Thread to talk about actor Tom Hiddleston
Tom Hiddleston 1
Tom Hiddleston 2
https://twitter. com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=tom%20hiddleston&src=typd
https://twitter. com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=tom%20hiddleston&src=typd
Torilla - have you found her yes Anon? - has these up on her weibo site.
>>645 "I have a hard time believing anyone could be that nice, even Tom."
Not to sound too jaded and skeptic (yes, I totally am) but do you mean, that thirsty for attention and approval? ;) Yeah, it's nice to be nice and all, and probably would be a charming experience to be on the receiving end of this (for the first time... if that story is true... on the second and consecutive days I would side-eye the hell out him), but when I'm reading it, just seems waaay over the top, even for TH.
He looks so unusual to me with brown contact lenses.
I love Michael K :)
That's pretty much all I have to contribute. Good Friday to all! :)
>>654 Yeah, his need for approval and attention is probably topping out at an 8/8.5 - and that's base line. I think we've all seen it spike to the 9/10 range - Asian Thor 2 promo tour, anyone? Any chat show he's ever been on, anyone? (Side note: still love the little muppet!)
I can imagine him semi-forcing people to listen to him play the piano. In my best Silence of the Lambs impression: It listens to Tom play the piano and finds him adorable or it gets the hose!
I'm going to marry Michael K - yes, I'm going to marry that gay man who lives on the opposite coast to me - deal wit it, haterz!
>>641 wow that was a forthright opening line! haha Not to speak of the rest.
Link to Torrilla post >>653 mentioned
I think he played the piano in a church while filming the Hollow Crown, once. So while I don't doubt he might have played guitar between one shot or the other, I also doubt he did it every day and that every day he would shoo hands with everyone, if not for the amount of time it would take.
maybe we should start making a list
The link to the original poster's tumblr (the image came from the bycycle blog)
>>659 Let's see, we have so far:
Elizabeth Olsen
Oxford Gas Station Blonde
Instagram Video Brunette
Tall Brunette on Sidewalk
National Theatre Blonde
Jane Arthy, still around according to some
Have I missed any?
>>661 I would add Sian, because she's an old classic.
>>661 Good list, Anonsy!
I'd add: It's his sister, it's totally his sister (said by every over invested tumblr fangirl)
I'd also add his cowboy boots, because his relationship with those boots has been his longest by several years. I think it's safe to say that he will never love any woman as well as he loves those boots.
I've made two lists and included all known and suspected partners I could remember.
Oldies But Goodies:
Gwen Christie
Susannah "Not His Wife" Fielding
Kat Dennings
Classic "Just a Friend" Sian
Jane "Nothing to Write Home About" Arthy
Current Harem:
Elizabeth Olsen
Oxford Gas Station Blonde
Instagram Video Brunette
Tall Brunette on Sidewalk
National Theatre Blonde
Totally His Sister (Looking Nothing Like His Sister)
Eternal Cowboy Boots
and his One True Love, William Shakespeare.
>>664 V neck tshirt guys! We can't send this to the DM if we are not thorough - The National Theatre blonde might be ELLEUK editor trying to secure and interview about another blonde.
Note that the National Theatre happened last week.
We have nothing for this week so far, but there's still the weekend.
>>664 Considering the recent resurface of gay/bi rumours, I'd totally add Luke to the Current Harem. Hell, I'd add him even without gay rumours, after all, all other partners come and go, and he's a constant lurking presence, much like those boots.
It's a real pity TH isn't part of the cast, and what cast.
"In partnership with The British Museum, we present a rare reading of Homer's epic from start to finish with more than 60 artists."
You forgot Olly!!!
Olly, of course! Besides for his sister and JA, Olly has been the only other Wimbeldon worthy person in TH's life.
If only there was a way to combine his sister, JA, Olly, and his boots.
Mark Gatiss tweeted about seeing CP courtesy of TH.
Date night...and the list grows longer.
