Tom Hiddleston 10 (1000)

1 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-03 12:45 ID:Z/gAwoKf

Thread to talk about actor Tom Hiddleston.

451 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-07 00:36 ID:NxtEUe7P

Tumblr cray-crays say her plane is on the move. Nashville to Connecticut to LAX.

452 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-07 00:43 ID:Z/gAwoKf

>>451 Delivering the Squad back to their homes.

453 Name: Sosorry : 2016-07-07 00:44 ID:P+RH8GGx

The London Times Hiddlehoax article by Carol Midgley has just said that TH looks like a needy stalker in a wife beater...ouch.


Marilyn Monroe did say, if they can love you they can hate you. These are the journalists that review his plays!

454 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-07 01:06 ID:BBQ22Wm0

>>453 I love that article:
'The alpha couple have been papped meeting each others' parents, having a mini- break in Rome, hand- kissing vommily in a restaurant and snogging on a rock in a set of perfect stills that could have come straight from a 1960s Durex advert.'

Pics of the Durex ad on the move. TH is either ranting or singing

>>448 Mutual media masturbation was me. At the time I was joking but I'm coming around to believing my own hype

455 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-07 01:15 ID:Z/gAwoKf

>>454 LOL it looks like he's yelling and she's crying.

456 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-07 01:25 ID:1CqjHBHC

>>454 Yeah, it's beginning to look like you were right about this couple. I like to think H e's singing along to one of her songs and she's just not feelin it one bit. Because Taylor. Those pics are super grainy at the airport.

They're going to Australia together and they'll get papped as they arrive. Holding hands. Then when she visits him on set, they'll be papped doing a closed mouth kiss while he's dressed up as Loki.

457 Name: Sosorry : 2016-07-07 01:28 ID:P+RH8GGx

Wait. The fans said that the plane went from Nashville to Connecticut to LAX. Did the plane drop her in Nashville and continue on with TH to LAX? Or did they just get it wrong?

And if that is THs angry face, I would not want to be near him when he's angry. Not sure if she's crying, or if she's just pensive. Not a lovey dovey car ride , for sure : )

458 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-07 01:41 ID:w9Q74kZP

My capcha proclaims 'bi'. Ha.

>>454 I am stuck on the sex aspect. We can gather that she's no longer a virgin - as someone pointed out in the Jezebel article comments, John Mayer would never date someone who wouldn't have sex with him. And TH looks like the type would spend all day in bed until your inner thighs are red (and believe me I looked for that in the pap pics, didn't see anything).

So here's the thing: I can believe they're staying with G-rated PDAs for her young fanbase - to maintain the illusion that TS is a wholesome girl who does not have sex until marriage. But I can't believe that TS is a good enough actress to FAKE that there's no sex and lie about it to people around her that would actually care - her parents, particularly her mother. I think she's too high-strung and anxious to be able to pull it off.

So, I would not be surprised if she is actually not having full-body contact sex with him, which makes mutual masturbation a technical solution to this dilemma (though many, like I, would disagree that is sex nonetheless).

459 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-07 01:44 ID:34K6L3Sw

>>457 I think it went to Nashville to drop off one of the non-celeb squad then back to CT or RI to pick them up then onto LAX.

>>456 At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if they did go to Oz together. This love cannot have an ocean separating it!

>>457 That's not his angry face, that's his 'listen to me talk your ear off' face. That's her 'I don't understand anything he's saying' face or just a downright bored face.

460 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-07 02:08 ID:BBQ22Wm0

'One false move, and your red-white-and-blue swimsuit—which was forced into your hands on arrival by a harried-looking intern living on Wheaties and sheer panic in Swift’s basement—will be ceremonially burned....
It’s the poor photographer trailing after this band of tousle-haired lens-flies that one feels sorry for. Imagine toiling in the wake of this sonic boom of banality, trying to make such relentless ‘fun’ look spontaneous. If you see a hipster photographer, weeping alone at a Rhode Island bar, buy him a gin and tonic.'

461 Name: Sosorry : 2016-07-07 03:14 ID:P+RH8GGx

And touchdown at LAX. Please let TH go to work. I don't know if I can deal with a season of them on the red carpets together. And did anyone see the pic of TH coming back from a run on the beach in Rhode Island today with her security guard? It's like he's living in little celebrity bubble.

Not sure what TSs face looked like in the jeep. If she had been drinking a little too much, there was certainly time to pull it together over the entire day before they went to the airport. She's usually a perfectionist. I wonder what they chat about?

