Thread to talk about actor Tom Hiddleston
Tom Hiddleston 1
Tom Hiddleston 2
>550 I get this impression too. Also that he is slightly solitary - almost monkish at times. There have been plenty of tweets on a Saturday night over the years which suggested he wasn't out on the lash DiCaprio style with a model on his arm. He doesn't seem to treat himself to the luxury lifestyle he could afford, apart from living in a nice part of London. The car one assumes was a gift from Jaguar, and we know about the clothes!
Sorry about the italics. Missing that second arrow does weird things!
>>550 It's almost like US Weekly wasn't being completely honest when it said that they spend every second together.
Dammit, US Weekly, why the lies?! We rely on you for factual reporting and you continue to let us down.
PS - I still really want to see them eating bratwurst and talking pictures at the Brandenburg Gate. Is that too much to ask for?
>>553 They are texting constantly, remember? Don't be so doubting.
>>554 Good catch. I think it might even be sexting...meow!!
Maybe they celebrated the anniversary of Pap Night by sending each other saucy pics: He sent one of himself with a face like thunder, and she sent one of her face covered with a scarf.
>>555 Well if she is in a hotel and he is at home it will be easy to recreate the ambiance.
someone's playing dirty here.
>>557 And yes, Enquirer was the one with the Evans story.
>>559 I forgot to put in bold the best: "They made a connection on the set" otherwise said: he is a homewrecker and she cheated on her fiancé. I expect a song of the day from TH in the next 24/48hr, poor guy.
>>560 The smell of rubbish was strong ;) But this was in the printed edition not online, I have no idea if it makes a difference in how many more people will read it.
>>557 It's like a Cosmo relationship article: From 'hooking up' to 'hot and heavy' in 5 easy and quick steps!
I guess that's the power of the Hiddles at work! His voice or eyes...or other body parts...just seems to engage the ovaries.
Also remember the last Us Weekly article the day after the paps, they were getting "more serious" but they weren't ready for a "large commitment," which means, according to the Enquirer, at some point in the last two weeks she suddenly decided she wants to have Tom's babies... as a cover for her relationship with Chris Evans? Nobody will ever suspect she's with Evans if she is having another man's babies!
break up with Boyd in January, procreate with another man in July! Boing boing!
This crap just keeps getting better and better!
I think it's fairly easy to separate the wheat (planted/approved stories) from the chaff (made up stories) here. And this one seems to be a made-up one - no one plants in the National Enquirer...except for aliens and dead Elvis.
However, I would DIE if this was EO's plant in an attempt to move the relationship along.
EO (as 'insider' on the phone to NE): Yep, they're hot and heavy. Yep, they're inseparable. She wants to have his babies (poking holes in condom with a pin).
In my best Whoopi Goldberg voice: TH, girl, you in danger!
>>566 JA could tell her that trying to move the relationship forward doesn't really work very well. Maybe next time EO is at G&W she could drop by JA's apartment and have a chat.
>>565 January? What you talking about, Willis? I think it's safe at this point to say that they unconsciously uncoupled before then...maybe when she started consciously coupling with someone else...wink, wink.
And I think 'Boing boing!' is the perfect quote to describe this situation. Ahhh, from Bora Bora Gate to Boing Boing Gate is only a year. Memories.
Agreed that we seem to have reached the stage where tabloid journalists feel free to fabricate quotes that sound vaguely plausible. I didn't get that feeling from US Weekly (although I did get the sense of one person's wishful thinking). But imagine if she did call the Enquirer!
This all makes me so glad I didn't have access to a publicist when I was her age. It is "my friend really fancies you" on an international scale!!!
Celebitchy now reporting that Beyoncé and Jay-Z are imploding. The Enquirer will have more interesting stories to run in the next 0.1 seconds. It really isn't their publicity fortnight is it - first the Afflecks, then Gwen Stwfani and now this.
If Beyonce and Jay-Z are imploding, the world will need to have a new 'Celebrity God Couple.'
