Tom Hiddleston 2 (1000)

1 Name: Couch Potato : 2014-09-10 10:41 ID:Heaven

Thread to talk about actor Tom Hiddleston

Old thread

451 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-01-09 15:01 ID:qHpcRJYU

>>449 the whole situation makes me cringe, from the twats who create these tumblr sites, the people who post stuff there right through to the tweets of these fangirls. All involved need to get the fuck out of their houses, make some real friends and get a life. I'd hazard a guess that Tom could care less about the bike site and the obsessed fangirls on some twitter crusade. Seriously, all of these people need to get a grip.

452 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-09 15:42 ID:wlpiOxm8

>>450 >>451 Let's hope they won't start a #IBelieveInTomHiddleston challenge and post their videos and selfies in support. (I appreciated Amanda response though, but I laughed at the girl for using a DM, an attempt at privacy, just to make the screencap public later)

453 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-09 18:19 ID:wlpiOxm8

"Just met Tom Hiddleston and melted like a chocolate teapot"

454 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-10 17:03 ID:FT7D059V

TH started following AMC TV, I think The Night Manager is happening. Yay.

455 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-10 17:23 ID:FT7D059V


We're pleased to confirm that @hughlaurie & @twhiddleston will star in our adaptation of le Carré's #TheNightManager.
https://twitter. com/BBCOne/status/553950940819361793

#TheNightManager is a complex story of modern criminality and is the first television adaptation of a le Carré novel in more than 20 years.
https://twitter. com/BBCOne/status/553951643621163009

Filming on the six-part series will start in spring 2015. Follow @BBCOne on Instagram for the latest from the set:
https://twitter. com/BBCOne/status/553953486321491969

456 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-10 17:24 ID:FT7D059V

In spring, soon after he wraps up Kong, let's say Kong takes 2 months, TNM should start in May.

457 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-10 19:17 ID:FT7D059V

Tom Hiddleston said: “I could not be more excited to join BBC One, The Ink Factory and AMC for The Night Manager. Jonathan Pine is a thrilling prospect. Described by John le Carré as a ‘sometime army wolfchild with a special unit’ in the British forces, ‘caterer, chef, itinerant hotelier, perpetual escapee from emotional entanglements, collector of other people’s languages, self-exiled creature of the night and sailor without a destination,’ Jonathan Pine is the most mysterious and complex kind of British hero. It’s an honor and a privilege to work with such truly impeccable collaborators as Hugh Laurie and Susanne Bier in bringing this to the screen. David Farr’s screenplay, adapted from le Carré’s brilliant novel, is absolutely outstanding. I’m beyond thrilled and I can’t wait.”

458 Name: yep : 2015-01-10 21:07 ID:jDypUz/i

Finally! So happy for TNM

459 Name: yep : 2015-01-14 15:39 ID:jDypUz/i

Filming is set to take place in the UK and Europe on a major new drama series starring Hugh Laurie and Tom Hiddleston

460 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-14 16:21 ID:wtUgSaGQ

I guess the UK for, well obviously Cornwall, but also Quebec part, the European location/s for the Bahamas and Panama part, my guess is the Canary Islands or Azores.

461 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-15 07:52 ID:tKd4bmjV

"The engagement is announced between Jack, eldest son of Mr Richard and Dr Lucinda.—Blakiston Houston, of Gortin, Co Tyrone, and Emma, youngest daughter of Dr James Hiddleston, of Oxford and Mrs Diana Hiddleston, of Aldeburgh."!topic/peerage-news/Ea1caPrt430

462 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-15 09:44 ID:tKd4bmjV

"Tom Hiddleston was at the castle in town opposite school yesterday and my friend was in tears
Cramlington, England 09:38 - 15 gen 2015"

https://twitter. com/lambofgoff/status/555645306667540481

"she was literally crying in english cos she could see the bentley and all the knights on horses for filming"

https://twitter. com/lambofgoff/status/555645462288822272

I this the second tweet is connected to the first. The Avengers AoU?

463 Name: yep : 2015-01-15 10:20 ID:jDypUz/i

Filming what? Bentley and all the knights on horses...hmm

464 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-15 10:35 ID:tKd4bmjV

>>463 Maybe a commercial? clearly not for jaguar.

