[True Love?]Love on the Internet! [Online Sweethearts] (136)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-09 03:40 ID:5GNERk1O

I've been meaning to make this thread for sometime now, on the Net Culture or General board. This is a much better place!

In this thread, we talk about any online relationships you've been in on the internet. Discussion about online relationships and whether you've seen them work or not is also encouraged.

Let's hear it!

97 Name: !x.jK/hScOs : 2006-03-18 14:33 ID:ivHn0AcO

alright, enough happy end stories, time for some serious internet DRAMA, bitches.

roughly 3 years ago, while in the youths of my college years, a classmate of mine introduced me to a foreign mmorpg.
thereafter, i met a very cheerful/respectful girl after finding the english community for the game.
back then, i was pretty much a spineless, introverted, socially-withdrawn, full-blown wapanese otaku (games, anime, j-pop.. etc.) i couldnt stare at any girl in my class for more than 2 seconds in the eye. i couldnt even bring myself to say the word 'shit' or 'fuck' irl.
i instantly fell in love with this capable, independant, nice, intelligent, and game-loving girl. we spent much time chatting in her mirc chatroom with a bunch of other english players of the same community. after about a year of gaming with her (and other friends i made while playing that foreign mmorpg) our interest for each other grew rather steadily. though i never asked her for a real life picture of her, because i wanted to believe that i loved her personality from my heart, and not for her looks.

98 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-18 14:34 ID:ivHn0AcO

it was some time shortly afterwards that i finally brought enough courage to say the words "I love you." over msn.
i should of known something was wrong when she casually replied, "you know, a lot of people said that to me before. but they've never meant anything to me... but you... I love you too."
i should of known something was wrong, cause i got a weird feeling at the time when she said that. but nooooooooo, being the naive virgin dumbass i was, I thought i was the happiest man alive, being loved in return from a girl i respected and desired.
and then i felt like i just got married or some glorious shit for like a week or 2. then weird things started happening.
i would message/pm her at times, and she wouldnt respond. or not talking to me as much, giving excuses like "oh, i'm busy griding in so-and-so game, or i've got tons of homework." almost like she was avoiding me, the weirdest part is that, she never said anything that remotely suggested that she was actually in love with me. no fake hugs, no fake kisses, nothing.
all i'm left with was the feeling of pure, cold, emptiness.
i told myself, "dont worry, just give her some personal breathing space, she's probably really into her game grinding right now, or busy with school work, or both. just give her some time, she's a good girl."

99 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-18 14:34 ID:ivHn0AcO

this continued.. for days.. weeks.. months.
fuck, i even memorized the maintenance days for when the game server she was playing on was going on, so i know she was avaliable to chat with for those measlely 1.5 hours.
i was a desperate and blinded kid, with no experience, and my mind was literally deteriorating while i waited.. waited.. waited for that single moment when she would talk back to me.

at some point. i finally snapped. I was getting delirious. "She's a smart and talented girl, why the hell would she love a loser like you?" "she's going out with other guys, you know it, you just dont want to believe it." "She only enjoys you for your quirky personality, she wants to keep you as a clown, entertaining her forever. she never actually loved you." I finally left her, leaving her a rather bitter message about her heartlessness. she, of course, being the sensitive loving being she made herself out to be, banning me from her contact in all shapes and form.
i was free again.

..until half a year later. i grew some confidence. and decided that what i did wasnt a very polite way to end a relationship. as a friend, or lover or otherwise. and re-entered her chatroom and try to just assume a normal friendship again, since obviously being her lover didnt work out so well.
we made amends, and became casual friends again. and things were lively again. this continued for another half a year.
until finally, a particular night came.