462 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-07 03:21 ID:34K6L3Sw

Yesterday, as his I Heart T.S. shirt was drying on the towel rack next to his soggy dignity, TH (signed 'Tom') made a Facebook post about the ISTL DVD release, you know, The Work. There are about 200 comments, and while I didn't read them all, guess what they're overwhelmingly focusing on...ISTL?...Thor?...Kong?

463 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-07 04:04 ID:1CqjHBHC

>>461 I just saw that run pic with the guard. He really is enjoying living off her earnings. I get that she offers it to him but I have yet to see him treat her to something of his. They went to his mom's and he brought her that cheap gas station coffee. And the whole trip to Rome...and now that "blowing off steam" quote which could very well be fake but what if the reason Tom doesn't seem to care about his career and image dying is because he's using Taylor for all she has to offer? Money, connections, anything she can offer?

Just throwing out ideas. But him not hurrying to do damage control is interesting.

464 Name: Sosorry : 2016-07-07 04:21 ID:P+RH8GGx

Oops. That's what happens when dating overwhelms your work life. Saddish. But not really, since he's a grown up.

Okay the dailymail has already posted the pic of TH and TS on the way to the airport in Rhode Island, and another article about Ruby proclaiming TS her the best friend ever! Is the dailymail on the payroll? 2 new articles already? Plus everyone saying she's the July 4th hostess with the mostest.

I'm calling it. The PR train is on hyperdrive for Swift. She is determined to stay in the public eye for the entire summer. TH is along for a ride, but he knows not where. Hopefully it's not to hell in a hand basket. A video about celebrities, privacy rights, and the media wouldn't be that original. It's also a bit dangerous since she has such young fans and they over invest emotionally in her life. Real connections are about privacy, this is a connection w a PR kick. Hopefully she'll visit Australia but not not ruin the Thor shoot. And TH is enough of a pro and enough of a guy who likes his space, to probably want a little alone time while he works. I hope.

465 Name: Sosorry : 2016-07-07 04:32 ID:P+RH8GGx

>>463 I Agree. His home in London is safe, his neighborhood is not affected by this press, and as odd and invasive as the pap walk with his family was, the press is not going to follow his young niece or mother around the UK. At most they may follow TH when he visits Suffolk. His daily private life is still in his own private realm far from the madding crowd. He's nobody's fool. And if he ever wants to loved by the theater community again, all he has to do is nail another performance in the West End, and the Brits will just be relived that they get the old Tom back.

And anyway, even if the monkey movie doesn't fare well, no one besides Leo, Denzel, and maybe Bradley Cooper are systematically opening movies as a matter of process. Franchises are destroying our loyalty to individual projects. TH wants to be a Hollywood leading man, but that role is quickly becoming mythological.

466 Name: Sosorry : 2016-07-07 04:37 ID:P+RH8GGx

>>463 Her lifestyle is plush for sure, But no woman wants a man who uses her for money. Can't see him laying around and eating Bonbons all day and keep dating any successful woman for too long. And I don't think his career is dying. He's banking on Emmy and Globe nominations for TNM for access to better scripts rather than picking one now.

467 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-07 05:05 ID:BBQ22Wm0

Interesting comment on the Jezebel article that backs up the mutual masturbation theory:

'Publicists (and, by extension, we) are missing the point entirely. The real question here is: Do they (Tay & Tom) even know if it is real or fake? Having spent a lot of time around celebrities, I can tell you with some modicum of certainty that what propels them into relationships is not the usual reasons of lust or desperation. Sometimes they are just tickled by the idea of it—it seems right because the 2 parties are both of some relatively rarified caliber where most people’s sense of reality ceases to persist. These 2 cut a rug during the magical Met Ball, and then decided it would be fun to hang out, and now they are caught up in a whirlwind of how fun it is to have the entire world waiting with bated breath to see you kiss and be cute on vacation. This is why they are already meeting each other’s parents—it’s craziness, not something a normal couple would do, but it’s so fun and hilarious, fuck it, let’s just do it!!! This is why you have so many random celebrity pairings that eventually fizzle out—they aren’t ‘real,’ by any stretch of the imagination; they aren’t ‘fake,’ though, either.'

468 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-07 05:08 ID:w9Q74kZP

They're at LAX : https://twitter

Pics: https://twitter

469 Name: Sosorry : 2016-07-07 05:51 ID:P+RH8GGx

They're heading to Australia?!
And she s teasing the diamond ring on her right hand second finger. Wow. What is Marvel thinking?

470 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-07 05:52 ID:Ivkw9/V3

>>467 That's what they sound like. More caught up in the idea of their images in a relationship and the world's reaction to them. Honestly it's getting boring now. At least for me. Before it was fun to see what they got up to but now it's obvious it's just going to be public sightings and tabloid stories about how crazy in love they are.

