Tom Hiddleston 3 (1000)

1 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-07-21 11:43 ID:Heaven

Thread to talk about actor Tom Hiddleston

Tom Hiddleston 1

Tom Hiddleston 2

751 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-17 15:11 ID:tV4U1BfJ

Re: The Ring

Maybe the stylist just wanted a moment when she got to slip a wedding ring on TH's finger.

Stylist: "Let's just put this ring on." (Imagining herself in white dress, in church, saying 'I do.')

Wouldn't blame the girl - not one bit.

752 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-17 15:28 ID:Heaven

I was re-reading the DM's article, they are backtracking a little aren't they?

It's not a fact anymore, they are rumoured now, and it's USWeekly (from its first article) that says they hooked up but they are keeping it casual. And the rumoured romance started after she broke off her engagement in January.
Even the caption on Pap Night'15's photo is interrogative.
"Romance? Elizabeth is rumoured to be dating Tom Hiddleston and was most recently seen with him in London on July 23"

753 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-17 17:51 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>752 DM backtracking? WHAT? They've still got the fan pic as being in May and in Oxford. They don't know their heads from their asses.

As for the question marks, the whole rag should be called 'Daily Mail?'

754 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-17 18:24 ID:Heaven

>>753 haha I know it's a rag, but I find funny how they go back and forth with the story. A few days ago they were describing it as the love story of the year.

755 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-17 18:58 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>753 Well, so far it's been the love story of July 20 - July 26, 2015? (The question mark was an homage to DM)

We'll see what the future brings. Maybe it will have a few more glorious and romantic six-day stretches!!

TH+EO 4ever?

TH+EO for July 20 - 26?

756 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-17 19:01 ID:Heaven

>>755 TH+EO??? will be the next DM headline

757 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-17 19:49 ID:tV4U1BfJ

758 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-17 20:09 ID:Heaven

Aside from rags and tabloids and VF, media that talk about film are accurately avoiding mentions of the supposed love story. Whether it's because they know there was nothing or because they were asked by PR, I have no idea.
Not that TH will be able to avoid the question at TIFF, or will he?

(Someone at CB says TH's little sister got married this past weekend. I have no idea how they'd know.)

759 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-17 20:18 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>758 Maybe he'll use the Jedi mind trick...These are not the questions you want to ask!

And then there was one....

Mazel Tov, Emma! He must be getting a massage for those all-danced-out muscles!

760 Name: Anon : 2015-08-18 04:23 ID:86ojAzU4

Possibly someone saw an announcement in the Telegraph as with the engagement? I don't know.
If it was this weekend then Lady PF was not there as she was getting busy at the freebie event in LA. That (if true) would presumably put paid to any suggestion that the relationship was a serious one.

761 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-18 05:48 ID:oNxY0kgS

>>760 Is that artsy-fartsy semi-liberal family announcing in the Telegraph? I used to live in the UK, and I thought only Tories and other wanna-be conservatives announced in the Telegraph. Interesting.

Lady Purse Face! Oh, she'll never live that night down in this fandom. And rightly so. Liz, darling, that man has a double first in Classics - put your purse down and show some damn respect.

762 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-18 06:02 ID:Heaven

>>761 the engagement was announced on the Telegraph, but there's nothing about a wedding in the news. Her fiancé is the scion of an important family, they are also in the peerage, so if he got married there would be articles about it. And he would have said something on his instagram, I think. That's why I was wondering on what basis the poster would say that.

763 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-18 06:05 ID:Heaven

And TH was spotted in Soho yesterday, but I have no links to give you.

764 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-18 06:17 ID:Heaven

Review of someone who went to the Boston screening of ISTL

"I saw an early screening of the film. It may not have been fully finished. I'm sure that everyone involved will try to put this in front of awards season, but they should really think twice. It left me flat.

This is a bio-pic of Hank Williams, Sr. and his rise to fame and all the struggles he had with alcohol, pain and fidelity. We've seen this story many times at this point and the notes are just too familiar to produce compelling drama.

Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen play Hank and his first wife Audrey Mae. They go through all the motions of a tempestuous relationship filled with passion, resentment and affection, but it all feels very surface level. Though Hiddleston bears a passing resemblance to Williams physically, he never brings dimension to the role. It feels very second hand.

I can't say much for the direction, either. The goal may have been a more matter-of-fact depiction. It doesn't work. Also crammed into this story are a series of interviews with executives and collaborators that come and go with no real impact or explanation as if the audience doesn't understand that Williams was a destructive personality."

