[True Love?]Love on the Internet! [Online Sweethearts] (136)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-09 03:40 ID:5GNERk1O

I've been meaning to make this thread for sometime now, on the Net Culture or General board. This is a much better place!

In this thread, we talk about any online relationships you've been in on the internet. Discussion about online relationships and whether you've seen them work or not is also encouraged.

Let's hear it!

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-09 03:52 ID:Heaven

My girlfriend is 3000+ miles away. We have been dating online for six months, and never seen each other in person. It will be two more years before we are able to meet each other, because of our age.

I have dreamed of being in a relationship like this one. It is so perfect. She's very loving, and very affectionate. She's really cute (definatly my ideal girl), and we even have similar hobbies! Sounds perfect.

But, I am the kind of person who hugs pillows at night wishing that they were her. I don't know how to bring up our future to her. I don't even know if I should. I know I want to be with her in person. I just don't know how to go about asking "what's going to happen?" and planning out our future together. She's shown some signs of wanting to be together, all of which have made the happiest man alive, but I don't think I can just say "so, what're we doing when we turn 18?" for some reason.

Also, she seems very open IRL. She's complained about guys touching her in school before, feeling her boobs - this seriously pisses me off! I wish I could do more than urge her to tell someone who actually can do something, or stand up for herself (she's really way too nice (and trusting) to EVERYONE), but in my current state, I can't. Her myspace also has some guys leaving comments that seem to be uh, very friendly, but this might just be me being jealous.

I do know that she is a very sweet girl, though. I just don't know what to do on these minor subjects.
This has turned into a novel of a post, so I shall hit submit

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-09 08:08 ID:Heaven

Well... I've been talking to this girl online for the past 2 years. We've gotten to the point where we know a lot about each other, seens various pictures of each other, and can pretty much discuss anything.

No doubt, if I met and befriended her in real life, I would have asked her out by now.

However, I don't believe in online relationships, especially when she's so far away. Unless one of us happened to move to the other's area, we shall simply remain online acquaintances.

But then again, I've met lots of girls online and asked myself "Why couldn't I have met you in real life?"

Of course, the answer is that if either I or them acted like we did online when offline, we would be completely different people.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-09 10:48 ID:RGlH3ObD

I knew my fiancè 6 years ago, I knew him in the IRC.

I didn't think about love. I thought about a pretty friendship and he thought the same.

I lived in Peru and he lived in Spain. The love arrived in 2000, we decided to be together and I traveled to Spain in 2002.

Today we lived together in an apartment in its city and we have plans to marry.

It is difficult in the beginning, but it is not impossible.

6 years later, we are together.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-09 15:12 ID:4F+0jUky

I was in an online relationship when I was younger. We met in a pretty improbable way (I was demanding that someone bake me an internet pie!), and talked for quite a while before it went beyond simple friendship. We did get to meet, once - I'm in Arkansas and she lived in Alabama, so it was only about a 6-hour drive. I stayed with her family for about a week, and it was some of the best times of my life. Her parents actually liked me! I'm not entirely certain what brought us together like that - but I honestly loved her. Ultimately though, we fell apart because what she wanted me to be was contradictory - she didn't like that I wasn't completely independent of anyone else, but at the same time she wanted me to do/be what she wanted. In the end, it just wasn't meant to be. It's sad.

I wish things could have worked out, Amber.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-09 16:48 ID:Heaven

I had a great online relationship with this girl who was about the same age as me, and we shared some interests etc etc. Then I got an opportunity to go visit her (she was in another country), and when I got there, I found out that the phone number she had given me was wrong, belonging to someone else. She became completely unavailable online. Finally, on the last day before I had to return home, in late afternoon when it was already starting to get dark, she suggested I go to some park in a less populous area unknown to me. I almost did this, but thought better of it.

There was more, but I don't feel like writing about it. In any event, that was the last time I would participate in any "online relationship" nonsense.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-09 17:10 ID:UJMDI+jZ

I have a "working" online relationship. Needs more money or else cheaper plane tickets.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-09 21:40 ID:Heaven

That's sort of a sad story. :(

9 Name: 6 : 2005-11-09 23:24 ID:Heaven

Not really. At that point it was more of a relief.

It also put things in perspective; I now know that of the people you chat with on the internet, those that actually care about you at all (even non-romantically) are the exception, not the rule. And that if they refuse to exchange letters or talk on the phone, they're not exceptions. Which leads into a bunch of "net culture" related topics...