471 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-07 05:55 ID:Z/gAwoKf

Ugh. I was hoping he'd go alone, but I can't say I'm surprised.

They're going to have to be careful with the "paparazzi" or Marvel will throw a fit - you know how they are about secrecy on their film sets.

What's she going to do with herself while he's busy working? Does she have any Squad members in Oz? Do you think she'll try to befriend Chris Hemsworth's wife? That'll be interesting, since Liam Hemsworth is with Miley Cyrus who is an outspoken Taylor hater.

472 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-07 06:00 ID:w9Q74kZP

>>469 Not a diamond, it's a moonstone.

473 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-07 06:01 ID:34K6L3Sw

And on their way to Oz apparently.

I feel like a month, maybe two, is going to tell us everything we need to know about TayTo. After the mad whirlwind romance, they're actually now heading into the pressure cooker. He'll be working, she'll be spending a lot of time with him (and his colleagues) - unless she has an Australian squad waiting for her. It's going to almost be like real life - ish.

If she spends a significant amount of time down there with him and isn't constantly arranging pap strolls during his downtime from work, but instead is building a solid relationship based on quality and quiet time spent together - then I'm going to hang out my 'TayTo 5evah' banner and say this one's got some legs.

If she doesn't spend a lot of time with him and/or continues to publicize the last ounce out of this relationship, I'm going to continue to give it a major side-eye until they get married and have children (then I'll end the side-eye).

474 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-07 06:05 ID:JsLX9u6Z

>>454 bloody hell, every time I see him climbing into her private jet or driving her around in her car, any appeal he had diminishes.
Captcha says quer. Hmmmm.

475 Name: Sosorry : 2016-07-07 06:06 ID:P+RH8GGx

The third LAX pic is my fave. They are matching in navy. Sadly, TH has a rather large blemish under his right eye. Buck up Tom, you signed up for a quite ride. Maybe she's staying till comic con.

476 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-07 06:12 ID:w9Q74kZP

There are a lot of 'ifs' in this.

  • There are more actors there so his time on set may not be as long or intense as it was for the previous films.
  • He may not be required to hang around set as much.
  • They're probably staying at wherever Marvel's rented a place for him, where he would have stayed with Olly anyway.
  • Speaking of, let's see if he shows up. Not counting on that.
  • Will she finally be ok with slowing her roll in the name of leaving her man mental space to do his work? If not then i see trouble.

477 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-07 06:35 ID:Heaven

>>443 I also had the impression that Phillip Schofield did talk to this friend, what I was unsure is whether the friend said that to mean "As I know him it's not in his nature so WTF is going on" or "I talked to him and that wasn't him so".

>>445 If this is for a video Lainey is right, not only she is not Bay, there should have been an element of surprise and most of all we were supposed to believe this was for real. Other than the Swifties and the TH's fangirls, we all think this is fake (for different reasons), we all already hate the material. The only thing that would make it interesting would be if her break-up with Harris was also fake or if this is the most original coming out in history.
Also, if this is for a video it can't go on forever.

478 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-07 06:37 ID:BBQ22Wm0

>>476 There's an insane amount of downtime on feature films, especially ones like this. It's a no brainer for him, he's played this part so many times I doubt he has to devote much time at all to his role. It's a minimum 8hr turnaround (between shoot days) in Oz as opposed to limitless in the US and usually weekends are free and he'll have quite a few rdo's. They might even shoot out all his scenes in a block so he's finished early.
He'll have plenty of time for TS.

There's no way in hell TS is staying in cheap-ass Marvel accommodation. The Hemsworths have rented a mini mansion, she will do the same.

>>473 I bet she flies some sqaddies down under to keep her company, she doesn't strike me as a loner.
If they keep pap strolling in Oz my eyes will roll out of my head onto the floor.

>>471 I hope she takes her photographer along to the Miley reunion.

The pressure cooker will be a real test for TS. I gather she's never attempted anything full time before and TH doesn't strike me as someone who would enjoy coming home to a boiler bunny every evening

479 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-07 06:38 ID:Z/gAwoKf

I had hoped that perhaps Tom going off to film in Australia would give us a bit of a reprieve from this nonsense, but unfortunately it seems like Taylor will be attached to Tom at the hip (or more likely, hand) for the foreseeable future.

The first few days of it I was annoyed. I felt like I'd been duped, and I wanted none of it. Then he dragged his family into it and I got so mad that I started commenting on it again, just to vent my anger. After that I stuck around because watching the cringeworthiness and the media dragging was entertaining.

