[LE] Official shiptoasting thread [>GREEN] (243)

36 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6872 02:04

Applejack may even be the best person among the main pony cast. In her honesty and forthrightness she reminds me of certain relatives of mine I admire.

But if you are speaking of waifu material, out of all the characters yet seen, I am only capable of sexualizing Princess Celestia. The main characters are very cute, even adorable--with chubby little bodies and stubby little legs and big heads and round faces, and I cannot look at them without the anti-pedo lobe of my brain saying "they're TODDLERS. Yes, they speak with the voices of adult women, but they're TODDLERS. STOP IT."

Princess Celestia, on the other hand, with those long graceful legs, and the narrow waist and OH LAWD DEM HIPS, and the face that's just a little longer and just a little more like an adult woman's--rowr. I'd go furry for her in a moment. She is my pony waifu, and I would hit DAT ASS like an enthusiastic child with Down's Syndrome playing the drums. Just look at it: ttp://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5ued52QWe1r3xauuo1_500.png

(is this shitty enough, guys? or do I have to work harder at my shiptoasting? let no one say dokyuns aren't devoted to QUALITY)

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