Thread to talk about actor Tom Hiddleston
Tom Hiddleston 1:
Tom Hiddleston 2:
Tom Hiddleston 3:
>>649 I love the pun, but somehow Shit Island wins it for me.
Couch - or as you'll always be to some of us - Coach Potato, don't worry, I didn't think that rather sassy post re:NATO >>638 was from you!
I'm going to assume it was Ban Ki-moon. He tends to scour the internet looking for people badmouthing the UN and TH. Like all South Koreans, he too fell in love with TH's rendition of Man in the Mirror!
>>638 I see you, Ban Ki-moon. You're not fooling anyone.
Okay, I downloaded the NT Corio. commentary. The app itself has some interesting BTS photos (most already seen) and some short essays about various aspects of the play. There are also a few video interviews - many already seen too.
I'm going to listen to the commentary. I'll let you guys know what I think tmr.
PS - I downloaded it on my iPad (4) first, but it passed to my iphone (5s) and works there as well.
He's in Rome, wasn't there a red carpet to attend in Paris today?
https://twitter. com/CrimsonPeakIT
Jardin de Russie, photos at Torilla's.
>>657 That would have been original, but no this was photocall and interviews, just a presentation of the film to the press. As I said TH and MW are going to be in Paris this evening for CP's early première in France.
"Tom "Loki" Hiddleston, gentleman and charming antihero"
"I met @twhiddleston in Rome and he was lovely ❤ "
https://twitter. com/xdeducemyheart/status/648526975171194880
I've just read that there's an embargo on the press about CP, nobody can post reviews until Oct. 14th.
"Avant-première #CrimsonPeak en présence de #GuillermoDelToro , #TomHiddleston et #MiaWasikowska @UniversalFR"
https://twitter. com/salles_obscures/status/648539782247784448
"#TomHiddleston and #MiaWasikowska attending #CrimsonPeak Premiere in Paris September 28, 2015 Via @UniversalFR "
https://twitter. com/TomHiddlesNews/status/648572824551051265
"universalfr#TomHiddleston en interview pour l'avant-première de #CrimsonPeak"
>>661 Legendary seems to be playing their cards close to their chests with this one.
Not showing it at any festivals - except for the surprise showing at Fantastic Fest (I think) - and now putting an embargo on reviews.
What's up, Legendary? Just trying to keep the cat in the bag regarding plot twists?
Some nice pics from ISTL. The white ensemble is fairly atrocious!
Corio. Audio Commentary:
It was good - not great. I think HF and PDJ stole the show as far as commentary went - they had plenty of funny and insightful moments. TH and DF were alright, but - say it with me - nothing to write home about. JR has got it going on! She's bright, thoughtful, funny and confident.
There were a lot of silent stretches in the commentary. Most commentary I've listened to has a running dialogue. This one certainly had a lot of quiet time to listen to/watch the play. More BTS info and discussion would have been welcome.
TH has some insightful comments. And he mentions his hips being in a harness - a very cheap thrill, but worth the download price!
Finally, when asked to translate 'anonna plebis,' he got it wrong. It's probably been a while since he's translated any Latin, so I'm more than willing to cut him some slack, especially since he's a hot piece.
If you must have all things TH or Coriolanus, download it. If not, you'll be fine passing this one up.
>>666 I know. My eyes, my eyes. Also the musical notes ensemble was a shocker. This involves much more suffering than losing shed loads of weight.
>>667 My husband has a PhD in ancient history, also from Cambridge, and has been learning Latin since he was 5. He is currently sitting at our kitchen table surrounded by Latin texts writing an article for a journal. He couldn't translate it either without some thought. What's that about?
And ah, Peter de Jersey. Saw him in Sejanus at the RSC some years ago now. He played Macro. He was terrific - and I met him in the pub afterwards and he was great - smart and funny and very cute! Happy days....
>>669 I have a BA in Classics - my MA is in Government with an emphasis on International Relations, however, I did graduate work in Classics when I could.
Annona is just one of those obscure Latin words that you don't run across a lot. It means 'share' or 'portion' - so that 'annona plebis' would be 'the share of the plebians.' It's referring to their grain share - or corn dole, as you Brits would call it.
TH got the genitive 'plebis' correct, but translated 'annona' as 'grain price.'
Like I said, I'm going to let it slide. He can mis-translate whenever he wants!
>>670 The only laugh-out-loud moment in the commentary - for me, at least - comes courtesy of him and JR. It's hilarious. He is a cutie.
That is interesting. My hubby translated it as "corn portion". I could see it was not a literal translation but it sounds as though he was bang on in terms of its actual meaning.