465 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-15 17:03 ID:tKd4bmjV

"MTV's Josh Horowitz actually managed to get a few new details on Legendary's Kong: Skull Island from Golden Globe winner J.K. Simmons when he spoke to him on the red carpet the other night. It seems this movie won't only take place on the prehistoric island of the title, as the Whiplash actor reveals that it will, at least partially, be set in Detroit in 1971! “It’s where I grew up,” he told the site, “and we’re going to shoot in Detroit during baseball season, so I’ll get to go to Tigers games. There’s a lot to like about [making] this movie.” That's obviously set many years after the original story was, so maybe we aren't looking at a prequel after all? Beyond that, Simmons doesn't say much, but he is full of praise for director Jordan Vogt-Roberts, who he describes as “passionate and so smart [with] such an interesting new take”. Here is the vid, which also includes a brief snippet with Michael Keaton, though he doesn't give away any details."

466 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-15 17:10 ID:tKd4bmjV

So Hawaii and Detroit. But maybe not for TH because Simmons says "and we’re going to shoot in Detroit during baseball season" but baseball season starts in April and ends in October, but TH will be busy with the Night Manager at some point in spring so I don't get the schedule.

467 Name: yep : 2015-01-15 17:34 ID:jDypUz/i

Maybe "march and hawaii" news wasn't true

468 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-16 08:50 ID:x1G/0cMB

I was reading that nw3 anon blog and her posters were all about how not only Emma but even Sarah married into a posh family, her husband being CEO etc, and TH will do the same, and I don't really care, but google here and there and I found this, very cute.

https://www.facebook .com/photo.php?fbid=10152199265420378&set=a.4361570377.2664.607500377&type=1

469 Name: yep : 2015-01-16 10:13 ID:jDypUz/i

Being a CEO automatically means that you're from a posh family?

470 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-16 10:37 ID:x1G/0cMB

>>469 according to that blog posters yes, apparently for them it's impossible to imagine that anyone can create and found a company and that it doesn't necessarily mean you are a peerage or posh family heir. That's why I googled him, because I wondered how they could tell he was posh.

471 Name: yep : 2015-01-16 10:58 ID:jDypUz/i

Tom father is very rich but not posh, not at all

472 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-16 11:27 ID:x1G/0cMB

Exactly, and for that matter, someone can be a CEO but not the owner, or be the CEO of a medium size company so not necessarily an incredibly rich individual. But we're talking of people who believe nw3 anon is for real ;)

473 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-16 20:49 ID:x1G/0cMB

"London Collections: Men, otherwise known as LCM took place from the 9th-12th January"

"There was many famous faces in attendance, including LCM ambassadors David Gandy, Nick Grimshaw and Tom Hiddleston – all who have been honoured with that title by being influential figures within the menswear industry."

And no photo of him? Strange.

474 Name: yep : 2015-01-16 22:33 ID:jDypUz/i

475 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-17 07:21 ID:zXImG7U6

>>474 unless he was a no show? What's the point of going to a fashion event where you are part of the committee in incognito?

476 Name: yep : 2015-01-17 08:35 ID:jDypUz/i

“I’ve shot of The Hollow Crown which is I think two of them, then we shot with Tom Hiddleston where they did Henry IV, I think.”

477 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-17 08:51 ID:zXImG7U6

>>476 so he was up north for the Hollow Crown 2? I checked imdb and wikipedia for the list of actors but even Luke Treadaway isn't listed as part of the HC2 so little chance of seeing TH's name.

478 Name: yep : 2015-01-17 10:57 ID:jDypUz/i

a flashback?

479 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-17 11:17 ID:zXImG7U6

>>478 it seems the most likely explanation.

480 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-17 11:18 ID:zXImG7U6

In the meanwhile, Detroit as location for Kong isn't half so certain

" But there might be some confusion when it comes to the actual location. According to, no King Kong film has be registered to shoot with the Michigan Film Office.

“We have not received an application or heard from the project at this time about a Michigan shoot,” the film office’s Michelle Grinnell told mLive."

481 Name: anon : 2015-01-17 11:19 ID:WriGdlUD

I guess the twitter sighting was real then?

482 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-17 11:31 ID:zXImG7U6

>>481 I guess, there was one other girl on twitter that posted a pic of supposedly TH riding a horse with someone else, but it was so far away and blurry that all you could see was two people on horses. She deleted the pic now.

