Thread to talk about actor Tom Hiddleston.
Anybody remember when Kaiser at CB was selling us daily THEO stories and openly deriding EO for denying they were a thing?
And then she told us that EO was knocked up:
Well, today she says "I’ve been wondering this whole time about the Elizabeth Olsen stuff. It’s widely believed that Tom and Elizabeth did have something going at one point." HAHAHA. I was sufficiently irritated by this attack of amnesia to write a post calling her out. Which was very promptly deleted.
>>652 The commenters at Dlisted routinely mock her and her posts. That's all I need to know about her and CB. Re-write it here! Or at Dlisted!
Everyone needs to go read the TayTo posts at Dlisted. Some of the comments are spit take inducing. And you'll be supporting my baby's future step-daddy, Michael K!
Also, where the hell are our new round of pap pics? Certainly jet lag is no excuse when you need to whore out a relationship!
>>629 Interesting that a tumblr blog was asked to do promo for ISTL. That seems to suggest that Sony, and by extension Team Tom, are more than aware of their market. Then they must know, and Tom by extension, that certain parts of the kingdom are on fire while others are ash.
>>645 Agreed. He can be head over heels and miserable because the relationship is not being perceived as he would like it to be, or required him to pimp out his family or is having adverse affects on his professional life. I think we all know that a person can desperately want to be in a relationship and be happy in it even if it's not all together good for him/her.
>>648 She IS like the guitar. His latest obsession. And this one doesn't require a luggage tag or need to be carried, only constant guiding by the hand.
>>654 Agreed re causes of his gloom/stress. I don't see it as inconsistent with true lurve. It's that the PR rollout isn't going as well as expected, or that he has started to realise life for him is now "We lav yooooo Taylor!".
And maybe it is that he is upset about the articles he has read (I bet he has read some!). I can't begin to imagine how you must feel if you are in a real relationship and are told repeatedly that it is a fake, or you're doing it as a performance video. Or that you look like balding Uncle Hiddles going down the water slide, or are having a mid life crisis, or are a total loser for wearing that shirt. Even if people are thinking these things and even if they are true, in ordinary life they don't usually come out and say them (or - not in England, anyway). You get to make your mistakes and people laugh behind your back. Then your friends are nice to you when you return to your senses. He's been surrounded by the bullies and teased mercilessly for wearing his silly shirt. No wonder he looks miserable.
PS I know I have been complicit. I have criticised the shirt and drawn attention to his baldness. I do actually hope he doesn't read this board (seems unlikely, but a month ago so did the pap stroll with his mother!). Would I say the stuff I have said in print, or to his face if I met him? No.
>>656 Will you raise my child because I see that you have a lot more sympathy than I? This little one is going to need to get used to tough love.
I'm a real actions ==> consequences sort of girl. Actions were taken, consequences resulted. Sure he's not happy about the consequences, but they are a result of his actions, maybe 'their' actions. I understand the made rush of love; it does make people stupid, very stupid. So I get the foolish things he's done. I've mocked and will continue to mock him, but I understand the actions. Where my sympathy (it can't really be empathy in this situation) opens the door and rolls out of the moving car is with the publicity and OTT of it all. People are calling it fake because it looks fake: the timeline, the staged pics, the crazy 'meet the mother' and 'walk along every beach within 20 miles' nonsense. The Rome adventure was eye roll city for me. The kissing at the Colosseum, the fact that they were there for about two days (just enough time to have a few meals...and get papped kissing at the Colosseum!!). It's not what you'd call the holiday of a couple in genuine love. It wasn't even like a normal mini-break! The shirt: for love, for irony, for shits and giggles - it was not a good idea.
These actions opened him up to ridicule. Each one was an invitation that most people, especially titchy journalists who don't like being manipulated, couldn't refuse.
>>657 Hit it on the head. The hunger for wanting to spotlight their relationship is too transparent. Yday's live steaming of their arrival in Australia like they're the Pope was the cherry on top of how obnoxious all this has become. I really don't get why it had to be THIS overboard and extreme.
CORRECTION - I got it before but I don't get it why now. Did arriving in Australia have to be such a fanfare? You're coming there for work, not attend the next Genova convention.
The more media and public backlashes against them, the more overboard they go. At this rate, I really won't be surprised if they announce their engagement by the end of this weekend. Tbh, I'm expecting it now.
I hang my head for being a softie. I know they have opened themselves up to this by being idiots and/or thirsty. Doesn't mean the criticism doesn't sting, and I do feel the punishment may be out of proportion to some of the crimes.