I guess it isn't a happy story, but >>1 didn't say they had to be.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-10 00:08 ID:0W6bLD6m

I think it's kind of funny and sad how the "girlfriend in Canada" meme has become a part of our culture these days. Erm, that might be putting it a bit strongly, but...

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-10 01:04 ID:g3fkxGCk


12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-10 15:09 ID:u5CRbqye

Care to elaborate?

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-10 15:14 ID:sLAaxTSj


Not really. Looking back on it, I have no idea what the hell I was trying to say.

Sorry bout that.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-11 00:23 ID:UyiMwM3S

I've seen it work with my friend. Although, it definitely took the relationship some time to develop. Actually, it was more like, "I didn't see that coming."

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-11 00:54 ID:ZAlaOdBe

Women are all whores, don't bother.

Instead of trying to have relationships you should rape as many as you can. In the future women will have no rights left because people (aka men) will realize that they aren't human.

Rape good.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-11 03:12 ID:GtYwpZka

True. Women can barely think as it is. No intelligent man would consider a women human.

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-11 03:41 ID:Heaven

No intelligent man would spell the singular of "women" women either. Therefore, you must be a "women".

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-11 05:49 ID:Heaven

Hey, John.

19 Name: schizoprincess : 2005-11-11 10:17 ID:kRfnOpP9


Wow, that's stupid.

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-11 14:38 ID:VpOekH0b

I think it would be awesome if we took men's rights away. Remember that all you need to reproduce is a woman's egg cell and advanced technology. It wouldn't be just clones--one day we'll even be able to merge two egg cells' contents together. You better be glad women haven't done something about you lazy parasites yet.

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-11 14:46 ID:Heaven


Your piss-weak attempt at some sort of male-bashing troll has earnt this thread a sage. NOW GO AND DIE KTHNXBAI

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-11 15:01 ID:Heaven

Wow DQN and /b/ moved in here pretty fast... And >>21 needs to learn the point of sage.

In any case, to me, it doesn't seem like online relationship could really work out. For companionship, yes, they could last quite a long time of chatting and so forth, but I'd never expect anything like marriage to come of it. I've talked to a close friend for about 1 year now without any real life contact but rather online. We share a common interest, FFXI.
I see people in-game declaring their love for one another (and through in-game marriages), but it kinda reminds me of "grade school romance". "<3 Seipher 4eva!" and whatnot.

23 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-12 00:01 ID:ZAlaOdBe


HiIIII ^^ :D

I'm glad you liked my post.>>15

24 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-12 15:16 ID:4GLZxOCc

I'm married to a lovely woman I met online. And the first woman I ever really fell in love with I only knew through email and snail mail.

In both cases, I did have enough information to know that they were on the level.

Stupid, fucked-up things can happen in online relationships. They can also happen in real life (I'm currently attempting to shepherd my sister and her now-ex-boyfriend through a sane and clean-ish separation, which was showing signs of going amazingly pear-shaped prior to me and my wife stepping in). Just don't be stupid, is all.

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-12 15:29 ID:Heaven

>going amazingly pear-shaped


26 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-12 16:09 ID:u5CRbqye



27 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-12 20:18 ID:ZEdiLLPO

I don't think an online relationship would work for me. It's not that I say it's impossible, all people are different. Some may not have an urge to feel a human, they could be perfectly content with just chat and talk. Don't get me wrong, I love both chat and talk, but in a relationship, I seek more than that.

Many of my friends are people that I met online. That's handy, because you're able to meet up with people from all over the world with the same interests as you. However, it might be that you live far away, too far to ever meet up with online contacts. Could a guy possibly stand living in Finland with a girlfriend in South Korea? Sure, one could get in touch with a person partner living close, but I don't think that's what this thread is meant for. Long-distance relationships, with only a few (or maybe no) chances to meet each other in real life. Most human beings need being close to their love.

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-15 05:43 ID:t55TXXIu


Do you ever wonder about what might have happened if you'd gone to that park?

29 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-15 06:07 ID:RxRgwrgx


you do relise that allot of those people that declare their love for each other and have in-game mariages are mostly people that know each other offline and are b/f and g/f there too

30 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-15 10:36 ID:RXeBg9s/

i agree

31 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-15 23:27 ID:Heaven


We must run in different circles. I think I prefer yours.

32 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-18 00:12 ID:nqkGoV4t

My exes got married and had an in-game wedding a week after the actual irl wedding. That was awesome.