Now if only there was an obvious choice....
And here's something about the WORK - not the WERK
>>574 Considering there are only about 25 words in the whole article, there's really no need to go beyond 'beefcake.'
Print edition and internet. What an achievement.
>>574 It's like they've never even looked at him.
>>575 "Now this is what we call a stretch" "we're praying it pans out" oh dear
>>573 Cher is dying and Robin Williams was murdered?? I just...stop posting links to the Enquirer. You're ruining my day.
>>580 Yeah, like I said, this one is chaff.
PS - Prayer circle around Cher!
In other more exciting (to me) news I have just found out I am going to China on business on Friday. In my head I will spend most of my time there accosting people on the street saying "Are you Torrilla? No? Are YOU Torrilla?" Etc.
>>582 I guess we can use the prayer circle to pray for Cher and also for an Oscar for Tom.
>>583 Exciting!! Find her, and tell her we love her!
>>584 I don't think even a prayer circle can help him win an Oscar. ISTL seems to be too small for instant Oscars - it's scripted/produced/directed by a known producer/writer, but not a guy with too many 'serious' movies under his belt.
But if TH can get a nomination, then maybe some scripts will come in from writers/directors with more heft.
So a 'Dr. Teich' just tweeted TH a link for a kindle book. I feel like I should put double quotes around the 'Dr.' bit, because the blurb in the tweet was:
>>586 Excuse you, I happen to have a PhD in Sex Magic.
>>588 It's okay, I forgive you. Coincidentally, "Knickers in a Twist" will be the title of my upcoming Sex Magic manual.
>>589 I look forward to your upcoming manual. Perhaps you can get TH to write the forward.
Of course it will be dedicated to TH and EO...whose own sex magic puts the sex magic in Sex Magic Manual.
>>589 If you write a book about masturbation you should call it Manual Sex Magic: A Sex Magic Manual
>>585 I doubt that a prayer circle can even get him a nomination at this point - probably for the best, imagine what Tina Fey and Amy Poehler could do with this.
Why SPC is leaving all the chattering about this film be about these two supposed trainwreck of a love story if it's Oscar material? SPC can't bother to pick up the phone and tell someone's PR to shut the hell up?
Where are the overjoyed comments after the screenings? With Crimson Peak we had people talking enthusiastically about it. Here no word on the soundtrack, no word on the singing - and this is a music biopic - no "oh my god watching Hank's live made cry, it was so touching", are you telling me no TH fans went to the screenings?
I even doubt the film will be at Telluride. SPC spent money to buy world wide rights for ISTL, but I think it will be distributed the way OLLA was: world-wide yes, but in few theatres and for very little time.
Or less than OLLA as that was at Cannes. SPC tweeted excitedly about acquiring the rights but you are correct - nothing since then from them and really not much from the test screenings save for some rather ambivalent comments about the script holding him back etc.
And having seen some YouTube of him doing The Pirate Fairy I just don't think singing is his forte. At Nuffiled he talked about how at RADA they focussed on making you improve your weakness (verse speaking, dancing, singing, etc). Someone asked him what his weakness was and he refused to say! I did wonder slightly cynically if that was because it was singing and he thought it would look bad because he had just finished filming ISTL.
>>594 true, besides OLLA was a Jarmusch's film with Tilda in it. ISTL doesn't even have that pull and it's about a musician who was very local. And Miles Ahead will be released at the beginning of Oct. while ISTL is after Thanksgiving Day.v I think the best we can hope is that ISTL is well received.
>>595 I think he admitted to sound like a strangled-cat in some interview, so it's funny he wouldn't say it at Nuffield.
Come on, the words of Jane Arthy: Keep hope alive!
I still believe, as Anon (I think) said earlier, that SPC would have seen the movie in its raw state and would have the knowledge of how to 'back a horse.'
I feel a certain confidence in SPC and the praise they gave to TH and the music when they picked it up.