MTV Italy with some good pics of TH and MW from Roma.
video of the RC last night
So this is the interview that CB used for their latest post about TH.
To be honest I'm a doubtful about this interview, it sounds a bit superficial. (does this mean JA wasn't decent and kind? And note that the website starts by saying TH is dating EO)
he looks like a giant here
Avant-première - Crimson Peak - Paris - UGC Bercy - 28/09/2015
Crimson Peak : Rencontre avec Guillermo Del Toro, Mia Wasikowska et Tom Hiddleston
At second 43
"When I asked for a hug, Tom Hiddleston answered me "well you have to take me to dinner first" I'M SO DONE, BEST DAY EVER ❤️❤️❤️"
https://twitter. com/MysteryWriter_/status/648578420717301760
I agree, though I suspect it was heavily edited and that TH actually said a hell of a lot more than we heard.
I think they were worried about people watching the play for the first time with the commentary (hence trying to avoid plot spoilers), and spent a lot of time glossing the plot and the themes at a surface level - sort of like Cliff Notes - rather than getting into the interesting technical details or even funny anecdotes about the experience of the run.
I doubt anyone is going to listen to the commentary the first time they watch the play, it'll surely mainly be listened to by people who have seen it before or listened to in isolation after people have seen it for the first time. So I think they probably pitched it wrong. Still, it's an interesting innovation and I did like hearing the few backstage details we got, like the wire and the harness - both of which were completely invisible to me - and about how they adapted the text for the production.
A few CP interviews:
TH No.1. The nasally laugh at 0:45 - what is that?
TH No. 2
MW. She's such a little flower in this interview. She's calls TH 'an excellent scene partner.' Awww.
New CP spot courtesy of GdT:
'You'll like my workshop, Edith.' I totally want to see his workshop - euphemism or not.
So yesterday it was Berlin
what's for today?
btw.. check out GdTs' tweets .. he is going bonkers tweeting :) Some very cool links and suggestions.
Still in Berlin, meeting the press.
credits and more photos at Torrilla's
>>686 I'm trying to stay away from all the photos, videos and interviews for CP because they are giving away too much, so I haven't checked GdT twitter yet for fear of spoilers. He won't last much tweeting, but good luck to him anyway :)
>>685 New jumper new jumper! It's blue again.
Do he and Mia shop at the same "geometric pattern and buttons in odd places" store as each other?
>>689 lol But I think it's a darker blue version of that sweatshirt he was wearing in the Unicef video at his house before going to Guinea, it has the same geometric pattern near his neck.
"Join us for a live @CrimsonPeak chat w/ @twhiddleston @RealGDT #MiaWasikowska! Send your Q's to #IMDbAskCrimsonPeak "
https://twitter. com/IMDb/status/649267582525042689
Wall Street Journal - nice grab there, Luke.
"#TomHiddleston seen at radio 2 in London today "
twitter. com/BrittanySherwin/status/649572808037675008?s=09
HQ photos at torrilla
working the capsule wardrobe again....
Including a cute Luke Windsor shaped accessory item...
>>694 Are his trousers getting progressively tighter during this junket?
>>697 At this point his trousers can probably walk by themselves.
A tweet directed me to this tumblr page. THIS is the reason why tumblr is great...because they put together stuff like this. Yes, they can be obsessive, but look what comes of their obsession!
This gif set has it all: glasses, shrugging, smiling, glasses adjusting.
>>699 for a moment I thought it might be about a mob against the frenchie girl. Yes, nice series of gifs.
>>700 I was thinking just through the hip and leg - not even the crotch - that's always tight! Holla!
How good does Sir Ken look with a beard! Roaw. Looks like they had fun. I will still need someone to rate it out of 10 on the cringe scale before I watch it.
https://twitter. com/Chiara_italy/status/649603234777141248
Oh, and look, a blue suit and legs open like a whore. Never change TH, never change.
And some more from tumblr via twitter.
>>704 I love Sir Ken avec beard but I prefer the more groomed Hamlet style beard on him. De Niro looks like a homeless persn who wandered in by mistake and GN thought "what the hell we'll interview him anyway"
>>706 TH struggling in top photo to keep legs together but the conda fights for air.
>>702 She is this 19, or 20, french girl that was doing a year of stage in London and TH followed her on twitter (that's how she got fans attention), because she was friend with someone who work at the Donmar theatre or with an American journalist (I truly don't remember). Every time TH starts following someone she does too - she tweeted to HR's assistant costume designer after TH followed her, telling her that they should be friend. If TH gets involved in something, she starts tweeting about it too. When she was in London for her stage, she was always going to G&W, the nw3 woman had a internet argument with her.