"Saw ‘Crimson Peak’ courtesy of @twhiddleston A gorgeously creepy & unhealthy gothic melodrama, oozing G del T’s fabulously foetid style. Go!"
https://twitter .com/Markgatiss/status/632155705643016192
So this week date night is with MG. No blonde.
>>672 'So this week date night is with MG. No blonde.'
We don't know what type of wig TH made him wear.
A sneak preview of CP isn't free.
>>673 haha but I'm very disappointed with the paps, like really, all this social life is happening and nothing. It's like they work only on EO's PR request ;)
>>674 I see what you did there, Couch. I see you, and I'm feeling you.
"I have exclusive pictures of Tom Hiddleston eating which I can keep to myself for ever and ever and ever"
https://twitter .com/Jays_Lizard/status/631489744522883072
"I just sat in a cafe with Tom Hiddleston for the past half hour and he's looked at me and he knows I exist and I think I'm gonna die"
https://twitter .com/Jays_Lizard/status/631479667044818944
this was on the 12th.
Being on holiday makes me slow and forgetful.
The instagram video at the National's stage door with 3 friends/collegues/whatever is from the 7th and there's no blonde - unless the video was posted on the 7th but it's actually from the night before.
Then we have the tumblr girl that saw him at the National on the 6th with a blonde.
So either he went to the National two consecutive nights, which I find a bit odd, or assuming the tumblr sighting is real - and since the girl is a BC fan there's no reason for her to lie - he went alone, some blonde friend/collegue/whatever was sitting near him and then he left alone, after chatting with 3 friends/collegues/whatever.
The list needs an update and dates!
Kong: Skull Island Casting Call Reveals Movies Plot!
"Kong: Skull Island" takes place years after the original film. In 1933, American showman, Carl Denham returned from a mysterious, hidden island with a priceless treasure. A treasure not gold or jewels, but the island's barabric god, a monstrous anthropoid called "Kong." The savage giant escaped and wreaked havoc among the man-made canyons of Manhattan, but within hours of the giant apes death his body, and Carl Denham, disappeared. Many years later, the son of Carl Denham makes a shocking discovery that leads him back to the site of his father's greatest adventure and to the answers that will unlock the century's greatest mystery and history's greatest miracle."
this is from the bycycle site
Greetings from the land of Torrilla! I am even more in awe of her given that Twitter, Tumblr and Google seem not to be working (blocked?). This site clearly too unimportant to attract the censor's attention...
My two pen'oth is that he probably went once, video was posted next day, and that the sighting with the blonde is genuine - insofar as that means anything. Without context it is hard to tell if being "with" someone is a correct assumption given that at the theatre half the people there are sitting next to a person they didn't go with. Maybe he struck up a conversation with a hot blonde he happened to be sitting next to, the dirty dog! And the stage door bods could be the people he actually went with, friends of Gatiss he met at the door or who knows what.
>>680 Nihao! I tend to agree, although someone at the bycycle says that he was seated with those stage door buddies, but I wouldn't rule out the ghost blondie, solely because one must have a blonde apparition by his side for gossip to work, as EO knows very well.
>>667 I think all of this could be fixed with a tracking device and a GoPro mounted on a harness. He needs to be tagged. The last known unicorn cannot be allowed to go unstudied in the wild. We must learn every facet of his strange and beautiful mating habits!
>>667 I think all of this could be fixed with a tracking device and a GoPro mounted on a harness. He needs to be tagged. The last known unicorn cannot be allowed to go unstudied in the wild. We must learn every facet of his strange and beautiful mating habits!
Sorry for the double post - actually don't know how I achieved this. TALENT.
>>676 This reminds me of a really crap tabloid headline. Man sits and eats - EXCLUSIVE.
>>678 Ugh. I want to give this film the benefit of the doubt, but this blurb makes it sound like shite.
So is it Kong Jr. - in both respects? Son of Kong and son of guy who found Kong meet on Skull Island? Both talk about how their fathers totally let them down.