Now, it's just not even funny anymore. It's like I've gone through the stages of grief or something, except instead of acceptance the final stage is not giving a f*ck. I'm not even interested in watching how it plays out anymore.

If they get married and have a dozen kids or if they break up a week from now, I'll still be side-eying the hell out of this for all eternity. It's been so staged and managed - even from the first interaction at the Met Gala, IMO - that I'll never believe anything between them is completely genuine.

The only think I'm mildly curious about at this point is how badly she'll rip into him in the press when it's all over, but even that? Not so much. Plus, it's not like I have to follow the news to find out anything about them as TayTo is being shoved down my throat everywhere I go. I'm sure I'll be sufficiently bombarded with the tragic breakup tale in 2-6 months.

TL;DR I'm over it. I won't say I'm leaving for good, since I'll probably lurk a little and maybe even post once in a while. I've really enjoyed chatting with all of you - even though we've had differing opinions and disagreements, the discourse been fun, logical, and sane. A rare find on the internet, or even in real life, for that matter. Perhaps I'll make myself a t-shirt that reads "I <3 my 4-ch Kareha message board friends" and wear it to a romantic beach somewhere.

480 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-07 06:39 ID:Heaven

481 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-07 06:54 ID:BBQ22Wm0

Great read for shits and giggles and the double dose of shade thrown by zooming in on THs sweaty fivehead

482 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-07 06:55 ID:Heaven

>>479 anonsy, I feel you and you know you are always welcome.

Indeed even if it ends or it turns out to be some documentary video, it won't be possible to go back the way it was before with TH, this was just too much to digest all in one go, for everyone I think. If it goes on...yuck, I think this would be the end of our threads, I won't certainly waste more time cmmenting.

483 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-07 07:00 ID:Heaven

The Times article's about Tayto, ouch!

484 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-07 07:00 ID:w9Q74kZP

>>479 anonsy, I will miss your insight, you brought a lot to the table here. Best wishes, please feel free to change your mind. :)

485 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-07 07:14 ID:Heaven

>>462 You know I haven't even noticed it was one of his post instead of the usual teamtom? His feeble attempt at pretending his work is of any interest right now is embarrassing. Did he write on fb because on twitter the scorn would have been too much?

486 Name: Sosorry : 2016-07-07 07:34 ID:P+RH8GGx

>>485 sadly, not even a Seneca quote about the shortness of life can save him this time. Blah. His facial expressions in the pics aren't so great, but maybe the paps yelled frustrating things.

487 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-07 07:45 ID:JsLX9u6Z

>>479 I'm feeling similar anonsy. I'll probably hang around a bit, as you're all sound people to chat to and I enjoy reading your posts.

488 Name: Anon : 2016-07-07 07:59 ID:hOUUKweE

>>479 Hey anonsy, I'll be sorry to see you go. You were here long before I was, right from Tom Hiddleston 1, and you made this board what it is, and what made us all come here. I hope you drop by again soon xx

489 Name: Anon : 2016-07-07 08:05 ID:hOUUKweE

>>487 Don't leave, N8! I need someone to go drunkenly to Skull Island with!

490 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-07 08:18 ID:JsLX9u6Z

>>489 Ha! I might be living in Cornwall by then (long story). I'll make a special trip back to town so we can drunk watch together.

491 Name: Anon : 2016-07-07 08:28 ID:hOUUKweE

I can't quite believe he has taken her with him to Australia. Someone on the Opinion Dominion wrote that if we assume they were together when he was spotted in Nee York getting a pizza, they have spent 2 days apart since 10 June. That's a lot of time with each other 24/7 at the start of a relationship.

On the one hand this makes me think it will work - it reminds me of how having a relationship was as a student. You have a lot of time on your hands and you usually live in very close proximity so you can be together a lot. And you have no responsibilities so you can head off backpacking together if you like. A lot of people marry the people they met at college which I always thought was because as an adult in the real world it's harder to make that connection because real life gets in the way.

On the other hand, when you are a student you aren't actually living together. And these two don't seem to have spent much time alone together. As a 35 year old with a job, how wise is it to move in with someone you barely know after a month? I have to say, of all the insane things TH has done, I think this is the maddest. I would want a pause for reflection at this point, and to focus on getting back into work mode. She can always fly out in a few weeks if he can't bear to be parted from her.

Like everyone I want to see how/if this works with them just spending alone time together with no squad and no paps. If that happens. TH has been to Australia recently for filming. I wonder how he will find the comparison between that carefree time, having what looked like real fun with his own squad, and how the Australian Daily Telegraph described Swifty's last visit (island paradise with at least 4 security guards at all time).