483 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-17 11:32 ID:zXImG7U6

About the London fashion week, I have a feeling that he was listed in attendance only because he is an ambassador, not because he was scheduled to be there. No way he could show up at such a mundane event without a single photo taken.

484 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-18 11:48 ID:AcUz0WSK

"We know very little about “Crimson Peak,” director Guillermo del Toro’s upcoming gothic horror movie, but thanks to Jessica Chastain, who co-stars in the flick, we now know one thing: Tom Hiddleston gets down.

During an interview with MTV News’ Josh Horowitz and Chastain’s “A Most Violent Year” co-star Oscar Isaac, Isaac asked Chastain how her upcoming thriller, which she filmed at the same time as “A Most Violent Year,” would make him feel “in [his] pants.”

“In your pants?” she asked. “Well, there is a Tom Hiddleston sex scene, boys! I know! So you guys. Not gonna say who, but there is some, you know. You can calm down.”

No, we can’t calm down, Jessica. We can’t.

Who is the Hiddles getting with? His character’s name is “Sir Thomas Sharpe,” and he’s been spotted in Victorian garb around the set, so we’re assuming it’s something spooky. Here are a few guesses as to who he’ll hook up with."

485 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-18 11:52 ID:AcUz0WSK

I posted it, though it's not really news, didn't we already know that TH's character in CP has sex scenes with both Jessica's and Mia's characters? I seem to remember reading it.
Anyway, I guess it's a good thing he ended up having only one film with an incest instead of two (no sister in the film version of HR), imagine the journalist questions "Was it awkward since you have sisters?" (just kidding, journalists would probably ask something even more stupid than that)

486 Name: yep : 2015-01-19 14:03 ID:jDypUz/i

487 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-19 15:32 ID:PkRecTve

>>486 Saw this at Torrilla and for a moment thought it was old stuff until I checked the time. There's one with Kat Dennings as well https://twitter .com/SophiaLknight3

Strange she tagged it as Thor2. after credit scenes?

488 Name: anonsy : 2015-01-19 17:07 ID:8wIE/VuO

I think the photos are old even though she's just posting them now. She said she was doing an early #tbt (throwback Thursday) before she started tweeting them.

489 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-19 17:14 ID:PkRecTve

>>488 Can't people just write "old pics coming" haha thanks.

490 Name: yep : 2015-01-19 17:45 ID:jDypUz/i


491 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-21 18:07 ID:mBsD+RAt

Wow, when I read it today I thought it was absurd, but not only it's true that many of the anon commenters at the nw3 woman blog are from CB, nw3 woman herself is/was one.

Well to make this useless entry a bit more useful, Dr. Andy Gotts will have a gala event for BAFTA showing his celebs portraits. It's tomorrow, who knows, maybe TH will show up.

492 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-01-21 23:26 ID:qHpcRJYU

>>491 The commenters at CB, especially those who spend all of their time in the Cumberbatch/Hiddleston threads are horribly unpleasant over-obsessed fangirls with no lives or self awareness. Most of them claim they hate tumblr - especially Town Bicycle, yet here they all are, sniffing round that NW3 Anon looking for dirt. That twat Joe Spider (amongst others) always loved to take people down a notch or two for engaging in mindless gossip about TH/BC. What a fucking hypocrite. "Penny" is the same. They're all a bunch of stalkers (not that any of them will admit it) so it's no wonder they're all over that NW3 site.
I LOVE how all of the commenters at D-Listed take the piss out of them whenever there's a BC article posted.

Urgh, TH and BC attract some of the worst "fans".

493 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-22 07:49 ID:1ZdAclwf

>>492 I was quite surprised to tell you the truth. I was creeped out by CBs posters admitting to mostly be in their 50s and 60s and writing those things on a gossip site - if it were a bunch of men of the same age writing about an actress the words creepy and gross would be thrown at them faster than light. But after their campaign against tumblr people being over-invested and obsessive, mocking fans "reading too much" out of twitter etc. finding them all there ass kissing a woman that in best case scenario is a fraud, in the worst case is a stalker was a surprise. Anyway, to be precise, from the link I posted I couldn't tell, but from the original link, the entry that made me think nw3anon was talking about her time at CB was a submit from another poster.