Or is it Kong reborn? No Kong didn't die - he was just in a coma! And then Kong and Denham just retired to Skull it's part of Florida?
>>685 with a Loki cameo to do therapy about having lousy fathers.
Keep on making fun from Skull Island movie.
Better make fun of ISTL, the shittiest movie on earth.
>>685 In which period does Kong:Skull Island take place? Because I have a problem with the years: if Denham Sr. disappeared in 1933, how can his son Denham Jr in 2015 be as young as TH? The film must be happening in the '60s at the latest.
>>689 wasn't 1970s Detroit mentioned by one of the actors who dropped out, JK Simmons?
If the 1970s is correct...ouch.
So, Tom, we're going to have you play a 40+ year old man in this.
>>691 yes, he did! If they haven't changed the script, ouch.
Now, I heard it described (by TH I think) as a Kong "origin movie" - ie not the crapulous sounding sequel it appears to be. Ah well. He will certainly be able to play 40 with no probs (see Andy Gotts shoot). daddy Denham must have left a babe in arms for it to work even so.
>>693 Okay, am I the only one that loves some of those Gotts photos?
These are great (I just went on google image search). Yeah, he has the receding hairline of a white, British man in his 30s - I swear they all start loosing their hair and looking old at about 22.
But he looks soulful, which isn't his usual photoshoot look.
No I love them! But he looks older than his chronological age in them I think.
>>694 I like them, but not the second one, mainly for the filters Gott used.
>>695 Glad I'm not the only one.
'But he looks older than his chronological age in them I think.' Yep, on this. That's the lot of many British men - that pale skin is no defense against the sun.
There is more than a hint of redhead in his natural colouring I think - pale skin and freckles. You can really see it on the Coriolanus poster. If he were more blonde I think he would tan better - most blondes I know get a lovely even golden tan but without the freckly undertone.
"I saw #CrimsonPeak the other day.. wow. its grrrrrrreat. "
https://twitter .com/mr_wheatley/status/632580556031676416
>>700 If ISTL needs the massive re-edit and re-cut people are claiming, I'd be surprised to see it at anything before it officially opens.
>>701 Does it need re editing? I haven't seen that suggested on the test screening tweets - apologies if someone has posted this and I missed it.
>>703 TVM - I do remember these vaguely but I didn't pick up from the mentions that it was some wholesale re-edit, just the sort of tweaks one might expect after a test screening. Poor love - I do hope his pet project is received well but nothing about it has gone quite as well as expected, I feel (if you compare with news on CP).
>>704 I also thought it was some small details, but the lack of presence at any festival so far when even HR - that was still in post-production in May - managed to acquire 3 appearances at festivals and 2 of them in competition, makes it look like ISTL needed more then minor tweaks. Surely, in comparison to CP, the feedback for ISTL has been scarce, and the pseudo love story PR didn't help. What's more, it seems like TH himself is showing CP to his friends, but not ISTL. I just hope that if something is wrong with the film it's the film and not his performance.
>>704 I couldn't put it better myself. Plus, many of his fans seem to say, in a nice way, not my cup of tea. Meanwhile Hank's fans aren't so minded to like it. And the singing. I watched some of the Wheatland videos for the first time today. I know he hadn't been practising for long but I found it toe curling. It's like the Thor screentest all over again. Play to your strengths. You do not have the voice of an angel or the bod of Chris Hemsworth but it's ok.
>>706 They are, aren't they? I'm surprised because one year ago you would hardly find anyone saying that. The singing, in fairness, if you listen to Hank William he was just as bad, the compositions are nice and so are the lyrics, but he was a terrible singer, so that is the least of worries.
>>707 mind you his fans are a funny lot (us excluded obviously). Many of them were up in arms about the (totally unsurprising) turn that GDT's kinkiness takes. (I won't say more as I know some on here have tried to avoid spoilers). Anyway then they saw his bum on the international trailer and suddenly they are all ok with it again!!
Thinking about it maybe they are editing in a scene where Hank plays the gee-taar in the nude.
