Yesterday, I went to Yoshinoya... (409)

326 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9001 05:27

I wish they left that scene in. Just imagine if the west became more accepting of DQN. By keeping that scene in it would possibly prompt more adults to research it and get converted into DQN fans (I am one myself), in turn increasing the amount that is imported and thus increasing DQN revenues in Japan, therefore increasing the amount of content created. We may have actually had big names like Daddy Cool, who has made his fair share of VIP threads, start to produce DQN threads too. The more accepting the public is, the less of a big deal DQN would be and so we'd finally have superbly entertaining threads involving Grandpa, mittens, fancy hearing cake, and DQN music.

There just aren't enough anonymous text boards in the west, and the Japanese are leading the way and leaving us behind. Not to mention we don't get 2-ch jokes translated fast enough. Only a few high profile 2-ch jokes get translated quickly, but because we don't demand it in the west then there's no commercial involvement and we have to rely on fan 2-chers (Those kind souls), and so we miss out on a lot of the more niche jokes. I don't only read DQN for the current thoughts or even the character threads, I read it for the fantastic way people are able to post whatever they want. When was the last time you heard the phrase "the only surviving legend of socotion gomez." Never, that's when you last heard that in normal forums. You know, not to mention that "im gay" sounds much cuter and less serious when it is mumbled by an anonymous poster, versus "I'm gay".

There's things that DQN can do also that no regular text board could. Kopipe is one of God's greatest inventions, the way that a single Yoshinoya rant can have so many humorous variations is incredible. My soul survives on kopipe coupled with the cute ramblings of mindbroken DQN users. And of course ascii art is nothing compared to the SJIS/UTF art many amazing Japanese men (maybe women) draw. The text art in parts of 2-ch is better than anything which has came out of Italy in the past 1000+ years. Truly mind blowing stuff. The way they can make Aramaki Scaltinof seem so soft and puffy, the way they can perfectly sculpt Mona, the way they can get the absolute perfect amount of white space between characters and the way they can make plaintext look like the softest, most delicious things in existence. Messenger software in the west often use emoji which looks like it's straight from Cartoon Network. Whereas 2-ch users in Japan make text art which looks like it's straight from the mind of a man with the greatest tastes.

Just imagine how much more advanced humanity would be, how much we'd progress, how much happier we would be as a whole if it was just acceptable to post whatever you were thinking on DQN. The fact that Japanese man have smaller cocks than us in the west is no surprise when you consider how large their brains must be to come up with the most entertaining threads known to man.

This is the sort of future we miss out on when mentions of DQN are cut from mainstream american sitcoms.

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