Tom Hiddleston 2 (1000)

1 Name: Couch Potato : 2014-09-10 10:41 ID:Heaven

Thread to talk about actor Tom Hiddleston

Old thread

551 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-06 13:14 ID:/6/1iwS6

It's probably connected to this

"Hello High-Risers. Stay tuned this afternoon for something tantalising... hush hush @empiremagazine @mr_wheatley @StudioCanalUK"
https://twitter. com/HighRise_movie/status/563617816440762368

552 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-06 14:02 ID:/6/1iwS6

It's just a photo of TH as Laing, which is basically TH in a suit haha

553 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-06 16:04 ID:/6/1iwS6

"@twhiddleston nice to see you at #EEBAFTAs Film Gala, everyone seem to want to talk to you and get your attention tonight. 😄"
https://twitter .com/josher_wood/status/563427691089907713

That must be stressful enough.

554 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-06 19:34 ID:/6/1iwS6

"#fbf to #loki aka #TomHiddleston & #FelicityJones getting ready for their close up #VFHollywood @VanityFair"
https://twitter .com/KristaSmith/status/563756447352520706

555 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-06 21:25 ID:/6/1iwS6

"Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston join hosts Jemima Khan and Tim Bevan at the @VanityFair and @Working_Title #BAFTAs party tonight."
https://twitter. com/MediaEyeTweets/status/563755292886695938

556 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-06 21:29 ID:/6/1iwS6

I can't find the original source for this gif on Vanity Fair site, so just watch it at Torrilla

557 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-06 21:33 ID:/6/1iwS6

558 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-07 08:15 ID:IsDl1fgW

559 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-08 18:42 ID:0KDKbn4G

During one of the red carpet interview, about Skull Island, he said he will film later this year, he still doesn't know where, he mentioned Cambodia, South America or even Iceland in summer. So probably not Hawaii on March.
He also mentioned no theatre for 2 years.

560 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-08 18:46 ID:0KDKbn4G

And from the way he spoke about Loki, he seems to be looking forward to when he won't be playing him anymore.
His answer about the after party, he sounded like he wasn't really planning to go.
I think he also said he is packed tight for this year, maybe some other project will be announced.

561 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-08 19:06 ID:0KDKbn4G

562 Name: yep : 2015-02-08 19:26 ID:jDypUz/i

it's me or the first one is mute?

563 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-08 19:37 ID:0KDKbn4G

oh you are right, sorry.
this one works

564 Name: yep : 2015-02-08 20:49 ID:jDypUz/i

>>563 thanks :)

565 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-09 07:12 ID:gr6I7v9M

A usual go to Torrilla for backstage photos at Bafta, for photos of him presenting and for photos of him at the after party also playing sax!

566 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-09 10:21 ID:gr6I7v9M

TH and Mark Strong presenting

567 Name: yep : 2015-02-09 11:02 ID:jDypUz/i

He presented with Mark Strong (hello jaguar) and he he was sitting next to LE (hello HR) but that's these events are for

568 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-09 11:22 ID:gr6I7v9M

You'd think they could give him the right size of pants.

569 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-02-09 16:45 ID:IJfKMspO

>>559 Could it be that he's been told to keep the locations vague so as not to attract the crazies?

570 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-09 17:17 ID:gr6I7v9M

>>569 in that case it was enough to say he didn't know, going as far as mentioning Cambodia, what an elaborate lie! And he really looked like he was trying to remember. Besides, if a small production like ISTL managed to keep his fans away, I think a bigger one will have even less problem.

571 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-09 20:51 ID:gr6I7v9M

TH's jag

Oh, and he tweeted to thank fans for wishing him happy birthday, and the Uniced fundraise for his bd.

572 Name: yep : 2015-02-13 08:57 ID:jDypUz/i

Guess what GDT fans? #CrimsonPeak trailer debuts in front of #50Shades! Go see it!! Premieres online on Tuesday next week


And he spend his birthday at a mysterious screening


573 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-13 11:05 ID:mtEMXCCf

>>572 what a good choice, no really, who is the genius that came up with this?

