulsing, etc...haha. Overall it's been a great series, despite the fact that I find densha himself rather annoying, and hermes extremely uninteresting. Something has kept me watching though, probably the side characters (densha's friends, the forum members) and such, and just the whole concept is definately something unique. Sad to see it end (;´д⊂)...

153 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-24 07:43 ID:AKLlzTkG

Kyaaaaaaaaaa.. i like the kissing scene.. it's ssssssssoooooooooo romanticcc

154 Name: from Hong Kong 2005-09-24 13:23 ID:0Bd+5iuJ

I have still not yet seen the final episode >.<
But really don't know why, i don't want to see it. I am desperate because it really come to the end.

155 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-24 19:20 ID:cNvN96cv

Watching episode 9 of Densha now...does anybody esle feel the need to loudly emote while watching?

156 Name: peppermint 2005-09-24 21:35 ID:iyTXKVB7

My english it's very bad, but i try to explain to everybody how i feel when i watch Densha Otoko TV Drama... I cry, every moment, every minute, and fell so happy and so sad for Densha and Hermes, for me, this history was the Best jdrama in my life and enjoy with them.

157 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-24 21:36 ID:Heaven

Episode 10 was so ero ero YO at times! I lolled at the pixelated censoring of "adult kiss".

Also, WTF was up with them showing Densha's mysterious mom and the completely weird "Matilda announcement"? Seemed completely gimmick.

Still, a good episode. Wanted to punch Densha in the face a couple of times, though.

And what was that about "extended material" being aired on October 6th? Is that something new or the outtakes/NG special from

158 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-24 21:52 ID:OC7g1+T5

Densha's mom is played by Matilda's seiyuu from the Gundam anime a long time ago

Not really a gimmick, but I think it fits in nicely since this show is about an otaku, after all

159 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-24 21:54 ID:OC7g1+T5

The Operation Odessa scene was probably a little weird to people not familiar with Gundam, too

160 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-24 22:12 ID:Heaven

Which one would that have been? REQUESTING DETAILS!

161 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-24 22:26 ID:OC7g1+T5


They said it in the scene where Densha was getting rid of all his toys

I can't remember which episode that was, sorry T_T

162 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-24 22:44 ID:Heaven

Oh, I remember.
And that scene was modeled after some famous anime episode?

I'm not otaku enough for some of this!

163 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-24 22:49 ID:OC7g1+T5

I'm not sure ._.

I just know that's from Gundam~

164 Name: KJI!XDpPLAUYlQ 2005-09-25 09:03 ID:Heaven


I'm pretty sure it was modeled after the epsiode where Matilda dies.

I can't really recall much of Gundam.

165 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-25 12:43 ID:57DFjk1r

>Matilda dies.


166 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-25 22:46 ID:suB5SQlS

167 Name: kendrew 2005-09-26 00:38 ID:Fj0sivvg

love how they introduced densha's mom with the gundam figure soo cool

168 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-26 01:32 ID:OC7g1+T5


OMG! I can't wait for it to be finished

Please be soon OTL

169 Name: 0164 2005-09-26 04:54 ID:bZLyYrNJ


170 Name: elmo 2005-09-26 05:03 ID:0PcSF9kB


171 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-26 05:18 ID:bRdaRbA3


172 Name: elmo 2005-09-26 05:19 ID:0PcSF9kB


173 Name: キタ〜〜〜〜〜〜 2005-09-26 05:21 ID:bZLyYrNJ

Can't wait to read the original Desha thread :o

174 Name: キタ〜〜〜〜〜〜 2005-09-26 05:22 ID:bZLyYrNJ


175 Name: elmo 2005-09-26 05:22 ID:0PcSF9kB

Oct. 6th, be there or be square!

176 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-26 08:12 ID:Heaven

lol...  ❤ Moomin ❤

177 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-26 08:25 ID:bwaKKSBb

Sigh... I don't know what to watch next week, since it is alredy finished.... i kinda feel the same with the otakus in the film.

178 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-26 10:12 ID:ylqZ1xlO

try GTO drama

179 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-26 13:01 ID:LrQsClKp

Does anyone have any clue about imgboards or uploaders dedicated to Densha Otoko screencaps and photoshops? I am pretty sure people on 2channel have created such things but I wouldn't know where to start looking for them...

180 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-27 01:37 ID:OC7g1+T5

Just finished reading the first 2 missions at

Can't wait for the rest ( ・ω・)

181 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-27 05:57 ID:NociNxbN

Which episode 11 subs are the best? I went with Densha Lovers for 8-10 and then I tried aviness for 11 but it just doesn't seem right. . .

this has become my favorite series.

I love you so much, Densha Otoko.

182 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-27 06:00 ID:tqqQghfm

I had something to nitpick about all three subbers when I tried them out for episode 9. So I couldn't really say, but at the end I just went with aviness.

183 Name: kinki 2005-09-27 11:14 ID:vvC8+mH9

i really loved this story. and the fact that its based on a true story what made me love it even more. Densha Otoko will remain in my heart for long.

