( ß -ß) Post unhappy things... (2) (999)

598 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6357 00:04

About the dress-up game. The maker refunded my money I gave him as commission to work on it. He obviously doesn't want to do it. At least he gave me my monies back, huh? I might have him send me what he had so far, and have another guy work on it. Hopefully he hasn't deleted everything already.

It was probably going to be expensive as I kept wanting more and more features, but it still might be finished. Someday. I'll save up and work for money to fund it.

In truth, I think I scared the guy off because I wanted him to play fart noises when Osaka's butt was clicked. Then she would either giggle like she put her face in the flour or will say "That wasn't mine" for bigger farts.

Don't cross your fingers for it being done anytime soon. I'll inquire about this other guy doing it.

And I'll warn him about Osaka's gastrointestinal functions.

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