I must be getting this from Mr Anon. After I had explained who Calvin Harris was (bless!) I explained the dubious timeline. From his geriatric brain he managed total recall of my own one dubious overlap (long before him). Thank you, dear. I said it was shady to hit on a girl who just broke up with someone. "You had been single less than a month when I hit on you" he replied. "If the girl you like is worth having, chances are if you wait 6 months she won't be single."
I think he still has dreams of staging the Intervention.
>>629 >>654 I never knew that about her. I knew about here blog but never followed her. Now that you mentioned it I am wondering if they would use another Tumblr as eyes-and-ears-to-the-ground for what's going on now. One of them seems to be going out of her way to control the narrative and overreacting to some of the negative comments in a way that is not emotional fangirling (unless she's related to him) but more like stern headmistress - like her job depends on it. She's a smart one.
>>660 No Classicist has a geriatric brain!! We observe all things and remember all things...unless we're pregnant. Then we can't remember a damn thing.
Please post pic of Mr. Anon dancing to Calvin's latest release. We need this in these difficult and unsteady times!
>>661 I think we may know this stern headmistress. Is she madly intelligent?
>>660 Anon: when I was pregnant I swear I had just one brain cell left, and it was keeping me alive. Vocabulary vanished and I was reduced to pointing and grunting at things. And I referred to everything as 'thing.'
For reasons I do not understand she is hand in glove with Our Lady of the Scratches Question. She isn't mad like that one but she sure is smarting from some of the insane stuff that's been going on recently in the fandom.
>>666 That basically describes how I am in court all the time. I have more than once had to refer to "my client" when I had a momentary brain failure and could not recall their name or whether they were claimant or defendant. I once caused smoke to come out of a leader's ears when I referred in conference to "that case about the thing with the thing."
>>662 Do you remember those pics of TH dad dancing at Selena Gomez? Now imagine TH is wearing his 4 July blazer and slacks combo. Add three more inches, a lot more hair and a bit of a tummy and you are looking at Mr Anon getting his groove on.
>>666 Oh my God! Yes. I have the vocab of a 5-year-old. Everything is THING, including some verbs and adjectives. I didn't believe baby brain was a thing, but it is. Writing papers is taking 3x as long as usual. And sometimes I swear my husband looks at me after I've said something stupid and thinks, I can't believe I knocked this dullard up!
>>667 If we get an engagement and wedding, will that be her breaking point? Or is she selling the I'm As Much About The Work As TH bill of goods and sticking to it come what may?
>>669 I just orgasmed. ;)
Some reduxed info about him to create a positive narrative story:
>>667 So it sounds like we have a consensus. I'm going to go watch cheers's video now.
"A source tells EXCLUSIVELY that Taylor intends to glue herself to Tom’s side while they’re in Australia. “Taylor is going to use the time to see what it feels like living with Tom. She is treating it all like a honeymoon and is very excited to get to know him even more then she already does,” the insider shares.
On what planet is that healthy?
>>674 HL is clickbait, but in their defense, they're just going on her previous behavior. She glues herself to most boyfriends.
>>670 Not sure. Her principal focus at the moment is partly "he owes you nothing" (not even refraining from peddling crap about authenticity and privacy). It's partly defending him from accusations of pimping out mother, family etc.
She now accepts that the RI pics were staged but is valiantly saying that the paps caught up with them at Stanstead Airport and followed them to the petrol station then to Aldeburgh, where TH, under duress, gave them what they wanted. I was feeling bitchy so I looked it up: Stanstead is known to plane spotters for being one of the worst because there's no good place to photograph the planes. To get that close I reckon you have to be invited airside. As for the journey from there to Aldeburgh - it would be very difficult to tail someone if they didn't want to be tailed. They are mostly multi carriageway roads with 70mph speed limits. And the paps in the UK are nowhere near as hardcore as they are in LA. They aren't accustomed to doing that kind of thing. I mean, did you see the picture of them in Aldeburgh? They're about as athletic as a heap of rocks.
>>675 She has the eyes of a crazy person.
She's going to be there the whole shoot? He is a dead man walking. She'll be frog marching him to Cartier before Christmas.
>>667 Also, the very intelligent one has some man muscle who's not afraid to use all caps to get her point across.
Okay I'll stop now.
>>671 This seems like it could very well be coming from his camp. Their back catalogue coverage of TayTo is fairly sparse and mostly without rancor, so a friendly space to pitch Tom the Thespian. I don't know 'The Toronto Star' from an actual star,, but isn't our stern headmistress from Canada...hmmmmm.
