Thread to talk about actor Tom Hiddleston
Tom Hiddleston 1
Tom Hiddleston 2
>>449 "But someone keeps calling US Weekly...!" Plot twist - it's Jane Arthy.
>> 450 I agree he now has this problem (entirely of his or her own making for drawing our attention to the whole trying back in May) - but what can he say that will make it better? If the Star mag thing was a plant (big if) it made him look worse - he waited till she broke up and then called her the next day. That makes him sound both involved and predatory, or just like an even bigger liar who won't admit he was seeing her before they broke up. I truly think it can't be spun back so silence is the only option now.
>>452 if they are a couple yes.
>>450 Interviewer: First question, Tom: Are you a homewreaker?
Luke: Noooooooooooooo!
>>453 If. If they are not but (as seems beyond doubt) they are friends it also doesn't look good or help their friendship to say "oh no it was all a colossal mistake by the papers we are just friends". Not very gallant and puts the spotlight on her or her PR for being desperate and telling very one they were seeing each other to try and make it come true.
>>455 What a mess. Someone somewhere screwed up and now I can't think of how they can possibly fix it.
There is no way to fix it, people will judge Tom in any ways.
I don care about EO, I hope she will burn in PR hell.
( accidentally wrote it in different thread)
>>435. I hope he doesn't feel the need to apologize - whatever the situation with EO is. It is his life, after all. He doesn't need to say sorry for dating someone, he doesn't need to say sorry for pretending to date someone.
If he apologies, that means he k.ow he dies something wrong.
I really feel sorry for him. To be involved with Olsens is a disaster and I'm surprised he never knew it. But people like her can pretend well and make others believe they are saints when they are sluts.
When he will date a commuting girl with a commuting background and not a famewhore, I will be happy for him.and support him. Now he gets what he deserves, simply for having a friend like Olsen.
Why are you guys assuming that the stories are definitely planted for PR? It would not be the first time that the press have written stories based on assumptions they've made about some pap pics that came in over their feed, including made-up 'sources'. It literally happens all the damn time - whenever someone famous is seen with a member of the opposite sex while being single.
Sometimes the people in question are going out, but 90% of the time it turns out to be bullshit.
Neither of them has used their personal relationships for PR purposes in the past, they both say they think it's really unhelpful for an actor to do so, so why would they start now? They're not flogging a reality TV show!
>>455 Olsen already said in some past interview that media are always romantically liking her to any guy she is seen with. TH had media saying Susannah was his wife. It wouldn't be their first tie denying something.
I don't think if he says "we are just friend" it'll come off as rude, at least to his fans. The spotlight might go back on her PR and her - if they were involved - but since she didn't care about ruining his reputation I don't see why he should.
Anyway, just friends or not, surely each of them talked with their PR agents deciding what best to say or not say.
>>460 Nobody is stating they are, we are saying if that was the case, then it will look like this it's all hypothetical.
The assumption, not made here specifically, her PR was involved is because she used Us Weekly in the past to announce her engagement.
>>458 he doesn't need to apologize, but people are free to dislike him or not respecting him if he is pretending, if he is a homewrecker. (by the time we'll know the truth I'll have a big IF tattooed on my brain)
I mean if the situation was inverted, if TH had been officially engaged with someone, and some dude went after his fiancé on set and then she broke off their engagement, what will everyone be saying? "yes, she was right to cheat on him and dump him if TH wasn't her true love" or "what a bitch"?
EO also used US Weekly to confirm the end of her engagement:
And the May 2015 "hooking up" article was not the result of pap pics as they had not been photographed together prior to that article, nor had it been suggested in any mainstream media outlet that they were together. So it was not perhaps an entirely unreasonable assumption that she and TH were in some way involved and that the story came from one of them (probably her) to forestall any future suggestion that he had caused her breakup and/or to get the news out there before someone spotted them and made it a big splash.
And no I don't personally think they are using their relationship for PR for the movie. If there is a relationship and if the first story came from them I imagine it was done with the hope to control the gossip by getting there first.
>>464 with wonderful results! lol I feel like anyone with scarce intelligence these days is a PR agent.
That May article wasn't very flattering though, with that "hooking up". I totally expect one of the bycycle haters to send the spa's photos to the DM.