33 Name: RegretThink : 2005-11-18 03:43 ID:uQURygq8

Im not saying its impossible for me to meet someone online and have a RL relationship but I think its highly unlikely... Maybe if we actually heard each others voices over Vent or even TS or something of that sort would it even have a chance... I'm the type of person who likes to talk and not really type... Guess its just a preference...

34 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-18 07:17 ID:Heaven

you see, i'm the opposite. I hate talking but can type away all fucking day about everything and anything.

35 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-20 03:48 ID:Heaven

I always thought I could never get into an online relationship.. I'm always all "LOL INTERNET" and can't really take it seriously. Plus people always act so different online then in real life.

I have seen it work out though, between someone I know very well who now lives happily with her BF she met online.. but I still never really thought it could work for me.

But right now I'm so busy with school (and no opprotunities there, long story short) I don't have much chance to meet guys... I started to crush a little on the internet now... arg... I hate myself for it! I feel like a lamer.

I guess a lot of it comes from a guy who I though I liked "IRL" and then when I started to talk to him online.. he showed me his "true self".. barf. I don't trust people much I guess.

36 Name: 名無し!byft8HrUyU : 2005-11-23 20:44 ID:l6VQzIE1

I always thought I could never get into an online relationship.. I'm always all "LOL INTERNET" and can't really take it seriously. Plus people always act so different online then in real life.

I agree with you, so I have never tried to find chicks on the net.

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37 Name: 6 : 2005-11-27 21:11 ID:Heaven



38 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-04 05:29 ID:egzcAS3a

A couple of friends of mine, who I met online, ended up getting "involved" with each other online. She flew out to meet him over Christmas, after 2 weeks together he proposed, and the next year she moved out to live with him. That was 4 years ago, and despite ups and downs, their relationship has been solid.

39 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-09 11:52 ID:ytv5Hjrm

sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesnt.
As I spend 95% of the day online i know many people on the net. Many found their love, some even moved together. One guy even married the girl and the have a child now.
As for myself i met some girls but only had a online girlfriend (met in real life too) once :(

40 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-09 18:45 ID:mUfE5etl

The Internet is the wrong place to look for women. It is a sausage fest. Men outnumber women online by some ridiculous number. It is like getting into ham radio to pick up chicks.

And yes, I have tried, and no, on those rare occasions--once, maybe twice in each year of looking very hard--that I have found someone I felt really attracted to and wanted to meet, it does not work. Most often she wants absolutely nothing to do with me. Or, worse, she is married, or she has a boyfriend, or she is a man, or she agrees to meet and I travel two days to get there and my cell phone never rings, then I return home only to discover that she has been calling me an asshole and weirdo in her Livejournal for the past six months, all the while pretending to care when she talked to me.

You are not going to get laid here. You're NOT. Everybody on the Internet who's looking for love is a desperate lonely horny male geek, exactly like you and me. You are more likely to get struck by lightning or win the lottery than to hook up. Give up on it now before a lifetime of rejection and humiliation makes you as bitter as it's made me.

41 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-10 03:10 ID:Heaven

Actually I've read that females outnumber males on certain websites such as LiveJournal.com. And I in fact have a friend who literally got laid as a result of that site, so clearly, it can happen. Now, I suppose trying to pick up chicks on IRC would be rather stupid, on the other hand.

42 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-13 04:58 ID:KZJCnQG1

there's a guy (i'm gay, btw) who seems to be seriously in love with me after only a couple of days talking on MSN. he seems like a really nice guy, but.. it's rare that i can feel that way about someone without actually meeting them, or at least knowing them online for a long time.

43 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-13 21:18 ID:eP0Gwd1h


Be careful with that one. Sometimes someone discovers they really like someone from minimal interactions. Other times, the person in question really just has a tendancy to "fall in love" and just as quickly "fall in hate".

Despite the fact that he's rushing it, take your time.

44 Name: Zing : 2005-12-14 03:11 ID:hF9H0pMC

You know what rules? Having your wife develop a romance in MMORPGs and then decide to stay with that guy for good.

I suppose I shouldn't complain too much... I found her on the Internet to start with. :-/

45 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-14 06:43 ID:Heaven

Ouch. Condolences, >>44.

46 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-14 11:02 ID:kN9K28Fk

I've been through a lot of surprisingly difficult relationships over the internet. The last two did a pretty hard number on me, as they happened in rapid succession. The first was short, but I had fallen hard. The second lasted over a year... but the breakup was even worse. It took well over a year for me to get over it and start to move on.