492 Name: Anon : 2016-07-07 08:33 ID:hOUUKweE

Couple of others random thoughts before I go and work for a living!

1) at the moment he probably couldn't get rid of her if he tried. She is clingy, rich and has time on her hands. If she says, "darling, why don't I come to Oz with you?" he can hardly say no unless he wants instant Armageddon.

2) however, what happens when she goes on tour? She was pretty focussed when she was with CH but touring, and as a result they spent a lot of time apart. He can't go with her if he is filming and I am not sure I can see him spending months on end not working and as her little tour lapdog. I predict that is when the wheels will fall off this one. When real life, the life that has made her so rich and successful, intervenes.

493 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-07 08:57 ID:Heaven

"Calvin Harris has beaten Taylor Swift to the punch, writing a cheating song ... about her.

The track is called "Ole," and it's written from Tom Hiddleston's POV. "

494 Name: Sosorry : 2016-07-07 08:58 ID:P+RH8GGx

Omg! Calvin Harris just wrote a cheating song about Taylor Swift, from the perspective of TH.

Supposedly about how she and TH got together behind his back. He alludes to the name Loki. Please someone double check this for me. John Newman in the singer.

495 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-07 09:03 ID:BBQ22Wm0

>>493 >>494 Oh, the drama!
Caught with pants down.
So I guess that's why this relationship rollout was so sudden- it had been going on a long while and they couldn't hide it any more. I'd say even the fairytail Met dance-off was a PR tester.
This overbearing push has been a desperate attempt to establish a legitimate love at first sight scenario with a vanilla timeline.

496 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-07 09:03 ID:QrAHUnpX

>>493 Hahahahah! And here I thought it was all going to be boring. Damn he calls them both out! I love that it's from Tom's POV!

497 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-07 09:05 ID:Heaven

Feige and Marvel being ecstatic happy that Loki is being used for a highschool drama.

498 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-07 09:07 ID:Heaven

>>495 When is what I'd like to know, when before or after Met they could possibly have been together? The only moment would be the night of the Met and TH was seen leaving the day after for London.

499 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-07 09:09 ID:Heaven

>>496 Thank you Calvin for making this worth following for a little while more.

Harris and Swift were PERFECT for each other.

500 Name: Sosorry : 2016-07-07 09:16 ID:P+RH8GGx

So! If TH and TS have been involved for a while, is this just a cover up for cheating to make it look like a romance?

Wait! If they were caught cheating by the paps, that would explain the exclusive photos for this alleged love tour. A blackmail. Give us an exclusive story or we'll expose you.

And if they actually like each other, why when kiss or touch does it look so awkward? They should easily be able to look hot and heavy? Are they still together or pretending to be together. Mind blown!

501 Name: Anon : 2016-07-07 09:16 ID:hOUUKweE

>>495 >>498

Th only thing I can think is it happened at around the time he started following her on Twitter - but that doesn't work as he was still in Vietnam.

I think it actually was at the Met Gala. She was still with CH then, even if there had been trouble in paradise that nobody knew of - so a one night stand allegation would have hurt her. And the perfect Disney prince. She then went on a Caribbean holiday with CH in May - hence the sneaking away while in a hotel lyric. Possibly she went because she wanted to try to make it work with him after the one night stand.

502 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-07 09:25 ID:QrAHUnpX

It could've all been emotional infidelity. The lyrics say how she calls to say she's in hell. You know she can hide her meeting up with Tom easily. She sat on that cozy MET pic until June 15 so she can keep incriminating stuff quiet. I'm sure the tabloids will start piecing it altogether for us now. I'm waiting for some shady cheating pics to come out. Maybe the Sun has them since they got the RI beach date exclusive.

503 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-07 09:25 ID:JsLX9u6Z

Unless, unless... (puts on tinfoil hat) they first met in Nashville when he was filming ISTL and made a connection then and were texting etc?
Crazy I know, but nothing would surprise me anymore.
Or maybe were introduced through Rodney when he was doing ISTL promo? Hmmmmmmmm.

504 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-07 09:26 ID:Heaven

>>501 yes, it's the only explanation.

However, I don't get how he could have been so stupid to think that a rumour of a ONS would have been more difficult to present to the public (we all assume he has sex!). This fake/forced relationship destroyed everything for him and now the ONS will look even worse.

505 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-07 09:26 ID:Heaven

John Newman’s Latest Calvin Harris Collab Is Called “Olé” & It’s Out This Week

506 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-07 09:35 ID:QrAHUnpX

You know if it was emotional infidelity, that would explain their awkward body language and their terrible kisses and the off aim and target. Like >>495 said the MET dance off could have been a PR test to see how the public would respond to the two of them together.