>>708 haha I wonder if they remember what GdT said about his idea of what is kinky. Which reminds me of the disgusted face TH made when a journalist at SDCC asked him about "how incestuous is the incest in CP". he isn't very comfortable with the kinky.
>>709 I hope not, he was so skinny for that role.
>> Wasn't the face of disgust due to the journalist spoiling the Totally Secret and Surprising Kinky Plot Twist (which I BET we don't see enacted on screen just as I BET we don't see the LokiPokeyStick, Guillermo you old troll, you)?
>>711 haha I BET with you that the bum is all we are going to see. (I call that his disgusted face because it's the face he made when he was at Chatty Man 2 years ago and he was shown that draw of Loki)
>>703 My info was from the Boston Herald (bad girl to not post!).
That the audience at a test screening of the Hank Williams biopic “I Saw The Light” wasn’t exactly cracking up at some of producer Brett Ratner’s jokes. During a discussion about the film to gather audience feedback, the Hollywood heavy responded to one young lady who thought some editing might help move the story along with a quip to the effect, “You’re really smart. Do you go to Harvard?” To another rather attractive audience member, he quipped, “Just so you know, I’m staying at the Four Seasons.” But Ratner did allow that he chose to do the test screen at the Kendall Square theater because “Boston audiences are smart.” Well, that’s no joke!
In truth, it's more about the produced being dismissive, but it does mention editing.
>>713 I can't abide chatty man so I only watched the dancing. Was it nekkid Loki art?
>>715 it was a drawing of Loki with a pole for poledance in an awkward position. Fastforward is before they are joined by the other 2 (whose names I can't quite remember)
>>714 Nice fellow. No wonder people didn't talk about the film on the internet in enthusiastic tones. "move the story along" feels like it might be a bit boring.
>>716 Aargh no YouTube either!!!
I do agree about him not being at home with the kink. He can come across as a bit prim.
I think TH is continuing his 'new adventures in PR' by showing CP around and hoping his friends/associates tweet about it so he doesn't have to.
I wonder if the same will happen with HR and ISTL? Mark Gatiss might have his movie nights sorted out for the next few weekends!
>>717 Yeah, Brett Ratner is about as dodgy as they come in Hollywood. He's got 'ewwwww' written all over him.
I love the idea of video night round at Tom's. He answers the door wearing his grandad cardigan and he says "when the film is over I had some songs to play you on the guitar!"
>>718 oh yes, you are in China. This one works for sure, just wait for the countdown.
>>723 Thank you. Though now I feel defiled by the obscene chatty man fan art!
>>724 yes, on reflection I should have told you about it :)
On the subject of ISTL
This is what makes me want to punch whomever devised the pap stroll. Before that night, a fair number of people were excited about ISTL - this was his Oscar bait, this was him stepping out of his comfort zone, this was him going all method (moving in with Rodney, practicing his singing morning and night, losing weight when he does have a lot extra to lose. Sure, there were skeptics, but people were interested!
Now - in part because of the fandom meltdown (I know there are other problems) - people seem to be turning away from it.
I'm sure TH is listening to a lot of Cher and singing 'If I could turn back time' as he updates his Facebook pic, because I would bet that he would do things so differently with hindsight.
There was NO need for Pap Night '15. None. Have your relationship, build it up from 'hooking up' to 'let's go try cake samples!' or keep it at whatever level you're happy with. Let desperate fangirls snap photos of you at every cafe in London, let people speculate, let them tweet 'Are you going out!!! I have to know' at your account...but don't publicize it - just don't. Don't publicize it to make it official and don't publicize it to get people talking. Just be in a private relationship and keep things private - like you've said you wanted all along.
Crap, did I just write an essay?
>>721 It tweets that it liked the movie or it gets the hose!!
Mark Gatiss is so deliciously wrong that he might go for the hose.
>>726 It was completely out of character for him, not only the story itself, the pap walk too. Of course, anything can be in life, but it was so obvious that he would have nothing to gain from it, that it makes you wonder why he would deliberately choose to damage his reputation.