Well, the article in May wasn't really pleasant one. Hooking up casually - is not very romantic And doesn't give both side a good light. Yes, it came from Olsen, and poor Tom was used as a cover. As well as the craziest gossip about Chris Evans.
Does anyone think it's possible the original US article came from someone who didn't like Elizabeth and/or Tom very much? Olsen's ex-fiancé, or someone close to him maybe? If she left him for Tom, it's great revenge, and even if she and Tom weren't involved it would still make her and her upcoming film look bad.
Unlikely. It's verbose behaviour and not like BH at all. The girl just wanted to have some Hiddles, but alas... she is trying to pull as if they are something when they are none.
According my info Tom actually is involved with another woman, not Olsen at all.
don't know, it wouldn't be such a smart move for Holbrock (is that his name?), mags have a habit of talking eventually and he isn't a powerful actor, if he gets a bad rep he'll have problems finding a part, especially since EO, because of her family, has more influence.
Btw, Cumberbatch's Hamlet is about to start, TH will surely go. That is going to be interesting.
He doesn't need her to go there.
Eyeroll keep ignoring sane opinion.
>>464 I just read the story you linked to. It says 'A source has confirmed', it doesn't say the source is from Olsen or contain any direct quotes from her that aren't taken from other interviews. The 'source' could be completely made up and they could just be repeating internet gossip. Or they could have actually found out the information not from anyone in Olsen's campt, but by sketchy means. That's the beauty of anonymous 'sources', and precisely why every story - true or not - that orginated in hacked voicemails was atributed to one.
The fact that they recycled 3 different anonymous sources in that piece does not inspire confidence that they've actually got an inside line or are being fed information from Olsen's camp.
>>473 it could be either way, it's an assumption that Us Weekly is her go to place, it's an assumption that US Weekly isn't.
To the new posters: please try to understand that we don't post to convince anyone, ok? It's all just guesswork.
if they are just friends, if they are a couple, if they are whatever.
Ultimately, we might all be proven wrong. It really isn't a competition on who gets it right. we are just trying to see what could have happened.
The only thing for sure right now is that TH has had a damage to his reputation, and that there is a PR mess to fix.
If what caused it is someone's PR, a conflation of unfortunate events, naivety, incompetence, malice, the double full moon, we don't know.
>>473 US Weekly had the exclusive on her romance with Holbrook, her engagement and her split
In other news, it seems that EO was spotted in Berlin yesterday for the Cap 3 shoot :
Not surprised since Chadwick Boseman is also there and I remember reading that Scarlet Witch's storyline in the movie was linked to Black Panther
The original 'hooking up' story looked to me like it had been sourced from fan sightings of them together at that cafe he goes to, which had been floating around various blogs for a while. It didn't contain any more information that those fan sightings did, and seemed to follow the line of fan speculation that they were just FWBs, which comes up every time he's spotted with a woman because some fans can't bear the idea of him being in a relationship.
Then followed EO being spotted out with Chris Evans, and therefore linked to him, and the idea that the Hiddleston rumours must have been a smokescreen (which just screams of someone who is not a Hiddleston fan deciding that no woman wold pick TH over CE!).
The fan-snapped pics were someone proving that they really had spotted them together, and a different fan admitted to tipping the Mail off abut them - so we know they weren't planted by either PR. The paps descending on them came after The Mail story with the fan pics - the paps knew that a picture of them together would sell to the papers once the Mail had written about them.
And voila - the rest of the press coverage follows that, and is basically one magazine recycling another's story in a giant game of chinese whispers which ends up with stories of them having 'confirmed their relationship' according to the gossip mags, but none of them have a direct quote from either Th or EO, or even an on-the-record comment from their PRs.
Of course, they might be together. I personally think they'd make a cure couple. But I'm not convinced that any of the gossip magazines know any more about their relationship than we do - in fact, I'm pretty sure that internet gossip sites are their 'sources'.
>>476 in that case, saying that US Weekly has an inside track with EO is reasonable. But that article in May still sounded bad for both. Now it's only TH.