I don't think they'd take such a risk for a one night stand. The one night stand could've been easily buried. The Sun probably had proof of their long standing infidelity. That would damage their images way more than a one night stand.

507 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-07 09:38 ID:BBQ22Wm0

I've never followed TSs movements but I'm sure if some Swifties did a timeline of her locations this year there would be many crossovers.
>>503 There's the Rodney connection and of course the granddaughter connection (perhaps that lunch was a reunion as opposed to a meet my new gf lunch- it was a strange choice of double date).

No wonder they pap strolled LAX. She once again has succeeded in flooding the media with inane articles about their twinsie love

I hope the media drag out some evidence but I doubt they will be able to overturn any. That Swift machine is thorough.

I am expecting a pap stroll to coincide with the singles' release

508 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-07 09:42 ID:BBQ22Wm0

>>506 There's no way Calvin would write a cheating song about emotional infidelity so that leaves us with a ons at the Met or a longer connection. Considering the pace at which this has been moving and the degree of try- hard to paint them vanilla I'm placing my bet on a longer infidelity

509 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-07 09:44 ID:QrAHUnpX

>>503 >>507 That could've happened. Oh the possibilities!

I don't think her pap stroll flooding is going to work anymore. The press is getting sick of the monopoly on the pap pics and the public is erring bored of these two and their teeny bopper love. This is a much juicier story. One where paps will be descending like a storm upon the Thor set to hound Tom and they'll be after Taylor. She can't just call her favorite paps anymore and expect pretty shots. We're going to see some serious unwanted paparazzi action go down. Now I wonder how Marvel will feel about unwanted paparazzi hanging about their sets.

510 Name: Sosorry : 2016-07-07 09:44 ID:P+RH8GGx

Oh TS, didn't EO allegedly chase after TH to an island while he was working, after she broke up with her fiancé to see him, only just last summer. TS has a lot more power that TH, and she's set up this "relationship", but I still see this whole thing unraveling due to how this couple got together. TH looks pretty stressed in the face. TS seems like she's on cruise control. Maybe this is why Ryan had that weird face on the couple's porch photo.

511 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-07 09:48 ID:QrAHUnpX

>>508 It's definitely longer. Because something must have made Tom and Taylor confidently believe their couple would be met with adoration and that's why they did their overdrive world tour. The MET dance off could've definitely been a test to gauge how the public would react to Tom and Taylor together, and it was a positive reaction. Yet when the actual unveiling happened, it wasn't the same reaction at all and just got worse and worse.

512 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-07 09:57 ID:JsLX9u6Z

Yep, I'm definitely feeling now like the Met was a 'test the waters' type thing. If they've been emotionally connected for a while before that, then this sudden love-fest makes much more sense, if they've been a couple, even if not yet physically, for a good while before the pap pics came out.

513 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-07 10:00 ID:BBQ22Wm0

Well we all knew there was a scandal behind this aggressive, out of character, absurd and incomplete fairytale romance. It all makes sense now. Except for the inability to convincingly connect as lovers in the photos.... what's with that guys?

515 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-07 10:29 ID:78KwV4Db

>>514 That is pure gold.

516 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-07 10:36 ID:34K6L3Sw

All I've got to say is: earn that money, Luke! Earn that money, Tree.

This is so good, I don't even know what we all did to deserve this level of awesome.

I was laughing so hard when I read the first posts that my husband told me to stop because he was worried about the little zygot getting whiplash. Which I don't think can actually happen - he's got a medical degree and can make shit up to frighten me into line.

517 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-07 10:36 ID:BBQ22Wm0

Dj Diplo on Swift:
“She has like 40 million Twitter fans," he continued. "Forty million! Yeah. It's crazy. I'm a fan though. Her powers — she's big. She's strong, bro. Taylor Swift is very strategic with her friends and enemies. And I know lots of secrets. I can't divulge, but I know a lot of stuff about her. And she's definitely, there's definitely scary stuff going on. And I'm scared. I'm scared for my life."

518 Name: Anon : 2016-07-07 10:39 ID:hOUUKweE

>>506 I said one night stand. I meant that in the sense that they might have felt a connection and slept together in the night of the Met Gala. I'd call that a ONS rather than an affair because it's a spur of the moment, possibly one off thing. But I kind of assumed that afterwards she was on the one hand not ending the relationship with CH but on the other hand not cutting all ties with TH and texting him or something. Then it develops into something more and she dumps CH - worth the PR rollout to hide its murky origins.

I'm not expressing myself well here!