And this relationship doesn't have to be a spanner in the works. They can be together as gf/bf or FWB - or get married and have babies (thanks NE!) - and still have the movie be the priority. Their relationship may change the way it's received by fans/audience, however, it won't change how it's received by critics. So box office may be crap (wasn't it going to be?), but reviews may be excellent.
But we can shift the prayer circle back to Cher if you want!!
Twitter hashtag is awash with a frankly rather poor vine of a TH/Chris Pratt dance-off. As an antidote to this and also to get the conversation onto something we all agree he is good at I offer the following. Not new but it always makes me :)
>>598 Yea, these are the days when I don't bother with the twitter tag.
He can dance - no doubt. And he can act - also, no doubt. And he shares both with us. Ahh, TH feels.
Crimson Peak Spoiler Alert - though if you read the interviews TH gave months ago, it's not a spoiler at all - but in case you didn't or you don't remember, this site gives away a major character.
Yes I saw that. I joined the dots with some pics Jess Chastain posted on her Facebook but I don't remember the interview. Do you have a link?
>>601 No sorry, I tried to go and reread some of the printed interviews but I couldn't find it. Now I'm wondering if it was him. What I remember it was him, or someone else, saying that the spirit of their mother was haunting the house.
>>600 I saw those last night and thought, "oh what an adorable plastic Tom, and Mia, and - SON OF A $&#%@!" I've been ignoring almost every interview to avoid spoilers, but my weakness for cute little toys got me. Oh well, hope the movie's not ruined. I'll still see it anyway, of course. :)
https://twitter. com/kristapley/status/631558631557730304
>>604 Someone said that it just looked like TH is a cowboy hat...ummm, yeah, that's how acting works.
>>604 First comment: I can't believe SPC is handling both this and Miles Ahead
https://twitter. com/cinemaxchat/status/631562152218914816
And here, for comparison.
>>606 Yeah, I saw that. I also saw: hopefully the hat won't overshadow his performance.
Boy is getting it in the neck:
1.Doesn't look like Hank
2. Doesn't look like Miles Davis
3. Hat Will Have Better Career
Hopefully, this is the start of the build-up: more pics, magazine articles, trailer.
Does anyone know the 'usual' timeline for these given the late Nov. release?
Strange that this is obviously meant to feature ISTL, but Miles Ahead gets a mention.
Only because they are in the same genre?
>>609 If the release is for an Oscar campaign they are late, according to those posts from CB I linked. If instead the film is out of the run, it's in the norm.
>>610 Miles Ahead and the Hat get a mention. Do not forget the Hat!
Ah, how sad it must be to have your craft reduced to "wears hat, the better to resemble Hank."
>>614 like resemblance is everything.
"Hang tight tomorrow for an announcement of some significance #finally"
https://twitter. com/HighRise_movie/status/631510777334263808
let's hope for a trailer
I'm posting the link to this little interview with TH about CP because he talks about a ghost experience when he was a child, but mainly, it allows me to correct something I wrote in the second thread where I said they recorded ISTL's soundtrack at Air Studios but it was at Abbey Road Studios, or Apple Studios like TH calls it - I confuse the two because they are both not far from his house.
Posting SPC tweet, since they finally remembered they are supposed to promote this film.
https://twitter .com/sonyclassics/status/631559192579579904
Very optimistic, PR, or written by a fangirl - can't decide.
>>619 Fangirl. I wish all the best to TH for ISTL, but this woman is basing her Oscar omens on: date of release, that is a biopic, the fact that he is singing - of all the things, his singing! - and his fanbase, like that helps with the AMPAS. She is also happily neglecting the mess with EO.
High Rise at TIFF
"So HIGH-RISE will receive its world premiere at Toronto International Film Festival."
https://twitter. com/HighRise_movie/status/631828908959236097
Link to Variety article about HR
>>621 I'm happy about this, really, but I want a damn trailer. It's been a year, come on already.