As for the woman Lizzie Francke,

"After stints in exhibition, distribution and film journalism, as well as spell leading the Edinburgh International Film Festival, Lizzie Francke is now Senior Development & Production Executive at the BFI's Film Fund."

so networking birthday ;)

574 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-13 12:44 ID:mtEMXCCf

hopefully a better quality will surface, but for now
CP trailer

575 Name: yep : 2015-02-13 12:50 ID:jDypUz/i

Gothic, scary, not really kinky

576 Name: yep : 2015-02-13 13:02 ID:jDypUz/i

Sorry I can't stop laughing

Tom looked absolutely fucking perfect. There was a clip of his dancing and then immediately cut to him naked in bed (sheet covering the good bits, sorry) kissing down a lady’s (Chastain?) stomach and lower… There were fingers caressing thighs and inconvenient arousal all around.

577 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-13 13:11 ID:mtEMXCCf

>>576 It's like we watched a different trailer hahaha
In the scene where he is kissing down, the woman is dressed and it's clearly Mia.
Anyway, what I expect from a horror movie it's to feel scared, everything else is a perk but not essential, especially if you don't want the film to flop.

(The link I posted is the second part of the trailer, there's a first part, but even less happens there, here's the link )

578 Name: yep : 2015-02-13 13:33 ID:jDypUz/i

it's a very innocent frame, I hope film has more "action" but I agree, it must be scary

579 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-13 18:22 ID:mtEMXCCf

580 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-13 18:25 ID:mtEMXCCf

581 Name: qaz : 2015-02-14 16:40 ID:3ddwDn6V

OK, I have to get it out of my system, lol.
The scene where he is supposed to be kissing down - he's not kissing down, he's just rubbing his forehead against her stomach :)) Yes, I looked very carefully :))
Anyway, I like horror movies and love GDT, definitely going to see it.

582 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-14 17:03 ID:YLEL6WoV

>>581 True haha But you know, there are two different trailers, the real one and the one only showing up in some fangirls heads :)
Maybe it's better for TH if there is little going on in that sense, otherwise his fans will make the whole film about those scenes alone and then journalists will be pestering him about what he thinks of tumblr/twitter/fb reactions, gif sets etc.
Damn, I bet those fangirls will manage to find something sweet and endearing about Robert Laing too, "oh look, he is roasting that dog with such elegance!"
I love good horrors too, so I hope it's very scary.

583 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-14 18:40 ID:YLEL6WoV

So TH is at Ben's wedding, according to this.

584 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-14 20:55 ID:YLEL6WoV

586 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-02-14 21:29 ID:GndJh02l

What is the blue thingie on his lapel?

587 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-15 08:21 ID:oV6r6vHG

>>586 I think, but not at all sure, it's a little flower.

588 Name: yep : 2015-02-15 12:30 ID:jDypUz/i

I've always thought their friendship was more PR than real, well, my bad

but I'm wondering why Tom is the only one to have high-resolution photos released

589 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-15 12:56 ID:oV6r6vHG

>>588 there might be high-resolution photos of others where those came from, but unless we know the source for Torrilla's no way to be sure. Or, Tom might have been the only one who strolled around giving the paps a chance to get him at close distance, while the rest didn't. (only two options I could think of)

590 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-02-15 14:15 ID:Hb/qrmOF

Or Luke was the only one who bothered to call the paps

591 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-15 15:02 ID:oV6r6vHG

>>590 details for this wedding, as well as TH likely presence, were made public on Friday, I doubt the paps the provided the photos to the DailyMail article needed Luke to be there.

592 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-15 15:02 ID:oV6r6vHG

Let's see if TH shows up for the What's On Stage awards.

593 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-15 19:19 ID:oV6r6vHG

WOSAWARDS is on, no mention on twitter of TH attending, arriving etc.

594 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-15 20:01 ID:oV6r6vHG

And instead he is there!

