ITT we talk about sex ed in public school (49)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 21:10 ID:VGF3e2vX

I have lived in Georgia for most of my life. Not a place too endorsing of sexuality. In middle school during mandatory health class (we had to take at least once a year) there was a two-week period of Sex Ed class. 90% of the class was vaguely worded abstinence crap and threats of STD's. I clearly remember one kid asking about masturbation (something pretty inoccuous, like "Is it harmful?" or something) and the teacher told him he wouldn't talk about "that".

I had to take that class twice. During the second time I repeatedly guessed out loud what the teacher was going to say and he started to get really pissed. He said "If y'all know so much, what's the placenta?" Now that I have a basic grasp of human anatomy I can clearly say that the placenta has nothing to do with sex and that that teacher was a total jackass. Unfortunate I couldn't have showed him up right there and then.

When my little brother took sex ed in 8th grade, he was in some obviously Christian program that was later found to be unconstitutional. He came home one day with a saccharinely Christian diploma or something saying "I have vowed to be ABSTINENT UNTIL MARRIAGE BECAUSE I HAVE SELF-ESTEEM!!" My mom got pissed and told us that no one should be abstinent until marriage because you could end up with someone sexually incompatible. Good advice IMO.

Anyone have interesting stories about experiences in Sex Education classes?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 21:39 ID:1d7Laadf

It's funny how the government/our leaders/etc. still refuse to talk about sex openly. I think those anti-drug commercials that say "If you don't talk to your child about drugs, how will he know what to do?" are true about sex as well. Parents won't talk to their kids about sex, so all the kids have to go on is the totally immoral shit they see on TV/hear in music.

I forget who it was exactly, maybe the surgeon general? Some high-office lady was fired/forced out of her position because she said masturbation can actually be good for you. Even though it's true, the Bible disagrees so you know (or to be less assumptuous, all the old people in the government are too stuck on their out-of-date morals).

3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 22:52 ID:Rz5fHErh

roflcopter, here, we practice abstinence too of course....but then, they told us, if we "absolutely had to have sex", then do it right and keep it safe. They gave us the motto. "Fire in the fireplace is safe and beautiful." hahahaha awwww man, still cracks me up to this day.....

4 Name: Shii : 2006-04-23 02:21 ID:Qyscb+Fd

I want to know why nobody advocates teen sex. It's a typical face-off between the Republicans taking the radical "our way or the highway" stance and actually making laws get passed, and the Democrats being all wussy and saying "welllll I guess I agree with you that sex is evil and a sin, but kids should have the right to education anyway." And then they wonder why their kids are such insecure geeks.

I'm going to call my political organization "Promiscuity Now!". We'll fight for free condoms in schools, not "just in case", but because we want to see free love practiced in the halls. Yeah, we're gonna be taking names and kicking ass.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-23 18:22 ID:tvT2V4si

>>4 pedo pedo lol

6 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-23 18:40 ID:lPgCJY9o

Sex is the plague of human interaction. Introducing it at an earlier age sets people up for failure and misery sooner.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-24 04:37 ID:Heaven

lol whut

8 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-24 17:45 ID:Heaven

cheer up, emo kid

9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-26 20:32 ID:0fNCOXrP


I advocate teen sex, but only with me.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-26 23:58 ID:IPrOKvfD

I remember attending a sex ed program in fifth grade, though all we did was watch a film. Girls and boys were 'taught' seperately.

The only thing I remember is some 85 year-old guy saying "Sex is precious!"

11 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-27 00:59 ID:jOYGARn9

our school system never taught sex ed, they were worried that they would get flak from either side. they expected our parents to teach us about it, but my parents are too shy to talk to me about it. i decided to research it on my own and so began my wonderful addiction to internet porn.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-27 02:40 ID:VGF3e2vX

13 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-27 04:46 ID:Heaven


I had a similar experiance in fifth grade. The boy's film mostly talked about things like wet dreams and (lack of) foreskins. IIRC it was produced by Disney.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-29 00:33 ID:Heaven

lol, I now have an image of Mickey talking about STD's.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-05 01:35 ID:Heaven


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