>>477 thank you. (there's no need to use brackets for links in general, the only exception are twitter links)
All 'exclusive' means is that they're the first magazine to publish a story - and not always that, the word is frequently misused and abused by the press. It doesn't mean they have insider information.
>>475 You say that, Couch Potato, but it's not what I've seen, here or elsewhere. People accept a speculative premise and then run with it, and by the time they've done talking everyone is acting like it's the absolute truth. It's an echo chamber effect.
For example, your premise that this is a PR disaster. No it's not. The vast majority of people simply don't care that much, will only have vaguely seen a story about the two of them dating and won't even realise that she was engaged. It's only the very small number of gossip-site obsessives (I include myself in that) who will be following all this.
I joked to my friends who I go to the theatre with that we must be dating becuase we had dinner together afterwards, and they didn't have a clue what I was on about. They hadn't even seen the mainstream press coverage, and when I explained didn't even know there was a third Olsen sister!
>>481 They were real exclusives, I checked. I just think it's too much of a coincidence.
>>482 And apparently you decided to only read what suited your apology. I said I don't have an opinion and I don't. But, as I also said, believe at your heart desire.
>>482 Well speaking of the echo chamber.
You say that the May US Weekly article came from "blog sightings" of TH and EO at the cafe. Presumably you refer to nw3 and/or the bicycle. The thing is that before the article there weren't any such sightings. EO had I think been spotted in London - not with TH. As to who TH was seen with, NW3 reported a sighting of him with a brunette with blonde highlights in late Jan. No identity given. Others soon speculated it might be EO and nw3 rubbished those suggestions saying it was pure hypothesis based on EO being in London and recently single. Lots of others suggested it was JA. There was no sighting of EO and TH reported on the bicycle site either though she did repost the brunette highlight sighting. There were as far as I am aware no Twitter sightings of them together either.
In May the day after the article appeared nw3 suddenly confirmed that she had seen them together in Jan/Feb. Since then it has been accepted on Celebitchy etc that "blogs" had reported sightings of them together in Jan/Feb.
So no I don't think that the U.S. Weekly article was cobbled together from TH bloggers. It came first and they rushed to say they knew all about it.
Stop talking about TH WERKING it, and
Start talking about TH's WORK!!
Anon. (Definitely not Luke)
>>477 Awww, TH has got no one to have lunch with, and no one to take to the theatre and he's sending out 'I's so sowrry for showing up in Star Magazine' Facebook posts.
I feel for the dude.
He's allowed to have a social life and get his leg over. I don't care if it's EO or not, but I hope he's got someone.
Out Russel Crown, maybe enters Samuel L. Jackson. They better hurry.
"Is There Room On ‘Kong: Skull Island’ For Samuel L. Jackson And Tom Wilkinson?"
>>489 This movie is ALL over the place...a bad place.
Maybe TH should just play ALL the parts...OSCAR!
But then we won't be able to speculate about him and his leading lady...unless you want to ship TH with TH in a wig.
PS. I totally want to ship TH with TH in a wig.
Just saw it, idk if it means anything... https://twitter .com/issyvb/status/629458708045631488
>>492 Sounds like Tom has been around the theater she works at. Wonder if he's there to see friends, or doing something else in the building, or just catching some shows. Maybe working on some unannounced project - I would love that. Stage Tom is the best.
>>491 But what would the ship name be? TomTom? HiddleWig? TWiggleston?
Side note - I was searching his name on the Twitter app and the top suggested search when I typed "Tom Hiddleston" was "Tom Hiddleston cheater."
It sounded like as if he was working, but that's just my guessing. God, make stage Tom happen again, I want to see him again acting like a proper actor, not an American circus bear.
Side note: Tom cheater? Here we are... a kick to those groupthink that his image isn't damaged.
Tom was spotted in theatre with another woman and couple of men. No Olsen.
He was at Mark Gatiss' play - a few people spotted him in the audience.
This woman saw him afterward and took a short video...and, yes, there is a short brunette in the video...let the wild speculation begin.
>>495 I think 'damaged' is a bit strong.
From what I understand - I wasn't in the fandom then - this reaction was similar to what took place with Bora Bora and Jane. Fans were like: What?! You never told us you were in a relationship (as if he needed to)! You said there was nothing to write home about. How dare you not be 100% available and accountable to your fans!