But that is why, while exploring all possibilities, we all said it didn't make sense, didn't we? The only person that gained from that kind of PR is a blondie that lives in LA and has personal relationships with scarves.
And I didn't see much of a fan meltdown really, I think if something put people off this film is the PR element and the homewrecking possibility, not the fact that he has a gf in general. Which reinforce the idea that it didn't make sense for him to publicise it, unless EO is the love of his life and in that case you bloody walk beside your gf, not 4 metres ahead.
To be fair though, so far all we have is a photo of him with an arm on her shoulder - which in THland is the equivalent of the American "Hey" - and two people who went to theatre and dinner and then went their separate ways. Whether that meant the end of something that was going on before, or the beginning of something that Pap Night '15 put an end to, or just 2 friends, we'll probably never know, but somehow I think TH's is very happy he will be busy filming Kong when ISTL will be released. His tweet certainly sounded so.
Obviously after writing all this, at the first red carpet he'll prove me wrong and be hand in hand with EO, haha
>>728 'at the first red carpet he'll prove me wrong and be hand in hand with EO'
For some strange reason, I think this may be the case. CP is debuting in LA, after all. EO could probably walk to the premiere from her house. But we shall see.
It goes without saying that TH WILL absolutely show up hand in hand with Luke. It's nice to have something to rely on in this fandom.
>>729 You mean she won't be at TIFF? Or in Zurich? Or in San Sebastian? They are going to make me wait 2 months!
Jokes aside, the LA's premiere for CP is tentatively set for October 12th, but since the release date for the US and the UK is the same, Oct. 16th, London's premiere will be the same week. And TH will have to attend the BFI LFF for HR, so he is more likely to attend the London's premiere and then leave for Atlanta for Kong.
>>729 No, she's only contracted for appearances in London and LA.
She'll send Tall Brunette, National Theatre Mystery Blonde and It's His Sister to the other appearances.
>>731 Joking aside - Never!
He's pretty good at flying visits and racking up the air miles. I wouldn't be surprised to see him make all the premieres and festivals. And maybe break the laws of physics to do so...and end up looking like a zombie in the process.
Should we place bets on if, when, or where EO will show?
I'm going to say:
BAM! Give me all the monies NOW.
I'm not so sure we'll see them anywhere other than ISTL premiere, for 2 reasons. First, CP looks to be the big commercial and critical success of the year for him and I am not sure he will want to contaminate the stream by making it all about his relationship (which it would be because attending a red carpet together sends a definite message). Second, looking at the timeline and subsequent weeks' events I am not sure they are as serious as she/US Weekly would now have us believe. He has the kind of fans who take pics and post on Twitter, and a rumoured relationship, and yet it took from May to July for a pic to surface, only a couple of days after someone first said they're spending time together in London. No visit to set to Majorca though I think she had finished filming. And in London, lots of sightings of EO alone at places where you might expect a new boyfriend to be there to be shown off (at Babington House); then purse night after which they go their separate ways and no subsequent sightings. No more hanging out even though it is said she has no filming in Berlin and his schedule is empty. When you're in the lived up honeymoon stage don't you spend every available moment together? I am not saying just friends - I do think there was something there - but he first US Weekly article was I suspect pretty close to the truth. They had a fling on set and they liked each other enough to keep in touch. Then they decided to see each other in real life, but no particular hurry to meet as soon as they were free. Then publicity bomb. The U.S. Weekly second article, in my view pure fantasy from her after he (probably) runs for cover.
>>733 yep. I would only add she wasn't at Wimbledon. Bad sign.
and while it feels like something might
have happened, at the same time I don't feel like ruling out the just friends yet, because it's TH. I don't think he will ever trust a girl that dumped his fiancé to be with another guy in a matter of weeks. And if he wanted a fling, there are less complicated people to have it with. People that won't use the him and the paps.
>>734 thank you!
>>735 I had forgotten about Wimbledon. Good point.
