Thread to talk about actor Tom Hiddleston.
Thought this was interesting, if it's true:
The Tayto has landed!
https://twitter. com/sunriseon7/status/751172107673886720 - orientation is off, and you'll want to listen with the sound down. Trust me.
Oh my god...okay this is really over the top. They covered her plane landing? What the hell? What is she some diplomat here for a summit? Wow. The levels of obnoxiousness is just insane. It's like a scripted reality show without it being an actual reality show.
That was QUICK! They'll need to do something else tonight/tomorrow to distract from Calvin.
>>554 I'm no longer blaming the media. Their PR is driving this monster truck the wrong way down a one way street.
I know the 'stans' will say that they're being hunted, legit papped, planes are being tracked, etc. No, just no. I've come to the conclusion that their people are tipping media outlets off.
"We lav yooo Taylor! We lav yoooo Taylor!"
Repeat ad nauseam. Or at least until Tom throws up because nobody mentioned him.
She was wearing that cat that ate the canary smile. He looked less than thrilled.
>>551 I saw this some place else - can't remember. It had a more specific source when I first came across it. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if it were real. This relationship is being managed, as she seems - as I said - to be wearing the PR trousers.
Those LAX airport pics make me think that the sex is not only bad, but disgruntled verging on resentful. Let's hope they are more relaxed and happier when alone.
>>557 I did warn you!!! TH probably has to parrot that sort of adoration between the sheets.
>>558 I read it the way you did - not that there is no relationship, but that she is telling him how she wants to get it out there in the press. I would 100% believe that. Thank god it possibly indicates he has some doubt about the process.
Why the LAX pics particularly?
>>559 It's worse than being the Duke of Edinburgh. At least sacrificing your life to be the consort to a head of state has some dignity. Also the Queen travels wth less security.
For the first pic. I know they've just gotten off of a long flight, so he's not really 'trying' and I'm not going to psychoanalyze this relationship by a few pics, but...she manages a smile for the photogs, doesn't she?
>>560 He just looked red and sweaty and miserable. And I know he has a 'pap face' which is meant to be very poker, but he almost looked like he was heading for the gallows and not heading off to enjoy first class with his sweetheart.
I'm reading too much into it. I'm going to just sit back and enjoy the next papventure.
>>560 I meant 'real' as in the info was real. I'm still in the 'real relationship' camp. Especially now that we have a different, more cheaty timeline!
>>562 I think he has been wearing something other than his game face for the paps ever since that day he was papped in NYC coming back from the gym. That was his first encounter with paparazzi in the wild since the story broke. I thought he looked very tense and not at all like someone in the first blush of love, even someone who has been caught in what he thought was a private moment.
Remember that Xmas 14 trip home after he finished filming ISTL? He was papped at LAX and he was all smiles, even though he was being asked about the Sony leaks or some crap.
Ok he was going home for Christmas on that occasion, but isn't he heading off to paradise with the woman he ❤️s?
I wonder if she'll make him IG official on her account tomorrow. She could post the pic JUST as CH's song is released. I wouldn't put it past her.
>>563 No, I think you're right. I've been seeing that face for a while, is all.
Remember also his arrival in Vietnam? Look at his little face! Except for Pursegate this man didn't have a pap game face until - well, until he started playing games with the paps.
>>565 Maybe it's just me, but if I were caught up in this circus, I'd be thinking less about arriving in paradise with my new love, and more about having to look men and women I respected in the eye: CH, MR, CB. Because while it's a real romance, it's also a PRmance, and I think his colleagues will recognize that aspect. But I was raised in a good, old fashioned shame culture that doesn't exist much anymore. And TH seems to have lost all sense of shame, so I could be wrong.
A propos of nothing, tumblr has become quite unplayable. Blogs I formerly thought were relatively normal are trawling the net for pictures of him with SF and posting them with captions like "Look, Tom shows emotion with a woman in public simultaneously with turning in a brilliant performance in The Avengers!"
Or a pic of Portia de Rossi wearing a t shirt that says "I love my wife" - with the caption "oh look, Portia de Rossi ruined her career!" Whereas she has actually just won an Oscar for her career-defining part in.....oh wait.
The nadir, though, was an old Twitter pic of Patrick Stewart wearing a lobster costume and lying in the bath. Very sweet - I think his wife took it on Halloween or something. Some prize moron had reblogged it with the comment "How dare you complain about Tom wearing an I❤️TS t shirt".....
>>542 Interesting;that DListed quote lends credence to some historical anon comments on TOBY, the kind of random things people say they've heard about (friend of a friend) but without pics, cannot back up. Including the sighting on TOD of Miss Tiny Brunette PhD.