And that reaction was ridiculous.
If he cheated, he cheated - that's on him. He isn't accountable to fans.
>>493 TWiggleston all day, everyday.
I think some fans will only be happy if he's in a relationship with himself.
>>499 That's not really it. JA wasn't engaged, and he didn't have a film to promote with her, so no PR. The thing with JA is that he was inconsistent, and fans like to be able to trust the object of their idol. If he hadn't said anything and people had seen the BB photos they would have simply said "oh he is still dating her".
haha goodness, read the last comment in that instagram account.
"thehollywoodmanI think that woman to the left may have been Elizabeth Olsen, did she ever turn around?"
people really see what they want to see, even in the face of evidence. not that the rest of comments are any better "Oh is he doing coriolanus again?"
It is EO. Boy's making her wear a brunette wig so they can hide their love.
I feel sorry for him now. I know people occasionally took the odd sneaky pic but now it seems like everyone who sees him is in "photo or it didn't happen" mode. All the fans on tumblr who went on about the pap pics being intrusive are cheerfully linking to this; I think it's worse.
In other news, Sony has picked up the Don Cheadle Miles Davies biopic:
Someone on tumblr pointed out that this doesn't increase ISTL's chances given how similar the subject matter is, as SPC is unlikely to push both.
>>504 and I don't even think this particular user was influenced by the nw3 or the bycycle blogs. I just think that it's a consequence of the hoopla on one side, because he went public all of a sudden when he was always so private, and the era we are living.
>>504 I agree. I wonder if it's a case of: Well, the paps did it, so I can too.
I also wonder if it's because he wasn't signing or taking pictures - she said so in the comments. Maybe fans just feel like they have to come away with something from an encounter - a memory just won't do.
I hope it doesn't mean that the screen-tests didn't go so well for ISTL, that SPC wanted a better horse in the race.
>>506 I agree not necessarily the bicycle or whatever blog. It's just that suddenly he is in the news (to his fans at least) and everybody wants a piece. People often tweeted "I saw TH at the National" but now it's "I accosted him he said no photos so I took this video".
Someone on tumblr suggested that the slightly mournful "count your blessings" tone of the Facebook message might have to do with the news about the Davies biopic. I did see some sense in that. Even if they're both good it's an odd choice for SPC and doesn't scream absolute confidence in ISTL as its big music bio Oscar splash.
Interestingly both awardswatch and indiewire put him as an outsider and Cheadle as a real possibility even before this news. I personally think he is more likely to score a best supporting nom for his Grand Guignol mad turn in CP.
>>511 Miles ahead has already the centrepiece slot at the NYFF. ISTL...
Quite. I think it ran out of puff too early. People were whispering Oscar while it was still filming. Then all this recent nonsense 4 months too early to have any positive effect and before anyone has seen so much as a trailer. And as you say, nothing on any major film festival.
Not that I am saying it was deliberate PR for the movie. Just that the story, however it came to light, probably won't keep ISTL in people's minds till November.
Of course ISTL might still appear at festivals, but the fact that none of them chose it as major attraction, and now this with SPC, it doesn't bode well.
The paps hoopla just made it worse, in US media. Probably why that fb message was asking for fan support. There might be difficult times ahead.
Miles ahead at NYFF means no ISTL right? SPC won't bring two music biopic at the same festival. So the only options now are Telluride and/or TIFF.
There is no ISTL for TIFF. Telluride is the last option.
I'm.afraid it's a big fail. Thomas, Thomas... it's not your fault, though no, it is. Don't hang out with Olsen's sister, she brings only disaster. Its too late now.
"Ben Wheatley’s High-Rise and Terence Davies’ Sunset Song are among the eight new titles to join the competition line-up at the upcoming San Sebastian Film Festival (Sept 18-26)."
(it's in the north of Spain)
nice one by Torilla, TH already attended the SanSebastinaFilmFestival in 2011.
And on the same day, did a really lovely slightly mournful photoshoot that is one of my personal favourites:
He tweeted again! A bit by Seneca and shortness of life.
Life's quotes, guys he is single ;)
https://twitter .com/twhiddleston/status/629649749776465920
>>520 I hope he'll time to do one this time. His September is going to be very busy travelling.