As to whether he would go with a girl who dumped her finace, I think the fling happened as part and parcel of his well documented method intensity about the project. Most people want to create a story around their own lives which they can buy into, and for him I wonder if it was going to be "intense [Oscar winning] role during which we realised that we were one another's one true love." The characters I believe had an entangled relationship too and so the complicated aspect of their own entanglement becomes almost part of the roles they play.
But that story ceases to sound so great when it starts from "well meaning dud that Hank and my fans didn't much like which didn't get picked up by any festivals and garnered no Oscar nominations as everyone preferred Miles Ahead." That doesn't lead on so neatly to the fairytale ending. I know that shouldn't rationally make any difference to how he sees the relationship now - either they like each other and want to be together or they don't - but human nature being what it is, I imagine it may. And so he's back to real life where he made an ok but not earth-shattering movie, and she was an on set fling who dumped her finance to be with him and is now telling him via the press she wants to have his little babies. I doubt he has given it up completely yet (and he may still be hoping for the fairytale ending where they walk the red carpet together as lovers and Oscar nominees) but I don't sense much enthusiasm at the moment and that may not be entirely unrelated to the current slightly languishing fate of ISTL itself.
Finance instead of finance - I Freuded myself a bit there!!
Flipping heck spellcheck keeps autocorrecting fiancé to finance!
>>736 that is too much of a stretch for me. I know it seems like he went a bit method for Hank, but I think it stopped to his role, because he is also a very grounded person, with very grounded sisters. We are talking of a guy that after watching Amour he thought about it for a month, he likes to think about things extensively and he is not some newbie in his twenties that doesn't know that when the film ends things are going to feel differently. He has been doing this job for a long while.
I didn't mean to say he did it for the role, just that his feelings about the role provide a context for acting in a way he maybe wouldn't normally. There were a few signs he wasn't as grounded in reality as he usually is. He went all the way to LA wearing a prop wedding ring. I personally think it is odd to wear a wedding ring when you are not married and you are far from the location where you are playing a married person.
>>740 But Hank's marriage wasn't a happy one. And in that particular photoshoot he was playing a married guy, it was a wedding photo, Felicity Jones was dressed as a bride.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to force you to abandon your idea. But on one side you say: they got together because of the film and they went on because of those emotions, and because TH thought it was good PR for him, but now the film looks it won't do so well, so he doesn't like it so much anymore.
On the other, as you rightly pointed out, they didn't exactly hang out together after the film, well before Paps Night '15, and afterward.
To me the two rule out each other.
>>735 I think it will be awhile before we see TH at Wimbledon with a woman. JA seemed to have muddied those waters.
>>743 As an aside, DM's most used headline template is "______ displays her toned legs."
No the photo shoot is a homage to/knockoff of a scene in Bonnie and Clyde: They weren't married in the film or in real life.
I see it as a holiday romance - they can be genuinely intense while you're on holiday together, but once you're home again, what? Texting and keeping in touch, maybe seeing each other a few months later to see if you still like each other. Seems to me be reasonably akin to what happened here.
Hey and next week they announce the burrito baby and we are both wrong ;)
>744 No the most used phrase by the Fail is "x showed off her post baby body" which means depending on context x is a fat cow or we hate x because she had a baby 2 weeks ago and looks like she never was pregnant.
Oh, Red Carpet Burritto Baby, we hardly knew ye.
Yeah, I don't know if we will ever understand the VF ring thing. ISTL prop, VF prop (showing lack of historical accuracy).
Just adds to the mystery of TH.
I think of it as the Beyoncé ring - he likes himself so he put a ring around it.
...his finger, perverts!
>>742 I can totally picture TH thinking "I'm bringing my PA so for this summer at least I won't linked on social networks and media with a gf who isn't a gf". And then bam, Paps Night'15 happens.
>>743 She is in LA! What?! lol
>>745 >>748 if they weren't married why they styled them as if they were! Stupid VF confusing me! :)