100 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-18 14:35 ID:ivHn0AcO

she pm'ed me a message:
"Hey. you've always wanted to meet me, and i've always refused them right?" (she insisted we never meet before, because she didnt like meeting people over the internet or some shit.)
me: "yeah, what about it?"
her: "well, wanna meet? i think i'm finally ready."
me: "are you serious?"
her: "(time)(date)(location) i'll be wearing a black jacket."

when i finally got to the place we were supposed to meet at.
i finally found out why she had been acting the way she did.
i finally found out why she always refused phone calls, or webcams, or meeting in real life.
was it the long black hair? no.
was it the chubby figure? no.
was it the ugly face? no.
i could of forgiven all that. at one point, i honestly was ready to accept her no matter what she looked like.

but not when she was, actually a man.

101 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-18 16:55 ID:VYsAqvay

Thanks for amusing me

102 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-18 18:48 ID:Heaven

lol it's a trap

103 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-19 03:24 ID:J6tcrIDu

shit she was a man, wtf. what did u do then???

104 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-19 08:31 ID:ivHn0AcO

it turns out, that he was feeling sorry for some desperate loser like me, and pretended to be a girl that liked me to get my hopes up or some idealistic shit like that. but he didnt actually think i was seriously falling in love with her, enough to fall into depressions because of 'her'.
in retrospect, i was very glad that he finally told me the truth.
i imagined he trusted me enough that i didnt go ballistic over the matter when we finally met and beat the shit out of him or something.

but when i first met him and found out, i talked to him like it didnt bother me and that i kinda knew that it wasnt real to begin with. but in my head the entire time, my brains felt like they were frying and melting, thinking: "THIS IS A FUCKING JOKE RIGHT, ONE OF THOSE JOKES WHERE THE REAL GIRL HIDES SOMEWHERE AND ASKES HER MALE FRIEND TO PULL A PRANK ON ME, RIGHT!?!?"
i felt like puking as i left the meet afterwards.
i kept handing out money on hobos i met on the way back home too, to try to get my mind off of the whole ordeal. I dropped all my coin change in one bum's cup, it was so heavy that he nearly dropped his cup.
i gave another trash digger a 5 dollar bill. and he was like "HOLY SHIT!"
went to sleep that night in fetal position hoping i'd wake up to the real world.

all in all, i think i came out of that experience with a lot more than had i not.
I'm a lot more mature, open minded, and confident now.
and i hope my (tragic) story gave some of you some insights or laughs. i know i certainly look back at it and laugh at the desperate mistakes of my own youth.

105 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-19 09:13 ID:Yn3cb8oP

wow. beautiful. bravo. so yeah, what happened then, trap guy?

106 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-19 17:15 ID:CDDlRLeE

O_O GOSH!!! Poor you ;_;

107 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-20 12:20 ID:Heaven

>i gave another trash digger a 5 dollar bill. and he was like "HOLY SHIT!"


108 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-28 20:15 ID:vyXxK2mx

Omg,.. I didn't want to give up, but I was never hurted like that before.. There is really no chance. I have to give up.

109 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-29 08:27 ID:Heaven


Wow...I'm sorry.

110 Name: benson_2009 : 2006-03-29 10:16 ID:e+xbcvkk

>>104 man i feel so sorry for u~~" but stil dont give up! keep trying ^^

111 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-29 16:51 ID:C4dLCzAC


Dam... thats gotta sux

lol and I thought I had it messed, but ya you see I played this game called Ragnarok/RO where over 70% of the females there are probably well males. Meeting people online has a big risk I'm not saying it doesn't work, but the chances are quite small. I once dated someone online that I met from Ragnarok, it turned out she lived 10 blocks from me, I met her one day and she was a really fun person but after meeting her friends I realize that one of them liked her too, so then decided I couldn't compete with someone irl so eventually I just dropped it when her dad got involved, But at least now I have a good friend^^ and I DDR sometimes with her bf.

but ya pure relationships online doesn't work unless at least parts of it are irl like eventually you have to bring it in real life.