I had promised myself that I wouldn't do it again. A relationship online, I mean. I think, for awhile, I had considered not getting in any kind of relationship, real or otherwise. The second breakup did that much to me.

But now, I've found someone who I can't help but feel strongly for. This person's intelligent, a gamer, is into anime, and generally likes a lot of the same things I do. The only problem? I don't know her very well and I tend to lock up around her. We usually chat on IRC and can go back and forth pretty well in a regular room. But I was PMed for the first time tonight and I just panicked. It was really weird. All the memories I thought I had buried surfaced again and just sort of threw warning sirens up. I've been in a funk since that, thankfully, I appear to be easing back up out of.

I'm not exactly sure what I should do. Do I try and make the past just that and try getting to know her better? Or do I simply stay where I am, at a safe distance, and be happy that she's willing to talk and joke around with me? I honestly have no idea what I should do. Sorry for the long post, but I feel better now that I've gotten this out somewhere.

47 Name: 42 : 2005-12-15 01:04 ID:KZJCnQG1

the more i talk to this guy (or the more he talks to me) .. well, he's really starting to annoy me. i feel like i'll have to meet him now, otherwise he'll just be a noise on a computer. CHRIST MAN I WANT TO SLEEP

48 Name: 42 : 2005-12-15 01:13 ID:KZJCnQG1

actually that was way too harsh on the poor bastard. i'm just tired.

49 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-15 12:47 ID:eSBy+rw4

The internet is admittedly one of the worst places to find romance of all. Not impossible, but one of the worst.

I've asked people in the MMORPG I play in why they're so desperate to get "married" and find and online girlfriend, their answer: People are more sincere online and it's not about the looks, it's about personality. I think that's bullshit, anyone can pull out a fake personality online, simply because everyone's anonymous to some extent.

50 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-15 20:02 ID:g3fkxGCk

>>49 I agree, and also it's easy to pull a fake personality without really meaning to or even noticing it.

51 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-17 20:16 ID:Heaven

as for my exerpince, I met her on IRC 11 months ago. I love her very much and she loves me. I didn't go around "picking up chficks" on the internet (in fact, in the past, i've made o fun of people with online relationships), but then I couldn't help myself to fall in love after awhile. She's great, we'll be meeting soon.

52 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-20 20:53 ID:YXiqvRpb

I've tried searching online for love, but it just doesn't feel right sometimes. The most I've gotten to is just instant messaging.

Anyway, any decent looking girl who puts up her picture is probably gonna get swarmed with PMs from desperate guys everywhere. Even if you ain't desperate (relatively, lol), she might just lump you in the whole group.

53 Name: Zing : 2005-12-20 22:32 ID:hF9H0pMC

Anyone who says dating on an MMORPG isn't about looks obviously hasn't camped in town for hours waiting for a certain piece of clothing to show up in a shop.

54 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-21 00:07 ID:Heaven



55 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-24 00:44 ID:Heaven

hmm. yeah. there's absolutely no way i can sustain an online relationship as well as the person on the other end of it. i just can't take it even remotely seriously. plus there's someone else i can't forget about.

56 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-24 03:51 ID:KZJCnQG1


57 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-24 10:07 ID:AfyPS3k0

i had an online relationship with a girl who lived very close to me, and also went to the same high school! But we've never really met in real life, only on the internet. whenever we met in real life it would be very breif and we've never really been with each other for more than a minute.

We talked everynight in the summer until 4am, and i loved her so much. We always talked on the internet but never online. Its a sad story :( I was too afraid to meet her in real life because i didnt want her to be dissapointed of me ( in real life i rarely can say a word especially to girls).

Once my friends try to force me to meet up with the girl at her house but i got really scared and refused, I didnt want to lose her by screwing up, i guess i was really paranoid. In the end i guess she got turned off and we dont talk anymore.. Orz

58 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-26 23:55 ID:Heaven


59 Name: hime : 2005-12-28 00:41 ID:8uwMBqhK

reTRF co



60 Name: hime : 2005-12-28 01:21 ID:8uwMBqhK




61 Name: hime : 2005-12-28 01:21 ID:8uwMBqhK


62 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-28 05:28 ID:1QGB+OZ1

wow you fucking fail at life

63 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-02 09:00 ID:eMAa/eLf

dont make relationships with girls in video games. my friend, actually poses as a woman in final fantasy 11, and milks this guy for all that hes worth, they talk on aim/msn and wahtever, and exchange words and etc. etc. creepy thing is, my friends sent this guy pictures, of this hot girl he knows, so, hes none the wiser at all, his whole set up is so real, and so scary, no one would be able to tell if it was a girl or not online, thats, scary. i mean, my friend asked the guy for money just because he wanted this sick crossbow. And what did the guy do? he went out and farmed for 2 mil and gave it to him, thats just...man.....i say, thats damn cruel, and well, my friend says, "good buisness"
hahahaha ahhhh cruel and funny at the sameeee time