519 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-07 10:40 ID:Heaven

>>516 Disney on coke couldn't imagine this! Shitty Island theme park should have a TayTay song for its rollercoaster.

>>517 Maybe it's TS that has dirt on TH.

520 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-07 10:42 ID:BBQ22Wm0

>>519 The thlot pickens...

521 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-07 10:42 ID:Heaven

>>518 Harris must have known though, I think once he saw the Met video he knew what she was going to do, even if they went on holiday together.

522 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-07 10:46 ID:34K6L3Sw

Well I guess all our tin hats were in order. Way to go, team 'What the hell is this shit, I'm not taking anything at face value!' You all sniffed bullshit and weren't exactly buying what they were selling.

Strange that any goodwill they might have had in this situation, with the media and certain segments of their fan bases, was slashed and burned by their manipulation of the media in order to cover up this very situation. Maybe Tom is teaching her about irony!

Now, I'm off to buy a Calvin Harris download! Never thought I'd say that!

Also, Team Calvin for giving these two idiots a box about the ears. Even if it doesn't get traction, he didn't take it lying down!

523 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-07 10:57 ID:34K6L3Sw

Do they have to go The Full Bragelina to make it out with some shred of dignity, goodwill, etc - if the cheating story takes hold? Are we talking kids, adoptions, etc. It's not the same situation, TS and CH weren't married, and TH is no Angelina Jolie, but this is the closest parallel I can think of.

And are they capable of going the full Brangelina? Are they that suited to one another to make a long haul of it?

524 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-07 11:04 ID:Heaven

>>523 TS I don't know nor care, I think her fans are obsessive enough to sustain her even through a scandal.

If TH want to salvage anything at all, he'd call quits now, because a cheating means that there was never anything true to this, that he behaved like a coward - the nannies will either try to say that it's not like it was fake, but that TH tried to see if they could be a couple. That or they'll blame it all on TS.

525 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-07 11:13 ID:BBQ22Wm0

>>523 I think they're giving it a go but both Brad and Angelina had a solid history of long term relationships. It will be a miracle for one of TayTo, let alone both, to go the distance. I can't imagine making to 26 with 15months being the milestone of your longest relationship (and most of that was apart). No wonder she's so desperate for love. If TH can suppress his ego, his 'it's all about the werk', his lone ranger and what looks to be a bit of a temper and she can stop clinging tenaciously to his buttox then perhaps we have a winner.

526 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-07 11:20 ID:BBQ22Wm0

A quick glance a twitter tells me TS has bought the media. It is flooded with hyperbolic inane articles declaring their true love. The fail and a few other publications have picked up the cheating story but it's not visible amongst the diatribe.
We'll see come the release on Friday but my bet is she will pull another Swiftie: Pregnancy/ Engagement

527 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-07 11:21 ID:95MAKxi4

On a bit of a tangent but I was thinking earlier about them being on a double date with Gigi and Zayn. I mean, WTAF would they talk about. Thomas William Hiddleston and Zayn ex of 1D. Mind boggling and I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry thinking about it.

528 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-07 11:42 ID:Heaven

Was this posted? If so sorry.

"Tom is already tired of Taylor’s PDA photos"

3 hours?!

529 Name: Anon : 2016-07-07 12:03 ID:hOUUKweE

>>526 Have patience! This is precisely the story the media has been looking for to make sense of Hiddleswift. They'll find it. Especially if the DM has it already.

>>528 The video suggested they spent about 2 minutes in the water, then she frogmarched them back to the house. I did like the detail about him sneaking off for a beer, though!

530 Name: Anon : 2016-07-07 12:08 ID:hOUUKweE

Nice detail from a CB comment - he only put his arm on TS at LAX after someone shouted was the relationship was faked.

531 Name: Anon : 2016-07-07 12:30 ID:hOUUKweE

534 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-07 13:18 ID:AInlQxa8

>>533 Yep! This just became more interesting. I'm over my strop from this morning and am gleefully awaiting the next update.

535 Name: Anon : 2016-07-07 14:16 ID:hOUUKweE

And the thing Taylor most wants us to know about the last few weeks is: she absotively posilutely did not get a boob job. Ok.

536 Name: Savvy : 2016-07-07 15:22 ID:7WljYwy7

He's loving the attention.

537 Name: Savvy : 2016-07-07 15:31 ID:7WljYwy7

Sorry. Missing link:

He's loving the attention.

538 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-07 17:01 ID:QrAHUnpX

Both the Telegraph and the Guardian.