>>623 yeah, I know, especially since we had HR already at 2 other festivals. But maybe, if this is the last festival news, they'll drop the trailer now.
Here's DMs write-up. A lot of his previous roles are brought up, and they re-hash date night and refer to EO as his 'current girlfriend.'
>>625 Promotion will be interesting indeed
Did EO had a nose job? I was just looking at the photo in the DMs article and it looked strange. We had someone here who had an eye for this stuff.
>>626 Supposedly, there was a blind item - yeah, I know, blind items are crap - about the sister of two famous child actors. The child actors got their sister hooked on coke, leading to the destruction of her nose and the need for some plastic surgery intervention. Most answers to the blind listed the Olsen twins as the child actors, and EO as the sister needing plastic surgery.
I don't know - her nose is different from her sisters' noses, but then that happens in families.
Does anyone find it odd that he's not tweeted or re-tweeted for HR or ISTL?
I mean, he'll tweet Seneca at the internet, but not re-tweet the SPC or TIFF announcements.
>>628 He didn't RT anything related to HR and festivals, so I didn't expect him to RT about ISTL, but of the two, since ISTL is the one where he is the lead that's the one he is supposed to promote more. So, yes, it's a bit odd.
>>627 I can't say either, but since the photos and videos of that night always make me laugh, I tried to focus on something else, and her nose all of a sudden stood out in its strange shape.
Take one of the thousands of candids with her former fiancé - because she hates the paps - it does look different.
I post it in case someone says TH is in Cairo. It seems more a job of getting additional shots of the city, from a fb page it's clear the main director isn't even there.
>>630 Yes the sunken bridge and upturned snout is very Daniella Westbrook, no?
And gotta love the Daily Fail's outstanding investigative journalism: "He also wears a suit and tie – no horned helmet or other intergalactic Loki garb here."
Oh god and celebitchy: "Tom Hiddleston wears a giant hat for the first look for ISTL: hot?"
I can't bear to link to it.
>>634 Someone in the comments section of that article is claiming to have insider knowledge that he's gay. Says her friend worked as a double on a movie with him.
It's funny how the gay rumors are actually circulating more after the EO appearance than they ever did with any of Tom's other lady friends, and even more than when he was just single and alone. I think because this one feels so heavily managed and PR driven.
>>632 yes, those were the two things that made think of it.
>>635 I agree. I think the idea TH might have used his personal life for PR, as well as the idea of him being a homewrecker, would a big let down, so if it's to cover he's gay then it's more acceptable.
I saw the gay comment. Wasn't made by a regular poster. It did have the ring of - half truth? I don't know. It is just an impression of course but to me it didn't sound like trolling. I have wondered sometimes if he might be bi.
>>638 I've wondered the same thing. Any time someone suggests bi in a discussion about his sexuality it immediately gets shot down by Team Straight and Team Gay, but I always think he might be.
Michael K always gets down to the heart of the matter. His first sentence is
simply hi-larious!
This is from the trivia section for ISTL on IMDB. I saw it posted on instagram:
During filming, Tom Hiddleston endeared himself to the cast and crew by serenading them at the piano between scenes. At wrap, each day, he graciously shook hands with everyone involved and thanked them for their work, from the janitor to his costars.
Can you:
TH, you charmer.
>>644 I read that story when it first showed up on tumblr, I think it was posted by a girl who said she was an extra. I wonder how true it is - I have a hard time believing anyone could be that nice, even Tom.
Side note, I lost a lot of faith in IMDB trivia when I discovered anyone with an email address can add to it, and there is no fact checking at all. There have been some downright false trivia items on there, and it takes a lot more effort to get wrong info removed than it does to put it up in the first place.
https://twitter. com/TomWHFandom/status/632018549716992000/photo/1
>>648 I think there's something funny going on with the shadows around his forearm. If you look closer, his wrist is bigger.
But he did lose a lot of weight for the role.
Get ready,'s happening.
https://twitter. com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=tom%20hiddleston&src=typd