another story. my friend has "dated" a few guys online, because of her location circumstances. however, many of my friends and i have looked down upon her for doing so (mabye because i liked her), as you just cant see the real person in real life. if you think about it this way. shes never talked to these guys on the phone. only on aim, and in games. now a persons mannerisms online and offline are two totally different things. of course, offline, i suppose im pretty shy and reserved. online, i can be, well, way different i suppose. so, how do we know your online romeo isnt really a wifebeater with a short ass temper in real life? online, you have alot of time to think about what you want to say to the other person and can create whatever persona you want for the other person. Also, even if you called them, its not like, its for a long time, they could change themselves just for that 10-30 minute intimate phone call you have with them. So all in all, online relationships, im a bit on the negative side with them, but if you do, just, GET CONFIRMATION ON IF THEY ARE WHO THEY ARE, thats just my warning guys

64 Name: SynthL0rd : 2006-01-02 23:21 ID:NLWI9lIe

I'm going to have to agree, online relationships are a train wreck. I've tried to make about 3 of them succeed but end up in failure, I think RL (Real Life) realationships are the only way to go, sure you can meet and understand a person intellectually online but if you do get that chance to meet them your perspective is completely shot. I met this one woman online once and she seemed to be absolutely my perfect girl, we had the same interests and everything. After talking for a bit I noticed she wasn't all that great but still had some of the same interests so I went along and decided to meet her. After about 2 meetings with her and one to her house it turns out she was a complete FRAUD she was not the woman I thought she was personality wise anyways, her name address and college she attends were all valid but the personality she created was so not her and I just couldn't stand it any longer.

My conclusion to this post is, do not date online if you want to save yourself the frustration and confusion, but if you do make sure you fully understand the woman first and call her more than just once (like I did).

65 Name: 63 : 2006-01-03 05:03 ID:4fhwqv2H

bear in mind also, my friend was AIRTIGHT, making freakin, myspaces, and xangas, and what not, AIRTIGHT.....lol beware. and, he even got consensual consent from the girl in the photo, in case the guy ever wanted to meet up, thats really i think, just airtight...

youre a great example of my theory

66 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-12 01:11 ID:5oqbR5ff

Been through this shit two times with girls who lived on other continents. Yes, we did meet for longer times irl.

No, it didn't work out. Yes, it wrecked me. Boohoo.

Screw it all.

67 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-12 02:19 ID:U5aT/zxA

I have an online boyfriend. We've been dating for 2+ years now.

It works. We both have perfectly healthy normal social lives, but I'm awesome and he's awesome so we fit together perfectly. Plus his parents are richhh so We get 50$ Southwest tickets every couple of months and have a week-long visit.

It's really really hard to say goodbye at the airport.

68 Name: Anonymous : 2006-01-13 14:41 ID:xX3KIW83

It does work, but it is rare that it will.
I have been dating my boyfriend for three years, we got engaged, and he moved to be with me.
Things are still working great, and he started off halfway across the world.
I wouldn't recommend it because people tend to feel more anonymous and act differently online, but if you do get lucky, good job.
Good luck.

69 Name: 66 : 2006-01-18 02:00 ID:Heaven

These last two posts depress me.

70 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-18 06:05 ID:3Vk+DmYs

I met my fiance online - we happened to be living only about 20 miles apart but we exchanged emails for about 6 months before we actually met. Having said that we emailed as friends, it didn't become a relationship as such until our 3rd meeting! But it was a good way to start getting to know each other.
Now we have been together almost 3 years, I have moved to Japan to be with him (he is Japanese, he was studying in the UK) and marriage - even trying for a baby - is definitely on the cards in the coming year.

I'd say online relationships are a good way to start, but it has to become a RL relationship at some point if it's going to work.

71 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-18 22:01 ID:Heaven

That last sentence there is incredibly insightful and non-obvious.

72 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-23 08:08 ID:Heaven

In ten years, people will realize that the internet is a part of real life.
If we're lucky.

>>70 still has the right idea, but the artificial divide between real life and THE INTERNET is just too silly for words.