>>569 It's hard to admit that something you placed great stock in, is in fact completely different from what you originally thought, so you have to defend it desperately. It's like anonsy said, there are stages. Those people/blogs are grasping at straws and firmly planted in the 'denial' stage. They'll probably never leave it. So it doesn't occur to them that all those examples you mentioned don't apply to Tayto.
Do you think he packed the shirt? Do you think he has to wear it during sexy times? Do you think afterwards, while she goes off to Skype with her cats, he silently sobs into it?
God, looking at those pics of him in Vietnam has almost brought a tear to my eye. He was so sweet - full of smiles and so clearly having a wonderful time with his life.
Now he looks so damn unhappy for so much of the time. Can that all be down to press intrusion and people writing snarky articles? If everything in the garden was lovely, would he care two hoots?
I know I bitch about dear Amal being a thirsty talentless famewhore and possible beard. But she and Clooney got as much attention as this, if not more, when they went public, and yet I have never seen a pic with either of them looking this glum.
And they arrive in Sydney: I think this was the moment someone shouted that they loved her!
A smile...for a fan. This is nice!
>>573 The caption: OMG! Same airplane with @taylorswift and her boyfriend from #LAX to #SYD
What's missing from this caption?
>>571 hahaha! He probably does wear it during sexy times because looking at "I ❤️ T. S" is the only she gets turned on and can come.
>>570 Did TOD have brunette PhD sightings too? For some reason the final posts on the THEO blog made me believe that this restaurant sighting was real. I can't say exactly why, just feel it in my waters!
>>578 ''s boyfriend! Yeah, we love you too.'
>>577 He probably lives with it by thinking of that episode in Plutarch where Cleopatra emasculates Antony by dressing him up in her clothes.
>>577 Taylor probably only comes when she's rubbing herself up against one of her Grammys.
>>569 I hear you about the Tomblr blogs. Some of the Tomfaithful are getting really obsessively patriotic defending the relationship they're starting to sound like they're trolling. I want to mention names, but I'll refrain.
>>579 ack sorry Anon. I meant THEO, not TOD.
I wonder if NW3 (who's back and low key posting) has seen this elusive student.
>>583 It's the terrible logic of the whataboutism that I can't bear. Say you love them, that you believe it's not a showmance, that you don't believe the pics are staged, fine - you're entitled to express your opinion on your blog. But don't run around screaming "what about Patrick Stewart in his lobster costume". Please.
I'm also never using the fucking hashtag I❤️TH.
Ok, rant over. Apologies for the language (I am British!).
>>572 I think he was happy arriving in Vietnam. I think THEO may have still been a thing, only CP had had less-than-stellar reviews and box office. ISTL had been dicked over on the FF circuit, but there was hope for the general public with the promo push. HR was on the horizon. And the Kong crew were really achieving 'squad goals' but without the micro-management of his recent social activities.
Life is a little more complicated now.
>>587 But this is meant to be the love of his life. The woman he introduced to his mother after a week (maybe longer!). The woman he has gone public for.
>>581 Oh God! No, not Plutarch - don't bring Plutarch into this!! But at least Cleo had someone plant the fish on the end of Antony's line all the way up and down the Nile. Where are TH's fish, Tay-Tay? Where are HIS fish.
>>587 He was happy - he's a human Labrador puppy and his new gf is the type to carry lapdogs, or put one on a leash if they're too heavy.
Now tumblr is using the fan photo from >>575 to say that he's/they're so happy! Yikes.
>>585 The whataboutism is coming from some of the bullies. You missed a grand flouncing earlier in the week....
>>589 Exactly my point. Her fish, her river, her rod.
Except that a day in Tay's embraces past would seem like about 1,000,000,000 years.
>>582 HA!!!! Or when having sex to a barrage of exploding flash bulbs.
>>584 We'd have to assume that NW3 is actually in residence in NW3, which has always been unclear.
>>588 I know. I know. But I think that meeting was meant to lend legitimacy to something that didn't yet have true legitimacy. I'm going to give the hopeless romantic the benefit of the doubt and say that ONE of his end games is happily ever after. That's the point of most relationships. But I think there are other end games for these two beyond happily ever after, and those end games are responsible for the public nature of the relationship and the speed of its milestones. I'm hoping their security got over zealous and over a few people in this golf cart, and they'll have to do a Depp/Heard style apology to the people of Australia. This, along with the beach/rock climb pics, prove that TS cannot maneuver stairs on her own.
And so it begins. Urban answers very diplomatically and the interviewer moves on when he senses Urban doesn't give a shit, but if others don't handle it as well, the next few weeks/months (please, no!) are going to continue this relationship's track record of cringe.
Tayto has landed...for a second time. Was it Olly that got a hug at the car? And then a handshake from Tay.