"Onwards: Best Play Revival goes to the @DonmarWarehouse production of Coriolanus #WOSAwards"

"That means one thing and one thing only: TOM HIDDLESTON’S ON THE STAGE."

"Ooh, Tom Hiddleston’s a charmer, isn’t he? “I share this with all the actors and crew.""

595 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-15 20:02 ID:oV6r6vHG

Coriolanus also won this, Josie Rourke received the award

"Brightening their day, the award for Best Lighting Design goes to Mark Henderson for Coriolanus at the @DonmarWarehouse #WOSAwards"

596 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-15 20:04 ID:oV6r6vHG

Photo of Tom
"Mr @twhiddleston with the award for Best Play Revival #WOSAwards "

Best Actor went to Tennant.

597 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-15 20:06 ID:oV6r6vHG

Tom and Josie Rourke, photo

598 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-15 20:22 ID:oV6r6vHG

2 more photos
https://twitter. com/WhatsOnStage/status/567055301137137664
https://twitter. com/WhatsOnStage/status/567053165619843073

599 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-15 21:03 ID:oV6r6vHG

Video here

for high-res photos, visit Torrilla

600 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-16 07:22 ID:sD37S7EE

some more photos of TH from Cumberbatch's wedding

601 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-16 07:49 ID:sD37S7EE

About Tom being the only one in those paps photos, this CB user tracked down the photo agency (no idea how she did it and she doesn't mention the name) and says Tom was the only one and that they were taken outside the hotel. But since the hotel is small, it's likely everyone else was staying some place else, so Tom worked as a decoy for the paps.

"By: Darya
lunedì 16 febbraio 2015 6.23
I didn't want to thread-jack the BC thread with more Tom musings, but it's wedding related. I finally tracked down the photo agency that had the Tom photos from Torrilla - my thought was there were other photos of guests leaving the hotel that didn't interest her (or us) that might be fun to see. Funny thing - he was the only one in the photo set. I'm pretty sure the photos were taken outside the hotel that hosted the dinner Friday night (it's mentioned in a newspaper article and the hotel retweeted the article). I sniggered when someone suggested Tom was sent out as a decoy while Ben or others snuck out the back door, but now I'm wondering if they weren't right. Maybe everyone was staying elsewhere (it's a smallish property) and there was no else to take photos of, and I doubt we'll ever know the entire story, but I rather like the idea of Tom taking one for the team."

602 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-16 16:12 ID:sD37S7EE

Tom Hiddleston reveals his theatre wish-list (by Press Association)


603 Name: yep : 2015-02-16 16:13 ID:jDypUz/i

Two new WOS videos on Torrila

604 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-16 16:14 ID:sD37S7EE

605 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-16 19:39 ID:sD37S7EE

606 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-16 21:02 ID:sD37S7EE

"Starting the audiobook of Ballard's High Rise tomorrow with @twhiddleston as reader..."

607 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-16 21:05 ID:sD37S7EE

"At the #whatsonstageawards on Sunday, #TomHiddleston had to rush off & apologised to waiting fans for not stopping."

Faisal is a constant presence at this point, whether as driver or as bodyguard.

608 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-17 12:09 ID:rAI5tSkv

"It was a pleasure @twhiddleston, hope you enjoyed you visit to #isleofwight"

609 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-17 12:11 ID:rAI5tSkv

"Benedict and Sophie were married (on Valentine's Day) surrounded by their close friends and family. It was a magical day."

"Actor Tom Hiddleston refused to comment on what the day was like when he was asked about it at the What's On Stage Awards in London.

Asked if he had fun, he said he could not talk about it as it was a "private occasion"."

610 Name: yep : 2015-02-17 17:39 ID:jDypUz/i

>>609 classy

611 Name: yep : 2015-02-17 20:03 ID:jDypUz/i

Tom Hiddleston Interview speaking about Crimson Peak, Skull Island & Hank Williams

612 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-17 20:50 ID:rAI5tSkv

I really hope he's right about the director for Skull Island because going by his social networks he seems an imbecile. In alternative I hope for TH they are paying him very well.
And how could he possibly have loved Godzilla?!