765 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-18 06:20 ID:Heaven

And someone at CB mentions a review from ONTD(?) always about this screening here link

766 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-18 06:26 ID:oNxY0kgS

>>764. Ouch. Maybe he/she was one of the people Brett Ratner was dismissive toward.

TH said he saw it and was proud of it, she repeats while rocking back and forth.

767 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-18 06:30 ID:Heaven

Beyond the personal taste about the direction and actors performances, those bits of documentary in between the film don't sound promising. And by cutting them out the film would result frammentary. No wonder SPC went for Miles Ahead.

768 Name: Anon : 2015-08-18 12:14 ID:86ojAzU4

Oh GOD. I know I have been the voice of doom about this being a dud but I secretly had hopes. Now dashed [sobs into iphone]

By the way even celebitchy is blocked out here. Even the daily fail sleb section. You are my only link to the outside world [sobs again]. No wonder their GDP is so high.

769 Name: Anon : 2015-08-18 12:23 ID:86ojAzU4

But hey it's not an unmitigated internet disaster as Weibo loads more quickly. Checks Torrilla. Oh. A picture of Loki coloured in with a tesseract ballpoint pen. Waiter! Another Cosmopolitan!

770 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-18 14:36 ID:tV4U1BfJ


https://twitter. com/TIFF_NET/status/633642010742669313

771 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-18 14:38 ID:tV4U1BfJ

772 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-18 14:45 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>764 Hopefully, the writer's admission that he/she is a little tired of biopics mitigates - though doesn't negate totally, obviously - some of the criticism.

>>767 The interviews interspersed in the movie - WTF? You're making a film, not a documentary. You've got actors, use them.

773 Name: Anon : 2015-08-18 15:04 ID:86ojAzU4

Interspersed can be good - in Band of Brothers they had interviews with the real survivors. And the title of the series came from one of them quoting from Henry V - and that was one of the most moving scenes of the whole show.

774 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-18 15:42 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>773 Those interviews were at the very start or very end of the episodes, weren't they, not in the middle of the actual stories? (God, it's been about 10 years since I saw BoB!)

If the story is being broken up by interviews with real people, that would be a little stop-start. The actors and scenes should move a story along, not documentary interviews.

775 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-18 15:43 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>769 hahah!

Anon, do you want any news/updates? Or are you happy with pictures of Loki drawn with a tesseract pen?

776 Name: Anon : 2015-08-18 15:53 ID:86ojAzU4

God I can't remember. I watched it all back to back over a couple of days. Thinking about it, what made it moving was that you watched these scenes of unbelievable heroism, and then you see these little old guys and remember it was real and it was them.

777 Name: Anon : 2015-08-18 15:54 ID:86ojAzU4

>>775 let's just say I was a lot happier with the LokiColouring after the third cosmopolitan.

778 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-18 16:34 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>777 After three cosmos, I'm surprised you didn't do your own Loki drawing and submit it to Torrilla - along with a youku vid that started off with you slurring the words, 'I just want to tell you how much you mean to me, Torrilla...'

779 Name: Anon : 2015-08-18 16:43 ID:86ojAzU4

>>778 what can I say? Hotel Cosmo is long on cranberry but short on vodka.

And anyway torrilla refused to publish the vid because I was wearing my handbag on my head.

780 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-18 16:59 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>779 Oh, I was NOT judging! I'd be on double digits if I were on much-diminished internet.

Wearing your handbag on your face is all the rage, darling, haven't you heard?

781 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-18 17:20 ID:Heaven

>>771 Ah! now I want to see what happens on the RC! Doouble job for the man at TIFF, ISTL and HR.

782 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-18 17:26 ID:Heaven

Special Presentation is a competition isn't it?

783 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-18 17:34 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>781 I'm excited to see too, but also dreading the, what I'm sure will be countless, comparisons between how TH interacted with JC vs. EO. How he interacted with MW vs. EO. How he interacted with EO vs. GDT (his one, true 5ever love).

'He held JC's waist for 30 seconds, but only touched EO's for 10 seconds - I timed it with a stopwatch.' 'He used his happy smile for GDT, but his sad smile (whatever the hell that is) with EO.'

Mind you, I'm going to be getting out my fine-toothed comb to go over every pixel of those pictures!!

Also, TIFF being TIFF, I bet we'll get some off-carpet pics and reports about TH and EO's interaction.