112 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-29 17:00 ID:C4dLCzAC

Depending on your luck though I guess online relationship can sometimes be helpful for people who are too shy in real life or are an loser irl like how I used to be.

back in back in gr 9, I was your average ugly gamers freak with no fashion sense, or any knowledge of how to talk to people. I met someone online though a friend, and began dating her online, I have to say I found out she was a complete whore (she dated online one of my best friend before me and afterward dated a bunch of our other friends). It was one of my first relationships, it was shitty and I was hurted but a few month later in the summer I dated again this was who I considered to be my first gf, and I guess the online relationship in some way prepared me for it.

from the shitty online relationship I learnt more about things girls worry about, how to dress, how to act, and basically semi changed out from a ugly gaming freak to somewhat more normal, in the end I have to say I guess everything in life can be something that prepares you for the future.

113 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-29 20:18 ID:sk0ZSE7K

A question to all of you who had some kind of online relationship, failed or not. Where do you actually meet women online? I doubt that 4-ch is a good place :)

114 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-29 21:37 ID:or8LNpe7

There are a decent number of women on 4-ch, but the anonymous thing probably gets in the way.

115 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-29 22:32 ID:dDdVeerp

>>114 It does.

116 Name: arashi : 2006-03-31 00:27 ID:x7pN/N7W

i'm not sure where guys would meet girls online but for girls, but for me, gaming is the place since it's like...70% full of guys =O~ tho i usually don't tell people i'm a female cuz there are some crazy guys out there x_x been harrassed a few times and had to report them to the GM >_>;;

117 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-31 07:45 ID:or8LNpe7

Hint for all of the 4-ch females out there: If you want a guy that is intelligent and mature do not act like >>116.

118 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-31 15:16 ID:Heaven

Yes, seriously. Don't use that many smilies unless you're under 14 or mentally retarded.

A problem for me when talking to girls in games or on the internet in general is that they are all the huggles kind, it makes me sick to my stomach.

119 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-31 23:05 ID:Heaven

hint: those ones are traps

120 Name: benson_2009 : 2006-04-01 01:23 ID:4WOt8C1y

how many people here meet girls from online games??

121 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-01 07:47 ID:Pg0Mz4uv

If by "meet" and "girls" you mean,
"go down to Crawler's Nest and grind some experience with a Mithra in my party",
then yes, I do.

122 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-03 18:21 ID:sk0ZSE7K

I've met a few traps so I always assume that there are no girls on the internets. Except my brothers girlfriend maybe but that doesn't count.

123 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-03 22:04 ID:q1rfY/iO



on the internet, guys are guys, girls are guys, and children are FBI agents, nuff said


124 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-07 08:26 ID:Heaven

"There are no women on the internet. In fact, I'm pretty certain there are no women at all, although I've never left the basement to check."

125 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-22 05:45 ID:a7yOId5Y

Games seem like a really bad place to seek relationships, from what I've heard. I don't think I have met anyone, not even regular friends, in a game.

Though really, it's hard for me to say anything bad about finding someone on the internet. Although I definitely don't prefer an internet girlfriend to a real-life girlfriend, I have never had any problems as far as someone turning out to be completely different than they seemed to be online. I have only had one internet relationship, though, which ended a year ago (I am >>84). I think as long as you're smart about it, you probably won't run into problems. I had known and talked to the girl in my previous post for a year or two before we decided to "go out", or whatever you call it on the internet.

Although I somewhat vowed never to have a long distance relationship again, I think I have fallen for someone online for the second time. I have no doubt she is a girl etc., though I don't know if she even wants a boyfriend. But we have been pretty close the past few months, talking about this and that almost every night.

Anyways, I think you definitely shouldn't fall for a girl online if you haven't seen a few pictures of her, talked to her, known her for a few months, basically you should be 100% confident she is who she says she is.

126 Name: cocoapuffs : 2006-04-22 06:46 ID:mcNB25qu

>>125 >I don't think I have met anyone, not even regular friends, in a game.

No kidding. Everyone is so unfriendly. I would like to start a relationship with someone from an online game, but that is just impossible.

127 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-22 18:17 ID:Heaven

I thought I was the only one disgusted by that shit.