613 Name: yep : 2015-02-17 21:07 ID:jDypUz/i

Tom doesn't loathe, he's an enthusiastic, apparently he likes and loves everything and everyone. It's always the same old story

614 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-17 21:20 ID:rAI5tSkv

>>613 haha, aren't all employees? Don't bite the hand that feeds, I wouldn't either in his place. Mine was more of a rhetorical question, because I was looking forward to Godzilla and it was such a disappointment in the script department. Maybe he loved the special effect ;)

615 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-18 07:33 ID:jKz/x6Ot

Do I want to know what happened or I can happily ignore it?

616 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-18 14:02 ID:jKz/x6Ot


"no-hiddlestoners-left-alive:That’s because he’s a human being"

"rewritethestars: He personally knows both the playwright and the director. People like that usually get what we call ‘production tickets’, which means that they don’t pay for their ticket. Tom actually queued up to pay full price for his ticket. We are a very well-renowned theatre and we frequently have famous people attending our productions. He is literally the only ‘famous’ person I have ever seen queue for returns."

617 Name: yep : 2015-02-18 16:26 ID:jDypUz/i

is that really? WOW

618 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-02-19 04:33 ID:AG3wwr9N

So did he get to see the show or not?

619 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-20 17:11 ID:Gr+1Q+R2

Somehow I thought this has been posted but it hasn't.
Thor 3 release date was pushed back by Marvel, no more July 17th 2017 but November 3rd 2017.
(this was probably due to the Spider Man can tell they care a lot about the Thor franchise. I bet that's why TH looked so done with Loki, this postponement forces his schedule as well)

620 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-20 17:15 ID:Gr+1Q+R2

New pic and a little reminder (which I needed because I completely forgot about it)

"In Words&Music this week, @twhiddleston & Eleanor Bron read texts on memory. Here's a trail: "

"You'll be able to listen live on Sunday to Words and Music worldwide, on the Radio 3 website: "

621 Name: yep : 2015-02-21 16:15 ID:jDypUz/i

Scary picture


622 Name: qaz : 2015-02-21 18:41 ID:3ddwDn6V

>>621 Haha :D To me he looks more startled than scary here, like a deer in the headlights.

623 Name: yep : 2015-02-21 20:30 ID:jDypUz/i

Glasses!! I love him with glasses


624 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-21 21:41 ID:BXsfFrgf

they are different from the Top Gear's one aren't they?

625 Name: yep : 2015-02-22 08:52 ID:jDypUz/i

They are yes, anyway Torrilla removed the picture

626 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-22 10:58 ID:xnseYJgd

>>625 she did, likely all the hypocrites that elected the stalker woman as their new hero sent her angry messages about posting a photo invading his privacy (which it did, and clearly he wasn't all too happy about it, but how is one different from the other I wonder)

Anyway the original photo it's still up at the link you provided and also here:

627 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-22 10:58 ID:xnseYJgd

>>625 somehow they look the same to me, I mean the frame colour.

628 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-22 19:30 ID:xnseYJgd

629 Name: yep : 2015-02-22 20:33 ID:jDypUz/i

any news from Nuffield?

630 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-22 21:00 ID:xnseYJgd

>>629 so far I read that Olly is there, that there are a few fans dressed with a loki lady dress, audience is 99% female, and that at the bar they are using paper cup "just in case"

631 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-22 21:02 ID:xnseYJgd

also somewhere there's a video of him arriving but I don't know where so if sb has the link post it please.

632 Name: yep : 2015-02-22 21:20 ID:jDypUz/i



633 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-02-22 21:57 ID:qHpcRJYU

>>632 Yet despite the theatre stating this policy in an email after the fans had purchased their tickets and again tonight, we already have some idiot who believes the rules don't apply to her and has posted several pics of Tom on stage. She knew she wasn't supposed to but what the hell, right? So long as she gets all the "likes" on tumblr and loads of new followers on Twitter, who gives a fuck? Tom is over his fans because of self-entitled morons like her.
He never stopped for pictures or photos during filming of ISTL, at the WOS awards last week and now here. When are these people going to get a clue?