If either of them - for whatever reason (including major surgery) - don't show up to TIFF - I will demand a do-over!!

784 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-18 17:36 ID:Heaven

Premiering at TIFF also means no Telluride.

785 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-18 17:37 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>782 I've no idea about what 'special presentation' entails, but if you look at some of the other films in the category - I don't recognize any of them!

786 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-18 17:38 ID:Heaven

>>783 Imagine they don't even touch each other! Or they get close for a photo and then don't look each other in the eye and then....No wait what? CP will be at TIFF?

787 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-18 17:41 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>786 Sorry!! Didn't make myself clear. I mean comparisons between the two red carpet events - not both at TIFF, but when they both happen.

788 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-18 17:43 ID:Heaven

>>785 I can't waste data connection browsing TIFF website, but on TIFF's wikipedia page it talks of winner for FIPRESCI Special Presentation these past years. FIPRESCI means: Fédération Internationale de la Presse Cinématographique.
So it should be a competition, one that you don't want to lose.

789 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-18 18:52 ID:tV4U1BfJ

Whoa - Don Cheadle came out of nowhere. I think a month ago, they had TH in 3/4th position. Remember, of course, that this is all based on some fairly preliminary info.

790 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-18 22:32 ID:tV4U1BfJ

Some news on Skull Island. Including, shooting in Iceland and Vietnam - which is very different from the reports we've had of late.

Hopefully, the story can be tightened up by this writer, although a good number of fingers have been in this pie - which is never a good thing.

792 Name: Anon : 2015-08-19 00:31 ID:86ojAzU4

Am I the only person who cannot take seriously a leading lady named after cheese?

793 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-19 01:26 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>792 Gouda one, Anon. I camembert it myself! No whey do I want to see her in that role. Curd someone tell us if it's short for something - Brieanne?

PS - I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your server. Goodnight.

794 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-19 01:39 ID:tV4U1BfJ pretty much the same outfit he's always seen in. Seems to be on the phone...with whom, inquiring minds want to know.

795 Name: anonsy : 2015-08-19 01:48 ID:P/Scdi4r

>>794 Well we know one thing, it probably wasn't a wardrobe stylist. Maybe his significant other, Olly.

796 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-19 01:51 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>795 Probably calling home to check up on his cowboy boots. At this point, they might have been away from each other for an hour or two.

797 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-19 02:11 ID:tV4U1BfJ

From Hitflix about ISTL and TIFF:

"I Saw the Light"
Lowdown: There was some question where this late November release might debut and, much to AFI Film Fest's disappointment, Sony Classics decided to go with an earlier Toronto berth. Will Hiddleston join the best actor field? That's the big question surrounding this biopic.

Not sure what 'an earlier Toronto berth' signifies regarding Oscar push/Sony's marketing? Anyone have any ideas?

798 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-19 06:40 ID:Heaven

>>790 that's like the 3rd writer they get. Hopefully the last. I think the Iceland and Vietnam locations are from old news.

799 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-19 06:54 ID:Heaven

TIFF: HR and ISTL Sept 10-20
Calgary Festival: ISTL gala (Sept 23)
San Sebastian Festival: HR (Sept 19-26)
Zurich Festival: HR (Sept 24 – Oct 4)

800 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-19 06:54 ID:Heaven

No confirmation for the cast presence at Calgary at the moment though.

"No other guests have been confirmed for the galas yet, but executive director Steve Schroeder says the festival has invited I Saw The Light cast and writer-director Marc Abraham for the opening gala."

801 Name: Banjo : 2015-08-19 07:18 ID:5TvSHW1J

https://twitter .com/celebrities_dp/status/630741910500569088

To lighten up your mood guys.
Awww...:3 isn't that cute? Facepalm those fangirls from dragplus are just insane or its EO making a proposal to Tom lol.

802 Name: qaz : 2015-08-19 07:40 ID:HB0EH6FJ

>>801 That's a reblog from Celebitchy, who in turn somewhat tongue-in-cheek reported it from The National Enquirer

Awww indeed :)

803 Name: Banjo : 2015-08-19 08:10 ID:5TvSHW1J

I can't understand how people can discuss this things on a serious level. Was there a fling or not, those guys- at least Tom - doesn't look happy and wanting kids in the photos the celebitchy "journalist" put along the "article". Or that is his special super in love face. Dragonfly Lord, babies, kisses, large and pink unicorns on a rainbow :3
/let me vomit in this corner :D :D\

804 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-19 09:29 ID:Heaven

>>803 Lex don't think that just because you changed your name that makes you anonymous. What I told you the last time stands, you want to post, post, but behave. Otherwise, go and open a blog of your own.