184 Name: 0164 2005-09-27 16:47 ID:UKjpmeXv

Is the site down? It keeps timing out, giving me "cannot be found" errors :(

185 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-27 16:56 ID:PjRtkMaI

working for me

186 Name: Miki 2005-09-28 06:06 ID:ZSy4dBWC

finished watching the show! densha otoko saikou!!

187 Name: 177 2005-09-28 06:10 ID:q6Rqw7PC


I already watch the GTO drama. have other option? And i don`t think GTO is still playing in Japanese Tv.

Can`t wait until 6 october, the Densha Otoko:Encore

188 Name: Miki 2005-09-28 06:16 ID:cs7rEDwM

if u enjoy GTO...u'll probably like "Gokusen" (& its sequel)

189 Name: Couch Potato 2005-09-28 06:17 ID:PjRtkMaI

I've been meaning to check out Gokusen ever since I saw that one AV parody of it and then noticed the lead chick from the actual series looked just as cute if not cuter!

190 Name: Miki 2005-09-28 06:20 ID:oo7ZSY8V

191 Name: 177 2005-09-28 07:14 ID:WiKIkHho

Thanks Miki, i'll try that one ^^

192 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-02 12:20 ID:QZiUaB9B

TV-Nihon have great subs, but they're only on episode 3. They want to complete the series within a fortnight, though - wait for it.

193 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-03 01:30 ID:xbddACKy

What's the movie like compared to the TV series (which I think is awesome)?

194 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-03 10:26 ID:skyQQeOM

Densha Otoko Movie avi:

Encode info:
Length: 1 hr 36 min
resoultion:320 x 168
DivX6.0 + MP3


195 Name: Acrix 2005-10-03 11:53 ID:6/lmNO9u

So far i have come by those drama and movie with chinese subtitle :) ANyone interested plz go to

The drama rocks compared to the movie :) Minna just wait for the special edition on 6th of october at 10pm!!!

196 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-03 17:06 ID:PN82Pa9F

so... whats the difference between the Drama and the movie.
wich is better? which is more "real".

197 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-03 18:48 ID:Heaven

Neither is "better". They work well within their respective media. Densha Otoko TV works REALLY well as a TV show. Densha Otoko the Movie works REALLY well as a movie.

Watch them both.

198 Name: yuwing 2005-10-04 05:24 ID:/mlT4wgQ

i found the original posts but i can't read japanese... can someone translate it? (a little at a time :)) thanks!

199 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-04 07:35 ID:Heaven

It's already a translation work in progress.
The first two chapters are already translated.

200 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-04 21:30 ID:7tkRiPoW


201 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-07 19:58 ID:4uZulJ5l

202 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-07 20:12 ID:Heaven

Subtitles for the NG special (with the outtakes & interviews) are available @ the same old place:

203 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-08 13:54 ID:Heaven


204 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-09 09:58 ID:GD8O3F4x

205 Name: 204 2005-10-09 10:01 ID:GD8O3F4x

206 Name: 204 2005-10-09 10:02 ID:GD8O3F4x

Hm, something seems to be broken with that gigantic thread...

Anyway, the direct link works, so huzzah!

207 Name: tensai baka 2005-10-09 17:35 ID:KRjsyDla

is there a 1st finale special besides that ng thing

208 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-09 18:46 ID:OC7g1+T5

Please don't call me impatient or greedy for subs, but I am just confused

There is the NG Special which is very short (about 8 minutes)

and then there is an F2 Special, which is quite abit longer

I know the short NG Special has subs already, but what about the F2 one?

209 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-09 20:21 ID:FjSmVfye

The subs for the F2 special are here:

I liked that special episode very much.
Mostly for giving more clues about that dreaded coupled dating with Densha's otaku friends and how things played out from there.

210 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-09 21:07 ID:OC7g1+T5

Those aren't subs for the F2 special, that's for that episode about Yamada's friend that aired on Oct 6

I tried searching around D-addicts and I don't think the F2 one has any subs?

211 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-09 23:39 ID:FjSmVfye

Eh? Isn't F2 Special the episode about Yamada's friend that aired on Oct 6? What else are you talking about?

212 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-10 00:08 ID:OC7g1+T5

I don't know what it is because I haven't watched it yet, but it aired right before the 11th episode

search Densha Otoko F2 on, there should be a thread about it

213 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-10 06:30 ID:dgb9lpW/

Oh okay

You mean this:

Haven't downloaded that yet, will do later & report back.

214 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-10 14:02 ID:Heaven

215 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-10 19:01 ID:Heaven

Densha certainly looks.....less Densha

216 Name: TV 2005-10-11 05:36 ID:UPe55mMV

Hey, I'm not sure if I got the right site, but it seemed like everyone is talking about Densha,,,,,so, I guess I'm at the right place?

217 Name: TV 2005-10-11 05:39 ID:UPe55mMV

don't know if anyone is here or gone to bed or just being quiet...well, I think Densha is cool tv soap.........although most likely of it happen to people I know are little

218 Name: TV 2005-10-11 05:43 ID:UPe55mMV

People are awfully missing right back!