And now he's tweeting Stoic philosophers. Crap. Such strange behavior.
>>521 I don't think this is any indication of his relationship status, i.e: Life is short and rather than pursuing the adoration of my fans, I should pursue the adoration of a woman I'm interested in - no matter the puppies my fans might have.
I think he may be a little bored, too. This is the first time in a long time that he's had some time to himself. He needs to grab EO or JA (oldie but goodie) and head off on a holiday.
Anon., sure, ofcourse. Keep on looking for the sign of him Fucking Olsen, you know, someone said here, you just see what you want to see sarcasm mode on.
Or you are just a troll.
>>523 I was kidding! :)
>>523 I know, Couch, I saw the wink. I just wanted to mention fans having puppies.
>>524 I'm one step away from asking the mods to ban you. Either you moderate yourself when you address other posters, or you will be moderated out of this thread.
>>526 hahaha it's ok, no worries.
>>524 I'm not a troll, Lex, I'm EO...and I'm shagging your man. I can't wait to get back to London to see him again.
Maybe I am a troll.
>>529 please, really, ignore her. I don't want the thread to be inundated by fights and reach the point where news are hard to find.
I like Lex - she's passionate and not afraid to show her corner. T
And ad hominem attacks are what the internet is for!
You see I said yesterday he had time on his hands and I was RIGHT!
And posting the same Seneca quote on Facebook with a slightly different comment and changing his cover photo. Time to himself indeed. Use all the social media!!!
>>533 I bet he's using Snapchat like a fiend!
Morning is for Twitter and Facebook, afternoon is for thumbs-uping youtube videos featuring him, and the evening is for theatre and scrolling through Tumblr.
This is FACT.
Lol. Anon. is on a roll today :)
I need a better name than anon without dot. Any thoughts? The Force seems to be with you tonight.
>>539 Oh, my GAWD - the past two weeks have given up so many possibilities for names:
The list goes on and on...
I had a dream that tom hiddleston died of a massive heart attack on sunday 9 august 2015 and it was all over social media and the news it seemed so realistic so scary.
>>541 Dude has got a heart like a race horse, I would imagine, so hopefully you're not prophetic!
I did see a tweet about him riding his bike. That - in London - would be the most danger he's in.
>>542 Yeah, people are worried that it means ISTL is going to get short shrift from Sony. However, it's a big company and it is fairly good at keeping a lot of balls up in the air. They had three or four movies and actors in last year's Oscar race and gave them all adequate support, and came away with some wins.
I don't think it automatically means that TH and ISTL are going on the back burner. Nor is it indicative of a problem, necessarily.
>>544 I am sure Sony saw a rough cut before taking it on so I doubt they have decided after a test screening it is a pile of poo. My thought is just that the two are so similar that one is likely to steal the other's fire. Sounds like Miles Ahrad has the passion points and then some - 10 years on the making etc
https://twitter. com/twhiddleston/status/630063033675550720
>>545 I would imagine they did. But you're correct, they are similar in genre - music bio - if not subject matter.
>>548 If he were to travel to Berlin to see EO - sightseeing, eating bratwurst, more pap strolls - I'd unplug my modem and head for the bunker. Fandom implosion! It could happen, ladies, so gird your loins.
The screenings seemed to go okay: some glowing tweets and some reports saying that it needed editing/tightening up. Not instant perfection, but maybe on its way to being a really good movie.
It will be interesting to see how the first proper reviews go.
As for the 'cheating scandal' which hasn't really blown up into a scandal in the true sense of the word, well, Hollywood has seen worse scandals and the actors/actresses involved have survived and gone on to win nominations and awards.
>>549 Tom seems to be a relationship of convenience sort of person, at least in this stage of his life. Jane was his GF/FWB while he was in London, or when they were both free for a vacation, but when he was away from her it wasn't anything, no flying back to London just to visit her. If something is or was going on with EO, it was while they were filming together or while she happened to be in London, maybe when they do press tours. I don't think he's going out of his way to be with any woman right now, so I doubt he'll be running off to Berlin, especially if he hasn't already. Of course I could be wrong - I will gird my loins just in case. ;-)