494 Name: qaz : 2015-01-22 10:27 ID:3ddwDn6V

>> 492 >> 493
  • million

CB used to be different. I still visit (never post though), but I remember when comments were actually funny and many posters had a realistic view of TH, were not afraid to criticise him and his antics while still admiring his work and being normal fans. Now the old posters are all gone, and new ones give me the major creeps. His threads basically have turned into drooling over him and stalking. I remember that Penny-woman posted some time ago that she even found his cousins on Twitter, IIRC, which required a good amount of investigation on her part. How creepy is that? Why would anyone do that?

And I'm not even talking about BC's threads, I avoid those like a plague as of recent. Their hate for that lady he's marrying and crazy conspiracy theories are so mind-boggling. I wonder, if and when TH gets engaged/married, will his threads also reach the insanity of current BC threads? Probably yes.

495 Name: qaz : 2015-01-22 10:30 ID:3ddwDn6V

Damn it, this system has it's surprises :) By "+ million" I meant to say "plus million", as in I absolutely agree with >>492 and >>493

496 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-22 11:59 ID:1ZdAclwf

>>494 Yes, I think she also tracked down the house TH's mother bought in Suffolk and the price. She wrote it's all public (btw I had no idea in the UK you could find so many private infos on the internet) but my question is the same as yours, why? I mean he mentioned his mother lives in Suffolk, where's the need to find her house? Or that other poster, icerose? who wrote she has a diagram or something of the Vest family and she's old enough to be TH's grandmother!
But, you know, while I personally don't feel comfortable with the drooling, until you do something that causes harm, everyone lives their role as fan as they prefer. What it's annoying about CB posters is that on every thread they harshly criticised other fans behaviour, but now most of them are constantly asking that nw3 woman "Did you see him?" "What he was wearing?" "how well can you see his crotch when he wears tight trousers?". And they are genuinely convinced that blog is less harmful than the bike site!

I don't follow BC, I read about the hatred going his way, and it made do a bit of self-examination about how we commented the JA thing here, so I re-read the old thread. But, if it might have been too much at times, at the very least we were commenting the incongruence and trying to make sense of it. I doubt that if it turned out she was really his gf we would have cried: "PR!" "Oscar campaign!" "she's pregnant, that's the only reason they're getting married!" :)

497 Name: yep : 2015-01-22 16:35 ID:jDypUz/i

I hope his hiatus ended soon, I'm sick of this trash, I just want new red carpet/picture/appearance

498 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-22 17:11 ID:1ZdAclwf

>>497 sorry, didn't mean to clutter the thread. If we are lucky it's BAFTA.

499 Name: yep : 2015-01-22 17:32 ID:jDypUz/i

I wasn't talking about you, all of you (me included) luckily this is one of the few places where we can talk about him with maturity

500 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-22 17:37 ID:1ZdAclwf

>>499 no worries, I know what you meant, it'd be nicer to have some actual news to post :)

501 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-01-25 05:42 ID:UnwzAi1U

Wasn't he supposed to do some Q&A as a charity for theatre today, or am I mistaken?

502 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-25 07:47 ID:8XWGNzyb

>>501 next month :)

503 Name: yep : 2015-01-26 14:23 ID:6zdxFzw2

I hope it's true

CrimsonPeak (trailer) should drop early Feb, if not before."


504 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-26 17:14 ID:k7otf+IZ

He's alive!
https://twitter. com/AmyJo_B_/status/559750544160722944
https://twitter. com/reaanne_a/status/559752923375489024

505 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-26 18:58 ID:k7otf+IZ

With beard and moustache
https://twitter. com/AmyJo_B_/status/559769495582281729

506 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-26 19:09 ID:k7otf+IZ

"This afternoon we recorded the charming @twhiddleston for Words&Music - listen out on Sunday 22nd Feb at 5:30pm"
https://twitter. com/BBCRadio3/status/559785478338387968


507 Name: yep : 2015-01-26 20:40 ID:jDypUz/i

He looks good

508 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-27 08:05 ID:fqF/dcu+

Since this BBC Radio3 program will be available globally, here's the link to the programm page

509 Post deleted.

510 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-29 16:00 ID:MFXBBmzo

>>509 spam don't click

511 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-29 17:22 ID:MFXBBmzo

"Andy Serkis, Henry Cavill, Natalie Dormer, Olivia Colman and Tom Hiddleston attend the inaugural @BAFTA Film Gala Dinner on February 5"
https://twitter. com/MediaEyeTweets/status/560795015920644097

512 Name: yep : 2015-01-29 20:41 ID:jDypUz/i

513 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-29 20:50 ID:MFXBBmzo

Let's hope he'll go. I wonder if he is one of the well-known actors up for auction for a number of lunches and dinners.
Of course this doesn't mean he will necessarily attend BAFTA's AWARDS on Sunday.

