Why isn't 4-ch more popular? (361)

288 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-30 15:25 ID:JDWKpIy+


While I agree that distancing ourselves from 2ch would increase our prospective audience, I can't help but feel that 4-ch remains a niche board for those people who are interested by Japanese net culture and 2ch specifically. I don't know if you can/should change that. As it is, we're like a very mini 2-ch, but somewhat geekier and stupider.

I have a hard time any non-troll who isn't in some degree interested in Japanese culture visiting this board.

I might imagine broadening our scope to include some Korean and Chinese cultural stuff, but it seems we've imported 2-ch xenophobia along with the other stuff. All the posts about Korea are just <丶`∀´>.

Still, I'm puzzled that more people don't post in the "News" thread. There are some interesting topics there, sometimes.

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