>>592 Among others; she has a small but loyal fan club.
>>597 Video is too grainy for me to tell. I hope it is, so he can talk to someone who's grounded.
An excellent screed with useful links to make the argument: http://i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman.
We all knew this but looking at the picture of this photographer I realised he looks remarkably similar to the pap photographer who tweeted a thankyou to THs favorite cafe in Suffolk in the midst of the shameful parade of the family Hiddles. I can't for the life of me find that tweet but I wouldn't be surprised if his trajectory followed them to RI (perhaps even Rome)
>>597 Looks far too skinny to be Olly, and just not hairy enough
I love Time! Let's see her get this pulled like she did with Paper mag
The lyrics!
A great level- headed article. I think we are all on the same page
>>574 he's keeping his hands as if he were her dad walking her down the aisle
>>594 I think that might be Luke
I wonder if he felt embarrassed at being a kept man and that's why they flew Quantas, arriving on her jet at his work place would have been even more humiliating.
>>602 "A guy wearing a tank top reading “I ♥ T.S.” appeared and wrapped his arms around her. Then he took three more pairs of fake arms out of a bag and wrapped them around her. “I think this should show the world how much I love you,” he crooned."
>>604 Someone (anonsy?) pointed out that her jet(s) can't accomodate that long of a trip.
>>601 I'm listening to the song right now on Spotify.
>>603 No I'm wrong it's not Luke
>>607 how is it?
here she was telling him to LOOK happy
>>606 It has been discussed at length on other blogs that celebs have private access at LAX- they are only seen when they want to be seen.
One of the newscasters in QLD mentioned that it is unheard of for celebs to be seen walking out of planes- they also have private gateways.
So this has been a double pap stroll (insert eyeroll).
Possibly even triple if you include Sydney... (eyes roll out of head)
>>603 I think you are right. Looks like Luke and in the video TH embraced him very warmly and it's the biggest smile we've seen on his face in a while
>>614 He would have been mocked yet again for being escorted to work in her private jet. This was the only way to save face while bringing his much more high profile gf along.
Their penthouse suite and hotel name has been flogged by the media so there will be no chill on the pap strolls. They don't even have to call their friendly photographer any more.
>>613 Hmm, I'm starting to smell 2 rats.
>>618 I love the photograph of the cheap plastic bin between the his and hers sinks!
It's a bit urban. Surely they could have found some nice house with a pool?
>>618,619 Hemsworth is staying at a house he got for himself and family. I think TayTo not renting a house might mean TH won't be on set for long.
The coverage of them getting off the plane was extraordinary. Does nothing newsworthy happen in Australia? What a load of sycophantic nonsense. "Seeing Taylor Swift is the bests thing that ever happened to me." Pffffffttt!!!!!
>>620 Or that she isn't. I find it hard to believe he will have a blink and you miss it role in filming. Even if they edit him out in post production I reckon they will want to get a decent amount of film in the can. On Thor 2 they added more in after pre screenings.
>>620 Peppers is a VERY non glam option for someone with their own private jet so yeah - either Marvel are paying for it or it's just for a short visit.
It would def have pool there somewhere..
As for the location - very appropriately located between the "Exhibition Centre" (HAH!) and the casino soo yeah. completely. totally private. not.
CH has three very young kids .. I imagine that they would go mad in an enclosed space for too long.
>>621 Aussie breakfast television at it's best (urgh) .. they get excited over anyone from "overseas" though I suspect that the "Tay Tay" header was a bit tongue in cheek with all and sundry having a good bts giggle off camera.
>>598 So I read this tumblr. I am glad there is someone out there with a different perspective.
I don't agree with this perspective either, though. Whether or not he calls himself a feminist, he doesn't owe his fandom to go out with a feminist (still less someone that writers at Jezebel consider to be adequately feminist and intersectional or whatever this week's buzzword is).
I also really don't think she's an "awful fucking human being" because she is a poor excuse for a feminist (which she is). If you think that is the pinnacle of awfulness, you also have the mentality of a 15 year old, and/or you are not reading the newspapers.
My beef with this is that:
(1) TH is an apparently intelligent and cultured 35-year old man with a formerly respected career making himself look stupid. He is fully entitled to do this if he wants but I find it embarrassing.
(2) TH has said on many occasions that he values his privacy, it's all about the work, we don't need or want to know about the man behind the performances etc. He has also repeatedly said that insofar as we do see the real him in interviews, he strives to be authentic. Everything he has shown us over the last few weeks suggests that this persona was a construct. TH appears prepared to use his private life for publicity - and in a remarkably calculated way. He and TS purport to be spontaneously demonstrative and in love, and the victims of press intrusion. But there are numerous pointers to large elements of these "pap" revelations (not all) being wholly orchestrated by them. Many celebs do this to some degree and I don't mind that if they are honest, or at least if they keep their mouths shut about it. But there is a particular feeling of betrayal that comes with the realisation that a persona which had authenticity at its heart turns out to have been a carefully constructed and calculated fake.