128 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-20 06:00 ID:C7qNO7c1

(I'm a bit shy in real life with people I dont know, and having moved after high school, I dont really know anyone where I live now...being slightly wap and dorky enough to be on this board in the first place, I dont feel comfortable with "normal" guys, and at school, I dont come in contact with many people who share my interests.)
That being said, I am in said online relationship, having met my boyfriend through an online friend and of friend. It started slow, and there was a lot of "oh god, this is very long distance and the internets" time where we would try to take things slowly but would always end up still wanting each other.
After a few months we began talking often on our cells and via msn, and I believe we were both very honest and open about ourselves. It took us over a year to finally meet, but he came and stayed with me and won over both me and my family - because we were both honest, he was exactly as I knew him to be, our time together was great (it's embarassing, but we read /b/ after sex a few times), and we plan to try our best to see each other as often as we can and to wait until something permanent can maybe happen.
Just like in real life, there are a lot of people who play games, play the field, misrepresent themselves, and merely want something from you (paysite lol).I seriously believe in finding love online, but like real life, it takes a lot of honesty, patience, and commitment (also it helps if you are used to relying on fapping).
Good luck to everyone like me, hoping for a true nerd love story with a happy ending.

129 Name: Haruhi : 2006-07-20 06:52 ID:qP5SyxJI


FFXI!<3 I love you.XD

Actually, I have an interesting story. I met this one guy over the internet on this one forum that I frequent, and he actually confessed to me first. We agreed to a boyfriend/girlfriend status, and were together for about two months. He dumped me, though, kinda wimped out on the long-distance thing.T.T We're still really good friends, and I still hope to meet him someday. He's caught up with his family's business right now, so I won't be able to see him, but I'm sure we'll meet someday.:3<3

Oh, at one point, when we were still getting to know each other and becoming friends, we were trying to figuire out how to prove I was a girl. I suggested he ask me to do something silly, like write his username on a piece of paper and take a picture of myself with the paper and send it to him right away, or cross my eyes and touch my nose with my tongue at the same time. If you have a digital camera but not a webcam, this is the best way to go about it.<3 It can get really fun, too. He sent this really silly picture of him looking like he's about to eat the camera.XD

130 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-20 09:23 ID:ytv5Hjrm

just call him? it's a lot of fun to talk and hearing each others voices.
If its too expensive because you are living so far away you can also just buy a microphone and use Skype or MSN or Teamspeak. They are really cheap :3

131 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-21 00:54 ID:raEFffcz

I wish I were better at talking to girls over the phone/skype/etc :( If I don't pay attention to how I talk I come off as sad or depressed, and of course I can't think of anything to talk about! I fear that awkward silence more than anything.

132 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-21 10:22 ID:6hummPX0

>A problem for me when talking to girls in games or on the internet in general is that they are all the huggles kind, it makes me sick to my stomach.

Me too, though I have met of few of those kind which I sort of mentally fell for.

133 Name: WarezKing : 2006-07-21 15:45 ID:EvRSFPuF

"I'm that sort of hikikomori who can't even make friends on the internet" [Satou-kun - NHK]

134 Name: Haruhi : 2006-07-21 19:35 ID:vSGmidDZ

I'm actually very bad with phone calls myself, but if you find someone with similar interests as you, it might end up being quite a lot of fun. If I'm interested I'll talk forever.XD Just ask simple open-ended questions and such, like "What's your favorite TV show?" and such. Remember to have an answer ready yourself.^_^


It's not that hard online.XD The internet gives you a bit of anonymity; if you mess up, you can try again with a different screen name or something.

135 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-22 03:32 ID:Heaven

>>134 Yeah but the biggest problem is when I'm talking on the phone with someone I talk on the internet with a lot. So if I know all of her favorites etc. the amount of topics to discuss is a lot less.

136 Name: Haruhi : 2006-07-23 05:39 ID:tG7t+OoD


You know when you're thinking of something to say and start typing away on AIM or whatnot? Just do that, except say it out loud instead of typing it into a keyboard. That's basically what I do on the phone, anyway.

I've actually been told I'm the same in real life as I am online by my friends. Aquaintances haven't seen that side of me since I act like that nice, quiet, polite girl in the corner when I'm not around friends.XD

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