514 Name: anonsy : 2015-01-30 01:42 ID:oQmQrhXu

515 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-30 07:14 ID:jqPpl0n+

Hmm, will others follow?
Is it a good or a bad sign that they are already sort of promoting ISTL?

516 Name: yep : 2015-01-30 09:01 ID:jDypUz/i

I like the first answer

517 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-30 09:46 ID:jqPpl0n+

Found the answer to my own question, this "two questions" thing is something he did with other people too, so not for ISTL, not just.
https://www.facebook .com/RodneyCrowellOfficial/posts/991885994159386

518 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-30 09:47 ID:jqPpl0n+

>>516 me too, even if an actual journalist would have made it even more interesting by pressing him more on what he said in his answer.

519 Name: yep : 2015-01-30 10:05 ID:jDypUz/i

>>518 or what he didn't say clearly like he goes to visit his father more often than we thought

520 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-30 11:19 ID:jqPpl0n+

>>519 yes, he doesn't mention it as often as he mentions visiting his mother, but it stands to reason that he would visit him as much as he visits her.

521 Name: yep : 2015-01-30 11:26 ID:jDypUz/i

and say "overly preoccupied by social division" about London is a interesting choice

522 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-30 12:18 ID:jqPpl0n+

>>521 yes, as the line about his conversations and reflections with the Pacific blue sky. Ah, so much material in one answer and we'll never know more.

523 Name: qaz : 2015-01-30 12:48 ID:3ddwDn6V

I liked both answers, to be honest. I have so many additional questions about the first one, lol. The second one made me smile :)
Also, I sometimes forget what a great voice he has. Or more like, when I'm watching video interviews, I somehow don't notice it, but on the radio, when there are no visuals and the entire perception depends on the hearing - wow, so mellow.

524 Name: anonymous : 2015-01-30 12:54 ID:jqPpl0n+

>>523 Thursday as answer made me smile at first because I almost expect him to say "it's Thor's day" ;) But it offered less hints for further questions. I'm always aware of his voice, but English isn't my first language so maybe I tend to pay more attention because of it.

525 Name: qaz : 2015-01-30 13:13 ID:3ddwDn6V

>>524 Re: Thursday - yeah, me too :))
I'm also not a native English speaker. Oh well, I guess when one of my senses (i.e. sight) is at work, the others become dormant :)

526 Name: yep : 2015-02-02 10:13 ID:jDypUz/i

"@JaguarUSA: Not tonight, darlings. The key to villainy is knowing when to strike. #GoodToBeBad


527 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-02 11:58 ID:oF2rtP1a

>>526 yep, the Jaguar ad wasn't on the list. And the second muse of Fire video isn't up yet. Luckily, this week we have the BAFTA gala dinner, with photos I hope, and maybe the BAFTA.

528 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-02 18:40 ID:oF2rtP1a

High Rise parts of an interview with Luke Evans
"Next up is a leading role in the film adaptation of JG Ballard’s dystopian novel High-Rise, which is rumoured to be in the running for a premiere at this year’s Cannes Film Festival."

I play Richard Wilder. He’s a big, larger-than-life character who’s a war documentarian who’s out of work. He’s a bit of a player. He’s described as the agitator by JG Ballard. He’s mad but he also has pure, sane moments in the film where you see the world through his eyes and all of a sudden you realise that he’s not as crazy as everybody makes out.
It was a very fun role and [director] Ben Wheatley is a genius, a real genius. He just allowed me to just go for it and the role allowed me to do that and sometimes he pushed me even further than I thought I could go. It’ll be a very fun film for me to watch – maybe not for everybody else! Because it’s quite a dark storyline, the book is really fucking dark."