It is redux, and I think from only one source - which, of course, I can't remember. But I've read this, in some form, before.
My favorite: 'But a dalliance with Swift certainly won’t hurt his reputation.' Is this Luke's 'from your media mouth to God's ear' moment?
>>677 A lot of people are thinking that she'll go back with him when he goes to Comic-Con and then stay in the US. But these are the same people who thought that he'd go to Oz alone. I wouldn't put it past her to stay for the whole shoot. This is her MO in previous relationships. She likes to be near.
Her birthday is in December...just saying. Something small and boxed could find its way under the Chrissy tree. is gone.
>>684 No she's still here:
I think I added one hyphen too many into her name - sorry!
>>683 They didn't pay CMH anything apart from some free merchandise I think. It's all the honour.
I doubt that our friend is TH's eyes and ears in tumblr land. I think she has always been a nanny and a smarty pants.
>>682 I may have baby brain, but I could be turning into a psychic! How convenient. And obvious?
>>685 Cheers is around, but the THEO blog is properly gone. Sad as I was still making my way through her posts. Looks like there may be an interview coming.
So heading up to a mansion after spending a night or two in a hotel. Sad face at the one TH fan!!
All the pap attention he wants now - and they don't even need to call them. There must not be a lot going on on the GC because reporters are actually camped outside the hotel.
Out jogging:
Met a young fan:
And on a plane (no idea when but he looks like he just woke up):
>>695 I guess it's overwhelming for an 11-year-old to meet someone famous. But is she crying because she touched someone who's touched TS or because she's an actual fan of TH?
>>694 As my grandpa would say, he looks like 'a pig in shit' with all those fans and cameras surrounding him. But then he always was good with fans. It's strange that I now think of those scenes in terms of his desperate need for attention rather than his kindness toward fans. I need to work on that.
I think that airplane pic is old.
Captcha: dire
captcha - fate
I'm beginning to think of the captcha strings like the tarot.
captcha - fate
I'm beginning to think of the captcha strings like the tarot.
>>696 I figured it looked like it was around the time he was filming ISTL, towards the beginning
Torrilla has some pics of him running on the beach. The thought of running anywhere makes me sweat, but it does look like a beautiful beach.
The DM gives and takes away. He's muscly in the first article, and 'Taylor Swift's beau Tom' in the next.
Interview - all 7.9 seconds of it.
>>698 Plane pic is from his trip to Berlin to publicise TNM during SI filming.
How do I know this when I can't remember the name of a single case?
>>701 It seems like stuff was cut from that video interview. I don't believe for a second that nobody dared asking him about TS.
>>696 According to the tags that 11 year old is wearing a "1989" hoodie. So we know the answer to that.
Capcha says, simply, "no"
No bodyguard while jogging. They only want to save Taylor!
Where did Anon. get the ref about moving to the mansion from? I didn't get it from that link.
Tom Hiddleston Is Here to Show You How NOT to Wear Sunscreen
>>703 I think there will be more posted later. I'm sure TS will be mentioned. The response will be interesting.
The DM jogging article now has a short video. He's engaging with the guy, answering questions about Oz. The guy doesn't mention the T word!
The Taylor stuff will come once she gives her approval lol They're probably waiting on it
>>711 I'll bet she's back at the hotel or wherever wringing her hands over every word. Wait for it....wait for it....
new pair of sunglasses (I didn't notice it in the airport pics) and his hair seems much shorter than yesterday
This is interesting. My conclusion differs since I don't believe TH is gay (besides Luke has a bf). But the fact that Luke was there makes the idea of the God of Mischief playing a prank more realistic, to me, I know you all disagree.
Bwahahahha yass do a twinnie Vogue shoot
>>714 Everyone keeps saying Luke has a bf but where is the evidence? I've only ever seen one very old photo of him sitting on the orange makeup artists husbands lap on a double date with TH
>>713 Do you think those could be TSs ray bans? Hers have bigger lenses than his and were wider in the bridge, I think she has the wayfarer classics.
>>714 Some blogs claim that TSs relationship with CH was fake, and cite the evidence that his PR agent accompanied them on some of their alleged "date nights." If that is true, then LWs presence during July 4th festivities could imply that this relationship is PR. But who in their right mind would allow their client to wear that tank top...weird. All press can't be good press. I wonder if THs Emmy nomination or lack of nomination will affect the situation at all.