219 Name: TV 2005-10-11 05:50 ID:UPe55mMV

well people,,,,chat you all later..... by the way, please do introduce new jap saop (thats decent) I don't want some crying or too much romance involve ^-^

220 Name: TV 2005-10-11 06:08 ID:UPe55mMV

AHAHAHA, when I'm online no one is in this room! oh well, I will check before I got to bed.^-^!

221 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-11 07:24 ID:Heaven

222 Name: TV 2005-10-11 08:21 ID:UPe55mMV

Hello Couch Potato---- ^-^..... I will chat with you all sleepy ZZZZzzzzZZZ

223 Name: TV 2005-10-11 08:23 ID:UPe55mMV

bye the way.... what is it that you are trying to say? 221

224 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-11 09:33 ID:PN82Pa9F


225 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-11 09:37 ID:PN82Pa9F

a note to TV..

Couch Potato is not one person.. it is anonymous.
When you leave your name field blank.. you become Couch Potato.

226 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-11 20:18 ID:rNY2LTzc


227 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-12 03:27 ID:KfQY1U/C

I'm in the middle of downloading episode 8. I've been on pins and needles since I finished 7.

228 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-12 03:57 ID:Heaven

Stop reading this thread! Too many spoilers!

> I just noticed something. In the final scene at the bathhouse/resort thingy, the woman fixing Densha and Hermes' beds, isn't that Sachie Hara, Misaki Itou's co-star in You're Under Arrest Live Action? Yknow, she played Miyuki while Misaki played Natsumi.

Can anyone confirm this?

229 Name: internet otoko 2005-10-12 15:55 ID:m9Qgl/4k

wow this forum looked exactly like the one shown in densha this thread talks bout densha not the singles RANT CHANNEl...haha...i am a HUGE fan of denhsa otoko jdrama and ITOH MISAKI!!! cheers!

230 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-13 18:28 ID:pMl4L7e6

so hey. for someone who has seen the first 8 episodes but not the last three, which subs (aviness, densha-lover or masakun) are the best?

231 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-13 20:05 ID:Heaven

They all have their advantages and errors. For instance, I liked aviness the best as far as translation went, but some of the subs overlap sometimes, timing errors I guess.

232 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-14 03:01 ID:cNvN96cv

IIRC Masakun did the best job with the cultural references and translation overall, but aviness was better with the colloquialisms and speed. I think I have Masakun as the source for my DVDs (gotta love SRT -> DVD sub converters).

233 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-14 03:48 ID:KfQY1U/C

Taishi-mode on: Mai broder! I just finished episode 8 as well!

234 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-14 03:59 ID:BZx3j2Ew is a blog now!

235 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-14 03:59 ID:BZx3j2Ew

(tags: blog, bloggers)

236 Name: Q 2005-10-15 15:19 ID:E0809Ay6

just go to and search for the densha movie. you can find it. they got only one in their server.

237 Name: Q 2005-10-15 15:19 ID:Heaven

just go to and search for the densha movie. you can find it. they got only one in their server.

238 Name: peppermint 2005-10-16 07:37 ID:iyTXKVB7

Hello everybody. When i see the Last Episode, I think: Well.. the end, Finito, That's all folk!, and i was unhappy.. BUT!, i see in this forum about the Densha last second final, and have a second chance to know WHAT HAPPEN!.. ohhh yeah... Jinkama - san it`s the best, BUT! Densha Friends-shi are MOE

Kisses and thanks for links.

239 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-16 11:27 ID:pMl4L7e6

whoever wrote that article needs to die

240 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-16 17:11 ID:Heaven

They all do, eventually.

241 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-16 19:58 ID:Heaven

      \∧_ヘ      / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ,,、,、,,, / \〇ノゝ ∩ < Let's get 1000 by Oppai Oppai!!   ,,、,、,,,
    /三/( ゚∀゚)彡   \____________  ,,、,、,,,
     /三/| ゚⊂彡      ,,、,、,,,                       ,,、,、,,,
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      ,,、,、,,,       (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )

242 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-16 21:41 ID:Heaven

Let's not.

243 Name: ヽ(´ー`)ノ Let's gb2DQN 2005-10-16 22:42 ID:Heaven

Let's not and say we did.

244 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-18 03:27 ID:OC7g1+T5

Such enthusiam

245 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-18 15:28 ID:Heaven

Well, it's already been done before:

And DQN seems to be a more appropriate place for this sort of exercise.

246 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-19 12:38 ID:Heaven

I just saw episode 9. I feel like one of those "shock!" images where they freeze and turn to stone.

247 Name: Couch Potato 2005-10-19 17:36 ID:Heaven

another final is awesome

248 Name: 変車男 2005-10-20 22:08 ID:kUTbp+oM

Just watched episode 9 as well.
This "you lied" "IM SORRY" thing is getting a little bit played out.

And yet... I still am compelled... to watch more...

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