634 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-02-22 21:59 ID:qHpcRJYU

Sorry, meant to say He never stopped for autographs or photos

635 Name: yep : 2015-02-22 23:14 ID:jDypUz/i

Little recap


636 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-23 07:24 ID:f/ER/rn+

Am I wrong or there's a little mistake in the rules? Where they say: "Mr H. has requested that we do take any gifts and cards on hi behalf, but instead visit the website below" they meant "Mr H. has requsted that we do not take" otherwise it didn't make sense.

From the recap security had to inervene, but they didn't catch this one

637 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-23 07:29 ID:f/ER/rn+

"he sees something of himself in all of them. With the exception of Hank Williams: he said regarding Hank’s alcoholism that he couldn’t understand that, could never see that in himself."

(there goes the drunk dish. lol)

638 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-23 07:29 ID:f/ER/rn+

"He spoke about The Night Manager being his next project ‘in the spring’ gave a good summary of it and seemed excited about it. He also spoke about Skull Island in the ‘summer into autumn’ and said he was excited about is but wasn’t going to reveal why it was going to be so different to the King Kong films that have come before it. He did say they are planning on doing lots of location shooting ‘head off into the jungle with a couple of cameras’ instead of filming on a lot or green-screening."

639 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-23 07:31 ID:f/ER/rn+

video of his's so dark you can't see anything.

640 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-23 08:40 ID:f/ER/rn+

just a minor consideration, I have no idea if TH's performance ISTL will be Oscar material, but since an English won the Oscar for best actor this year, I find unlikely that the Academy will give it to another English next year too. On the other hand, a nomination sometimes is better than an actual win.

641 Name: yep : 2015-02-23 08:56 ID:jDypUz/i

Another recap

"Not interested in insubstantialand two dimensional roles on tv preferred stage roles"


642 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-23 09:00 ID:f/ER/rn+

>>641 very, it means the night manager must be really good.

643 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-23 10:09 ID:f/ER/rn+

at the previous Torrilla link I posted about Words&Music, Torrilla added a link to download the whole program

In case you are not familiar with Chinese, you need to press the button with this "下载(103.3M)", a window pop up appears, press this "普通下载", another pop up, insert captcha and then press the blue button.

644 Name: qaz : 2015-02-23 12:06 ID:3ddwDn6V

>>641 I can't believe she posted her entire pencil-written fangirlish incoherent ramblings :D I laughed so hard :)
Well, suppose we should be grateful somebody made an effort to provide some recaps at all.

645 Name: yep : 2015-02-23 13:09 ID:534Cu3uN

>>644 a professional fangirl better than a crazy one

646 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-24 07:37 ID:vGkrfAUQ

I was re-reading the Nuffield recap and it's too bad there wasn't a follow-up question to this "but he definitely said that filming War Horse was one of the happiest times of his life."
why the happiest?

647 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-24 07:39 ID:vGkrfAUQ

For once that nw3 blog proves useful, one of their posters attended the Nuffield Q&A, here's another recap

"The only thing about Hank he couldn’t understand was the alcoholism. As this is a disease that you can inherit, he is very happy he hasn’t got it. He doesn’t like to be in an altered state of mind, he loves life too much."

"Tom doesn’t watch tv.
He thinks his family understands him being away to create something worthwhile.
He admits to having trouble with his work/life balance.
He finds certain aspects of his popularity unsettling and overwhelming.

648 Name: yep : 2015-02-24 08:07 ID:d5KFRG0B

Other bits and bobs (same girl, actually she's not a girl she's a married teacher)

649 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-24 13:33 ID:vGkrfAUQ

by the way, considering how prestigious the schools he attended are, the tuition was very low at his time. Lucky him in every sense.

650 Name: yep : 2015-02-24 13:57 ID:d5KFRG0B

He was talking about Cambridge and RADA not Eton

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