805 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-19 09:34 ID:Heaven

>>794 lol at the original poster, she will upload the photo and tell you this but wait she is not a stalker and she won't tell you exactly where she met him.

806 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-19 14:35 ID:Heaven

I was wrong, this is the 4th writer for Kong. And VF is no more accurate than Hollywoodreporter because the article says production is set to start in the first quarter of 2016

807 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-19 15:50 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>800 Oh, I hope he shows, and because it's Calgary, I hope he shows in full-on rodeo western gear: boots (obvs), bolo tie, leather vest, leather jacket with tassels, 15 gallon hat (because 10 gallon is for pussies), turquoise jewelry.

It's one look we haven't seen from him...and probably don't need to see...but want to see.

808 Name: Anon : 2015-08-19 15:53 ID:86ojAzU4

>>805 Poor bloke. That picture was taken very close to his home. No random encounter that. Someone hung around waiting to get that pic when he emerged.

809 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-19 15:57 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>805 It seems like he is a creature of habit - like a lot of people - so in the age of social media, it is fairly easy to 'grid' his whereabouts if you look at some tweets regarding sightings.

I'm sure she probably was hanging around with the hopes of running into him. She got her run-in, she got her smile, she got a pic - hopefully she's happy and won't make a habit of missing her tube stop.

810 Name: Anon : 2015-08-19 16:00 ID:86ojAzU4

>>807 Surely what you describe is not a million miles away from this hideous rhinestone cowboy look?

811 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-19 16:10 ID:Heaven

>>808 >>809 we said before that this was going to happen, that it was going to get worse, and here we are.

812 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-19 16:14 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>810 More than a million!

And if country and western brought them together, it should be reflected in their wedding. White tassel purse for shielding eyes from wedding photographer is not included with the dress - that's a separate purchase.

813 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-19 16:23 ID:tV4U1BfJ

This one ALWAYS gets me. What were the photographer and stylist thinking?

'Now, we want this pic to have a potted plant, a radiator, dress slacks, a leather jacket, glasses and NO shirt. Yes, that's the look we want.'

814 Name: Anon : 2015-08-19 16:32 ID:86ojAzU4

Don't say I never give you anything. With bonus shirtless Native American Thor.

815 Name: Anon : 2015-08-19 16:42 ID:86ojAzU4

I hate that photoshoot with a passion. Low rent Antonio Banderas photographed in a crack den. Here is the guilty stylist making it much worse:

816 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-19 16:44 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>814 YASSSSS. But it needs more tassels. The eagle is certainly an improvement.

817 Name: qaz : 2015-08-19 17:12 ID:HB0EH6FJ

>>813 That entire photoshoot is so on crack. The only good thing that came from it is this

818 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-19 17:20 ID:tV4U1BfJ

819 Name: Anon : 2015-08-19 17:21 ID:86ojAzU4

Every time I see the potted plant photo I think I could photograph TH shirtless with so much better results.

820 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-19 17:24 ID:Heaven

>>817 indeed!

>>818 not unless you live in Austin.

821 Name: Anon : 2015-08-19 17:26 ID:86ojAzU4

>>818 No, it is getting a bit silly. Who has heard of half these film festivals, really? 2 weeks ago we were not saying "hey I wonder if it will open Austin."

822 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-19 17:29 ID:Heaven

TIFF: HR and ISTL Sept 10-20
Calgary Festival: ISTL gala (Sept 23)
San Sebastian Festival: HR (Sept 19-26)
Zurich Festival: HR (Sept 24 – Oct 4)
Austin Film Festival: ISTL (Oct 29 - Nov)

823 Name: Anon : 2015-08-19 17:33 ID:86ojAzU4


824 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-19 17:34 ID:Heaven

In the meantime, BFI London Film Festival (Oct 7-18) announced that: Suffragette will open the festival, Steve Jobs will close it, Carol will be the Festival’s American Express Gala.

825 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-19 17:35 ID:Heaven

>>823 I didn't add the BFI because I don't think they have announced HR so far.

826 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-19 17:51 ID:Heaven

827 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-19 19:12 ID:tV4U1BfJ

So are we waiting on (fingers crossed) for BFI-LFF and AFI?

Any others?

828 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-19 20:02 ID:Heaven

>>827 Not in 2015, at least big ones.