I was just reading at the bycycle that she went to Paris for CP premiere and she was staying at the same hotel as TH&co and as a result Olly now follows her on twitter - no idea how they know it was the same hotel. So I was expecting a twitter/tumblr mob against her (it happened before). Look in the 2nd or 1st thread there was more as well as her name.
>>709 She's on the nuttier end of the fandom but fairly harmless. I think she hopes that if she bumps into him enough he might one day accidentally fall on top of her. She was hated with a passion by nw3 and her little coterie of flaming torch carriers.
>>710 yeah, I agree. But it probably wasn't wise, your PA following her as well, you know how the bycycle loves to claim the beanup story was true and that TH sleeps with his fans.
>>711 Ahhh.. and everyone's favourite defender of Tom's chastity is at it again .. 3-2-1.. L-e-x (already tweeting abuse at her) .
and on it goes....
Hi! You tweet fast!! No need to be offensive though. "Eating shit' is not very classy.
the IMDb q&a is starting
https://twitter. com/imdb/status/649620407226466306
everyone else: disregard above :) .. resume normal mode.
>>713 leave her alone.
Done. You can ask for >713 and >716 (and this one) to be deleted too.
I have viewed the latest GdT "spot" (seemingly meaning mini-trailer). Talk about spoilers. Stay well away. Combined with what I have seen so far I could now pretty much write this movie.
>>718 I need a good reason to ask for that, neither posts qualify as spam or troll or something needing a mod intervention. Anyway, let's move on.
>>719 I am! They are spoilering so much.
Another pic
https://twitter. com/IMDb/status/649628139237191680
why are these q&a always so short?
Training for HR? :)
https://twitter. com/imdb/status/649631636686897152
I am totally in love with this picture for some reason:全部微博#showPic
The hair, the dog, the glasses, Paul McGann. I just....
>>724 I think TH has found his 'I'm an eccentric, crazy old man' outfit AND companion. He could also carry Luke around like that.
The twitter Q&A pics. Someone's sending out invitations to the gun show in that shirt.
>>728 and yet he is still so cute and skinny. Exhibit A: guns of Hemsworth.
Here's the twitter Q&A questions and answers running from top to bottom.
>>726 yes, but you probably wasn't advertising it on the internet :)
>>731 Not to show my age too much but when I was a teenager Twitter didn't exist. Thank god for having lived my idiocies in an unrecordable form.
Since it is Friday I am idly wondering how many of us there are on here...
Couch Potato (the original and best - accept no imitations)
qaz (haven't heard from you recently. Hope all is well)
Anon. (aka Anon With Dot, aka NATO Anon)
anonymous (aka UN Anon)
(is there another anonymous?)
Anon (me)
Whom have I missed?
>>734 You missed yep - who doesn't write too often anymore like nonny - anonsy and anon1.
The second set of photos of TH entering BBC Radio studio that torrilla posted are really good.
the preview for Graham Norton that torrilla uploaded doesn't work, at least for me, but I'm curious to know what prompted this expression
>>739 I was thinking about an impression of DeNiro but yours is better.
I swear I was joking but I guessed right
longer clip
another one
>>731>>733 And that's probably the only reason I wasn't advertising!! It didn't exist.
I remember wearing a Metallica t-shirt because the guy I liked was in love with the band. I wore that t-shirt once a week for half a school year! Cringe. My punishment for not being true to myself was that he then invited me out to a Metallica concert...and I had to sit through a Metallica concert! My ears still haven't recovered.
Now, social media is the Metallica t-shirt of this generation.
>>731 That first submission - where the poster says she has a forehead bigger than TH - oh god, how?
It made me think of the SNL character:
So, she may be trying hard, but I don't think TH would sniff around a 20 year old. And if diversity attraction is a real thing, then he's not looking for someone with a five-head to match his.
I stayed at the Plaza Athenee in NYC for a weekend (my banker ex-boyfriend paid for it as a birthday gift - I couldn't have afforded to breathe the air in that place!).
I don't know if the one in Paris is connected to the NYC one, however, if she did stay there, she's keen and Metallica shirt only cost me 20 bucks!
>>745 I also suspect he wasn't 15 years older than you ;)
But really nobody with 2 brain cells would think along those lines, as I said it was about the opportunity of his PA also following her, exclusively because I knew how that would look like and how it could easily degenerate and potentially become another beanup-like story.
Torrilla has the Norton show up but I can't download it or watch it, BBC has the show up but it's UK only. If someone has a normal youtube link please post it.
found this one, I hope it's all of it