I'm laughing at the Swifties saying how Calvin needs to let it go already. But it's all applause for Taylor Swift who writes album after album lambasting her exes. They're actually saying she would never do something this tacky. She puts the exes initials next to the lyrics in the albums and talks about the exes in her interviews.

539 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-07 17:08 ID:QrAHUnpX

You think they're going to do an engagement now to try to bury the cheating allegations once Calvin's track comes out? It comes out tomm. Will they do the whole "he proposed to me on the plane!" I wouldn't be surprised at this rate but it'd be terribly obvious and no one will buy it.

540 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-07 17:35 ID:nTRDHoIp

>>539 I would not blink an eye now at a quickie wedding on a tropical island somewhere down under. Chris H's kids as flowergirls / page boys. "We realised it was true love and didn't want to wait to begin our lives together" style storyline.

541 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-07 17:53 ID:34K6L3Sw

>>540 I don't think even TH is famewhorey enough for an actual quickie wedding. He may be in the truest love that's ever been (you just know that's how he thinks about love) but I believe his parents' divorce screwed him up enough that he wouldn't get married after only 2ish months of starting a relationship - even if it was the greatest love that had ever been.

Would he get engaged? Yes. Real or fake engagement? Doesn't matter - he'd do it either way. If he's willing to put that t-shirt on, he's willing to put a ring on her.

How did we get here?

542 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-07 18:00 ID:34K6L3Sw

From the latest Dlisted article: 'I've heard (from commenters here, mostly) that he's incredibly impulsive and has a habit of doing things, PR wise, that are incredibly stupid and which his people have to dig him out of.'

Truer words have never been typed. Until now it's been silly, cringey impulsive acts. And they've been isolated. Now they're no longer isolated but very well publicized. And they've grown in size.

543 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-07 18:04 ID:QrAHUnpX

Didn't Chris Hemsworth and his wife get married within a week of meeting in a down under private ceremony? And now Tom and Taylor will be hanging out with them. Combined with what >>542 has said about his impulsive actions, he just may go ahead and do something really hasty and dumb. HOWEVER, I don't think Taylor's parents will be okay with it. They'll put a stop to the wedding because their daughter is 15 yrs old mentally and is worth $280 mil.

544 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-07 18:22 ID:34K6L3Sw

>>543 I don't know if it was a week, but it was quickly. That I put down to CH not being the sharpest tool in the shed, and EP being a very focused woman. She did, after all, manage to get Brody to buy her a castle.

Laughing at the 15-year-old with a quarter mil in the bank!!

What her parents must think! I know that parents often have rose colored glasses when it comes to their children, but they must just roll their eyes sometimes when she brings home the next 'The One.'

545 Name: Sosorry : 2016-07-07 20:13 ID:P+RH8GGx

Elsa was also pregnant when she and CH tied the knot, btw. And TS definitely had wine in her had wind in her glass while she was doing the sing along with Ed Sheeran at the party, so no worries there, hopefully.

I wonder if TH will still get the Emmy nomination? And if so, or if, not will TS spend the entire summer with him in Australia, or just till Comic Con. So many possibilities. And will they do a pap walk on Friday when CH releases the cheating song to distract us?

546 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-07 20:25 ID:QrAHUnpX

We'll definitely get something Tom and Taylor in Oz tomm. It very well could be something with the Hemsworths or the Ruffalos. I feel like it'll be something with the castmates. Just to show how much everyone loves Taylor and how everyone sees how happy Tom is because she's in his life now. It'll be heavily focused on her as usual.

547 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-07 20:50 ID:34K6L3Sw

>>546 I hope it's with a koala or a boomerang - not the cast members. Could be that they'll hold back on the airport arrival pics - like they did with the pics at Stansted and release them at the perfect time to suck attention away from CH.

548 Name: Savvy : 2016-07-07 21:01 ID:7WljYwy7

When I read the lyrics of the new Calvin Harris song, I thought I was reading some sms, especially the part where he says that he saw online she was being a good girl and vacationing with her boyfriend.
Maybe Calvin checked Taylor's iphone and found the sms that Tom sent her.

549 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-07 21:24 ID:QrAHUnpX

>>547 They could but I don't know if that'll be enough anymore. I mean for her fans sure but cheating gossip about Taylor Swift along with a song from the jilted ex will sell more clicks. I think the world has more Taylor haters now Swifties lol I would hope the tabs follow the Calvin thing more and I really hope Calvin doesn't let down like Kanye did. We all expected the tape Kanye! Not a wax nude doll!

550 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-07 21:51 ID:w9Q74kZP

They're landing in Sydney. The local news station has video of the plane: https://twitter

So they landed there rather than Brisbane (closer to the set). Get ready for more paps.

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