829 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-20 18:24 ID:tV4U1BfJ

830 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-20 19:09 ID:Heaven

wasn't he in War Horse?

831 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-20 19:19 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>830 I've never seen War Horse. Animal movies and war movies hit a soft spot in me and I try to avoid them - so, with a name like War Horse, I've stayed away! I'm certain it would be my kryptonite.

832 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-20 19:29 ID:tV4U1BfJ

I found this 'article' interesting. What this 'media analysis' fails to mention is that TH's fans - like BC's - are many, have a strong social media presence, and tend to be rabid when it comes to twitter.

And while BC may have been TIFF's golden boy in 2013, what does he have to show for it, save a shotgun wedding.

833 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-20 20:34 ID:Heaven

>>832 very true, twitter chattering isn't enough to turn a film into a good one, ISTL is a category where International Press decides the winner, if it falls flat that closes the season.
The article also fails to mention why there is so much eagerness to see TH on a RC.

834 Name: Anon : 2015-08-21 00:40 ID:86ojAzU4

>>832 And also, 596 tweets? In the whole world? As we have said many times before on this board, the number of seriously committed fans who make up that Twitter presence is tiny. He has 2.2m followers and 596 of them tweeted about ISTL!

835 Name: Anon : 2015-08-21 00:44 ID:86ojAzU4

Sorry 596 tweeted about him and a massive 514 tweeted about ISTL!

836 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-21 02:18 ID:tV4U1BfJ

Has this been posted already? Since I've only been on this board for a month or so, it might have already shown up.

Anyway - this certainly looks interesting. No top for her, just a fur coat. A wife-beater and undone belt for TH.

837 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-21 02:23 ID:tV4U1BfJ

838 Name: Anon : 2015-08-21 02:33 ID:86ojAzU4

>>837 No you are kidding! I was just copying the link! Big plot reveal there I suspect. He gets caught cheating with prossy/backing singer/fur coat salesperson.

839 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-21 02:38 ID:tV4U1BfJ

>>838 Why does it have to be one? Don't limit women! She can be a fur coat salesperson by day and a backing singer at night. Weekends are for going on the game.

You've come a long way, baby!

840 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-21 02:42 ID:tV4U1BfJ

I don't think I should feel bad about posting it. Yes, she took it down from her IG once it started to circulate, but it had been up there for 43 weeks.

Shoving down Catholic guilt! Get down. Get down.

841 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-21 06:29 ID:Heaven

No it wasn't and thanks for posting it.
Actually, in case she takes down the tumblr post, here's the img link

842 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-21 06:37 ID:Heaven

even better here's torrilla's link and a larger format

843 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-21 06:40 ID:Heaven

Empire says that they start filming Kong in Oct but in Hawaii.
I hope someone in production does know when and where they start filming.

844 Name: Anon : 2015-08-21 06:53 ID:s2wuXTMD

>>840 No I mean the girl who whose photo it was has only belatedly realised it was a big plot reveal and now taken it down which as you say is ridiculous if it's been up for months. Has she only just worked this out?!!!

We are big grown up fur coat salespeople here and we post everything - and we get it before tumblr and sometimes before Torrilla too I notice! Actually this has happened often enough that I think we have a few tumblr lurkers....

845 Name: Anon : 2015-08-21 06:55 ID:s2wuXTMD

PS Am I the only person to think this is the first vaguely hot pic to emerge from ISTL set so far? He looks - tousled. And a lot more lively than all the photos in suits and slicked back hair where he looks skinny, tired and hungry.

846 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-21 07:01 ID:Heaven

>>845 I'm afraid I can only see how sunken his eyes are and how skinny he looked.

847 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-21 07:11 ID:oNxY0kgS

>>844 I saw it on Twitter. Sometimes tumblr posts show up in his Twitter hashtag, so I guess it is a tumblr thing; they love him.

>>845 I do love it. I can overlook his scrawniness, because his belt is undone. I'm grubby and lowbrow that way.

848 Name: Anon : 2015-08-21 08:21 ID:s2wuXTMD

He wore the skinny a lot better in OLLA.

849 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-08-21 09:23 ID:Heaven

>>848 yes, because he was fit and not scrawny. I think HR will be the hot film for me.

850 Name: Anon. : 2015-08-21 15:08 ID:oNxY0kgS

>>844 It might not be a plot reveal. Maybe the actress did her scene and was about to leave when TH stumbled out of EO's trailer and she took the opportunity to get a photo.

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