Jessica Chastain told a film critic from Vanity Fair that Tom Hiddleston is gay. I don't think he would make this up and post it publicly:
Oh sorry, it was not Chastain. It was another Jessica.
9news rest of the video. He doesn't answer about TS.
I imagined TS's fans to be young but this is too young
>>718 That film critic has been on point with the best snark throughout the last three weeks. He's been convinced all along its a hoax. I guess that's why.
I'm at the point where desperate gay Tom is far more appealing than famewhore middle aged crisis Tom. I would faghag him all the way
This is the photo- it's Amanda Grossman's husband, not Lukes bf so unless they're swingers...
>>717 If CH's publicist went on dates with CH/TS that just says to me that at this level most celebrities' attitude to relationships is fundamentally fucked up.
>>719 she works for Indiewire, so I suppose this is a rumour among film journalists.
>>722 That's not why people say Luke has a bf since everybody knew that was Amanda's husband. I don't have a photo for you, I know I read the name of Luke's bf at a CB thread, but it was months ago if not years ago. Sorry.
>>725. I am sure I have read he has a BF. There are Luke Windsor fan tumblrs (seriously....) so I am sure they will have the name.
PS I suppose the haircut is because he will be wearing the Loki wig so it might be more comfortable to have shorter hair (as he did for OLLA). No dye job I am guessing, which is a pity because the Avengers wig where they blended with his own hairline was a lot better than the rubbish wig he wore in TDW.
>>725 >>726 Ah, I've only ever seen that photo used as 'evidence'. Can't believe he has fans, that is tragic
Most certainly the TH is gay rumor seems to be entrenched amongst journos, particularly gay journos. One could argue they would know more.
Last week I would have agreed but this week I'm coming round to believing it's a real relationship, be it an odd one with crap sex and too many professional perks. Perhaps they are just finally getting better at faking it...
>>727 I think so, but somehow the very short hair made that photo a bit...shocking (I don't know what's worse for his hair at this point, the wig or the dyeing). Maybe his hairline has receded too much to blend it with a wig.
>>727 >>729 Wigs can be applied on any length of hair. If he cut it, it was simply because he wanted to. He probably used the hairdressers on set when he visited out of convenience. Usually all cuts and colors are 'in- house' (not outsourced) since cast members don't have time to visit salons and they want to maintain lengths/ colors.
I preferred the blended hair too but I imagine he refuses to color his hair any more than is absolutely necessary in fear of more falling out
>>730 It's a mystery to me why the Thor 2 wig was so bad. The CP wig was also swept back from the brow but the hairline looked so natural by comparison.
Looked at the jogging pics and he looks so much happier and more relaxed. Because he is basically now on set, in his domain? Because he feels he can change the narrative to the Work? Because he knows that he'll be shot of TS in a couple of weeks when she flies home? (naughty!)
I do not think I can cope with 3 months of her smug chipmunk face peering out of every news site I access. Unfortunately I think she may exhibit limpet like qualities which keep her on set for the whole shoot, or at least until she needs to rehearse for her concert, by which time he may be finished anyway. If she stays the whole 3 months I am saying engagement at Christmas. He's a rabbit in the headlights right now and the longer it goes on the less likely is an escape.
This is the whole exchange betweent those journalists on twitter
Lol he played coy because they're still trying to make people believe that they are a super private couple but "ugh Taylor is just SO famous so the paparazzi show up everywhere, following us, we can't help it but obviously I'm Mr. Privacy so il not gonna talk about it." They don't care if majority of fans and media have figured out the shots are all set up. They'll put the public facade of not talking about because please respect our privacy but they'll call the paps because obviously they want the spotlight on them.
>>735 That's an impossible narrative to keep, if they walk the Emmy red carpet together, what is he going to do Pretend she is not there and say he wants to talk only about his job?
Besides I doubt TS wants to not be talked about.
Interesting body language when he was asked about TS being The One, he literally moved away from the journalist and looked elsewhere.
>>736 They'll do the thing of talking about it together in front of the cameras on the red carpet because they can ham it up for the public then with adoring looks. And the public will say just like you did "well you can't ignore each other on the red carpet".
But when "ambushed" by reporters and paparazzi, they'll stick to "privacy please". Taylor really wants people to believe she hates the paparazzi and doesn't want any of the attention so this fits in with her "show not tell" aspect until she or he is in a proper interview or asked about it on a maximum coverage platform like a red carpet.
>>734 God he sounds so pretentious saying that after all that transparent staging eyeroll Their red carpet debut is going to be so nauseating and OTT. It'll be so exaggerated.