>>624 I'm sure it has a pool, though I can't see Hiddleswift mingling with the plebs to use it. I was thinking of the lovely house TH rented in Hawaii - very private with access to the beach and a pool. I kind of expected that for them, not some town centre penthouse in a high rise hotel.
>>625 Morning all. I think Anon , you have articulated almost precisely where I am at with everything.
Also agree, that Tumblr has gone bananas (should I be surprised, no, I guess not) I'm having to unfollow people at a rate of knots. I also fully concur that I will never, ever, ever (see what I did there), use a fucking "I ❤️ TH" hashtag.
As if he even cares! He's face deep in pop princess panties and could not care a jot if some tweenies and bored old ladies are defending his honour on Tumblr.
Also, she is wearing flats, why the hell does he have to hold her hand going up and down stairs. For a supposed strong, independent woman, she seems to enjoy looking feeble and clingy. AND her face looks like a squashed up chipmunk.
goes grumbling off to the kitchen for a caffeine fix
>>627 "face deep in pop princess panties" hahahahahaha!
There isn't much Tom love being expressed in the mainstream media. And it is noticeable that the "support" blogs on tumblr are either a small group whom we know of old, or a lot of blogs with names like "iluvtaylorandntomandiam12" whic I am guessing haven't been around that long.
I did see that cheers-mr-hiddleston, who has so many followers that she was asked to do some publicity by the ISTL producers, has gone very quiet. She posted a video blog in which she castigated people for saying they would boo him at ComicCon and pointed out that he still has a body of work which remains the same. But she also said that she had a view about some of what had gone down which she would never express, and that she felt someone was holding her rose tinted spectacles just out of view. If she thinks that, as one of his most loyal and well-known tumblr it's, it indicates to me that there is now a pretty fundamental problem in his fandom. (She seems to be a traditional Southern girl and I wonder if she has drawn the same conclusion about the timeline that Calvin/everyone else in the world did).
>>629 I also have a feeling, particularly at CB's, that his nannies posts under different names just to support the position that they are genuinely in love. I can't agree with the CB nannies so to me either this is a calculated PR and completely fake in terms of feelings and TH was always lying, or it's a documentary of some sort that backfired badly for him and now he's desperate to finish.
>>632 I'm noticing the nannies increasingly infiltrating all platforms now. It's a bit ridiculous.
No firefworks for TH
>>632 I still think it is both romance and showmance. TH has met someone he is keen on, and is willing to use it to boost his profile.
I don't personally think he faking the relationship, and I don't think he is faking his depth of feeling. As Anon. said at >>541, he gives the impression of always thinking this is the truest true love that ever was. He may be quite like TS in that respect.
But, like many genuine relationships, there are a number of motives at play, and fringe benefits to be had. I doubt he sees any dichotomy between True Love on the one hand and pimping it out for publicity on the other. People are usually quite good at kidding themselves that their own inconsistent actions are consistent. He is probably deeply wounded that his motives are being questioned.
>>634 He's there in his blazer in the background - probably stil clutching his wineglass. Someone gives him a hug at the end. Not her, I think.
>>633 Quite. After all, we are just commenting what they shove in our faces. And if it had been Cumberbatch or someone else doing this, you can bet they'll be writing very different things.
>>635 But if he is so besotted that he can't see what he's doing to his reputation he shouldn't look stressed or tensed. If he is tensed and stressed, then he isn't as besotted and he's aware of what's going on. It's either one or the other.
>>636 Yeah, I saw him, but it just made me laugh that he wasn't playing around with the fireworks.
Like in Rome, the penthouse has 3 bedrooms.
"Take It Off! Tom Hiddleston wears his navy blue quilted jacket AGAIN as his fans urge him to 'go shopping' while in Australia with new girlfriend Taylor Swift"
"Trouble in paradise? Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston spotted looking grim faced"
'Christian mum compares Taylor Swift's vagina to 'ragged' ham baguette'
I doubt TH is sexting or calling EO, mainly because TS his glued to his ass, and I think EO it's a bit too smart to go near TH riht now.
>>639 One room for her extensive wardrobe and another for her pussy (cats)?
>>638 I don't think they're mutually exclusive. He can be stressed because he is besotted with a known stage 5 clinger with a failed string of short term romances knowing full well he is losing his standing and reputation in the industry and a lot of fans as a result. I'd be really tense
>>644 his glued *is glued
Tom took his new guitar to Australia :)))