529 Name: yep : 2015-02-03 08:07 ID:jDypUz/i

530 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-03 11:54 ID:Er7GQamd

Good! Too bad there's no event for this.

531 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-02-03 15:06 ID:23gIYZVF

What is he doing these days? Filming bonus scenes for Avengers? Recording radioshows? Or is he on a tropical island far away?

532 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-03 15:39 ID:Er7GQamd

>>531 I suppose he is mainly preparing both the role for Kong and, most of all for The Night Manager. If he really begins the filming for TNM right after Kong, he needs to do it now. As for the rest, I think we can only rule out the tropical island.

533 Name: anonsy : 2015-02-04 04:21 ID:ZLETCcpp

#3 Glamour UK Sexiest Man

>>527 Is there any word on when his second Muse of Fire interview will be released?

534 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-04 06:59 ID:AIFLvmBs

>>533 they said the beginning of the new year...

535 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-04 07:00 ID:AIFLvmBs

"Tom Hiddleston and Felicity Jones photographed by Jason Bell in a 1954 Jaguar XK120 on North Bedford Drive, in Beverly Hills."

536 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-04 12:34 ID:AIFLvmBs

"Attendees Confirmed for this Sunday’s EE British Academy Film Awards"

"Presenters and other attendees confirmed to date include (in alphabetical order): Hayley Atwell, David Beckham, John Boyega, Henry Cavill, Sam Claflin, Natalie Dormer, Chris Evans, Alice Eve, Phoebe Fox, Martin Freeman, Cuba Gooding Jr., Holliday Grainger, Olivia Grant, Sally Hawkins, Tom Hiddleston, Nimrat Kaur, George MacKay, Dougray Scott, Kristin Scott Thomas, Mark Strong and Julie Walters."

537 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-04 15:11 ID:AIFLvmBs

538 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-05 13:50 ID:vEBaoT7F

"When Mr Bryant said: "We can't just have a culture dominated by [Eton-educated] Eddie Redmayne and James Blunt and their ilk," he uncorked a fizzing bottle of sensitivity and resentment and not just about acting."

BBC used a photo of him to tweet this, which is why I thought it'd be an article about him, instead TH is merely mentioned as an "old Etonian". Still the article is interesting and I wonder if he also had this in mind when he mentioned social differences in London.

539 Name: yep : 2015-02-05 16:19 ID:jDypUz/i

"Don't judge people on who they used to be. Allow them to be who they are. See them "now". Not "then"

One of his most famous tweet

540 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-05 16:48 ID:vEBaoT7F

>>539 Which is why he is better off twitter, this is a line that needs context, otherwise it comes off as superficial and in many cases just wrong.

541 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-05 19:27 ID:vEBaoT7F

".@lewis_damian I respond! My #EBtonguetwister @SohanaResearchF …. Text TONG14 £5 to 70070. All yours, Charlie et al."
https://twitter .com/twhiddleston/status/563412909855096833

He has an official youtube channel now!

542 Name: yep : 2015-02-05 20:14 ID:jDypUz/i

Always so skinny, but he looks good

543 Name: yep : 2015-02-05 20:20 ID:jDypUz/i

And btw his back garden is a mess

544 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-05 20:56 ID:vEBaoT7F

>>543 yes his garden is a mess, but I love the iron on his windowsill

545 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-05 20:58 ID:vEBaoT7F

Photo of BAFTA Gala Dinner are up at Torrilla.

546 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-02-06 01:05 ID:S8PLrDlx

Who is the woman on the red carpet pics with him? Does he have a new press person?

547 Name: anonsy : 2015-02-06 02:19 ID:3zup05zY

>>546 I noticed that! She certainly seemed to be doing Luke's usual job.

548 Name: yep : 2015-02-06 06:03 ID:jDypUz/i

Her name is Victoria, she was with him at GQ last here. she is/was Tom second PR (when LW is not around) she works for public eye or she used to it seems she's followed Luke in his new adventure

549 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-06 11:41 ID:/6/1iwS6

Video of his arrival .com/watch?v=GdTsT1hIRng

550 Name: anonymous : 2015-02-06 13:12 ID:/6/1iwS6

"As mentioned on @laurenlaverne's show, we'll have a cracking @twhiddleston exclusive on our site at 2pm today. Synchronise your watches."
https://twitter. com/empiremagazine/status/563672432234749953

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