"I'd rather just talk about the work [nervous laugh]"
Oh, come ON.
That is the most ridiculous thing anyone has said about this whole stupid affair.
>>713 I think those are his regular glasses. The reflection on the side arm makes them look different.
>>734 >>738 Yeah he can fuck off with that. Properly fuck off. I'm sure he only wants to talk about The Work - NOW. You cannot have it both ways, and he's a fool to think he can. He has opened his private life up to scrutiny (and ridicule) and there's no rewind button on that. He can say 'I only want to talk about the work' but reporters are going to ask...and ask...and ask.
I wouldn't be surprised if his people, her people, maybe even his own deluded, lurved up brain told him that he could switch the narrative back and forth seamlessly: 'I can pap stroll and stunt, but when I'm filming I can refuse to talk about Tay and TayTo, and people will respect that.' Nope, and more nope.
>>739 This is the type of rubbish that makes me lose all sympathy for him. Such a two-faced twerp. 'Sacred' and 'the work' and then staged stunts. And then back to 'sacred' and 'the work!!' Urghhhhhh.
>>732 If she stays the whole three months, 1) she's an idiot - because they will drive each other insane! I don't care how much you're in love or how co-dependent you are, every type of personality needs some alone time away from SOs and relatives. 2) I don't know if an engagement would be in the offing, but I'd bet on another long relationship as with CH. I think that CH was the first bf to make it past the five month mark, so Tayto would likely follow in the same pattern. Because girl's got a pattern!
Wait, I thought we were to the writing home and shouting it from the rooftops stage. When did we rewind? Good god you can't wear an I<3TS shirt then refuse to admit you're dating. I mean, you can.. but it's kinda ludicrous.
This is a favorite from today's pics. The girl in the lower right corner: 'Who the hell are you? Where is Taylor?'
>>742 Don't mention the irttshay. She'll start sending him out in it. She WILL.
Curiouser and curiouser: Theoanons returns briefly to say that she deleted the blog because the tiny PhD story was true in part (????!!!!!):
General comments :
ONE final thing: I don't think he's gay. I think he's bi.
>>745 It's lost in all the madness of the last thread but I mentioned this after reading some of her final posts. The ones she made after the final PhD message (which was a sighting of the woman in his local pub) were very pointed, i.d. directed at an actual person who'd contacted her. It was like she was apologizing for posting it but then didn't want to erase them because that would just draw attention to them. I could be reading too much into it!! And the first message I saw before she edited was directed toward someone in graduate school in a long distance relationship.
The one anon that knew of the sister (or some relative) of the actual waitress did give a plausible story - if not fully convincing; she had some pretty good details. Also when Theoanons said that the woman was Dutch, the anon wrote back to clarify and say that she didn't know where the Dutch thing came from, the woman was Italian or Spanish. The most convincing thing for me was the quote from TH about her hobby being his job and his hobby being her job. He'd say shit like that to 'make a connection.'
I don't think that this woman is still on the scene and happily hanging out at chez Hiddleston while he puts on an elaborate fake relationship for publicity. But a short little relationship after THEO and before Tayto - I could believe that. I also could believe she may have done the dumping. The waitress said that the woman said something along the lines of 'I need to finish my PhD first' which could be her version of 'the dates/overnighters were nice, but you're needy and I've got a thesis to finish.'
Don't people tend to rebound with opposites? Who would be the total opposite of a petite, brunette Italian/Spaniard who was mature, intelligent, focused and not willing to drop her entire life for a man? Who?
>>748 Ok, I'm not really interested in this story since there's no material, but I have to ask: when is this supposed to have happened? He was in another continent until March (the last time THEO were seen together at ISTL premiere in LA) and on promotion since then. And if you believe Tayto started rigth after Met....does TH do alternate universes? ;)
Forgot. Theoanon at first didn't take the waitress/friend of waitress' messages or the rumor seriously. She called it bullshit a few times. But then she took it very seriously, so seriously that she didn't want people looking into her archive for those messages. So seriously that she deleted an entire blog to get rid of those posts. Those are pretty drastic measures for rumors you don't really believe. I think someone coughed up some cold, hard evidence and Theoanons felt bad about posting info about a real person. I didn't get the sense that she was all about the 'tea' and trying to get the scoop, so I can believe that she'd delete a blog to 'protect' someone.
I like this mystery better than the WTF is going on with TH mystery! I don't think I managed to read all of the PhD posts, does anyone else remember anything about them?