73 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-30 16:21 ID:+NftPXHa

I've seen online relationships blossom into real life relationships. None of mine ever have. Now I've had two with girls that I've actually loved: one so fucked up that it'd take many paragraphs to explain it, the other was pretty good until the girl suddenly decided that she didn't wanna be in any serious relationship.

It's usually the distance that gets to me. I'm a poor guy, and a poor guy can't afford to get plane tickets and whatnot. When a relationship with someone far away becomes serious enough that you wanna move to be with them, that becomes a challenge when you don't have the necessary funds. You get to the point where you love a girl, and it's hard to not physically be with her. you get this desire; you wanna hold her in your arms, and feel her with your own hands. You can temper that feeling a bit if you don't mind simulating actions online or whatever, but you can't dismiss it completely.

You don't have to be totally paranoid about people faking their personalities online. People can fake them offline too. You usually hear people talk about their ex-lovers become "totally different people." I think online though, people are often more uninhibited, and you get to see their true personality show. Now about gender-benders: I think I myself might be wary of chicks in online games. I think what you have to do is think about how well you know the chick. If you've been talking to her as a friend for a while, then that adds to her legitimacy. The people who get fooled by those sorts of "chicks" in online games are the people who are desperate enough to go after any random girl online.

You also wanna talk to your partner over the phone sometime. If you're just shy about it, just explain that to your partner, and if she actually likes you, she'll understand. That's vital not just to confirm identities, but to help you feel closer. You also wanna exchange lots of pictures. And if you're pretty sexual, maybe some naked pictures! Cause those are always awesome.

Another thing that bothers me when I'm in an online relationships is the time not accounted for. When they're not online, might they be in trouble? Could they be cheating on you? It's hard to get away from those thoughts, and if they turn out to be true in an online relationship, then that could ruin them for you, and only serve to increase your paranoia.

Online relationships can sometimes work out. They're not for everyone, but more people should be open to them.

74 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-31 02:58 ID:Heaven

> I think online though, people are often more uninhibited, and you get to see their true personality show.

This is naive. 90% of human communication is nonverbal => not being yourself is easy to do online, often by accident. You don't get an accurate idea of someone's personality at all.

> [regarding chicks in online games] I think what you have to do is think about how well you know the chick. If you've been talking to her as a friend for a while, then that adds to her legitimacy. The people who get fooled by those sorts of "chicks" in online games are the people who are desperate enough to go after any random girl online.

Sounds like wishful thinking. I'd add, at least, that if your online lover frequently behaves erratically (e.g. abruptly stops responding and never explains why), don't bother. You're being led on.

75 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-31 04:50 ID:+NftPXHa

Assuming that statistic is true, 90% of physical communication is non-verbal. But that begs the question of what comprises this communication. Now I could think of hand motions, expressions on the face I suppose. Most online communication is verbal, but emotions can still be expressed. I don't know how you can "not be yourself by accident." You can act different online (MORE UNINHIBITED PERHAPS) than you do offline, but you are still you. If you don't have a mental disorder, and you aren't actively trying to cover up your true personality, then your true personality is going to shine through either way. When I say that people are often more uninhibited, I mean it because online people don't feel as bogged down by the conventions and pressures as they do when they physically communicate. It could evolutionary, as the brain hasn't quite evolved to deal with cyberspace yet. The point is: online, people are more likely to speak their minds, because they don't have as much to fear.

It's true that for the same reason, it is far easier to conceal your true motives. But when I speak of unhibited people, I only speak of genuine people.

"Sounds like wishful thinking. I'd add, at least, that if your online lover frequently behaves erratically (e.g. abruptly stops responding and never explains why), don't bother. You're being led on."

That can be true, and I only said it ads to the legitimacy. Although it is far less likely that the chick in the game is using you if she talks to your frequently, and asks you for nothing. That was what I was driving at. Of course if you actually want to start a relationship with such a girl, then I would definitely suggest you try and get a better grip on who she is. So like I suggested, you should be talking to the person on the phone, get lots of pictures, etc. Another thing you have to pay attention to is personal information. if she isn't willing to give much out, then there may be something amiss.

76 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-01 22:17 ID:Heaven

i've had an online boyfriend for a while. god i want to dump him, can't stand the guy. but his life is so goddamned shitty that i think he might actually kill himself, which obviously i don't want to happen.

77 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-02 01:49 ID:+NftPXHa

That foo aint gonna kill himself. The breakup will happen eventually anyway. What will you do, marry the guy so he won't "kill himself?"

78 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-02 02:41 ID:c7Wi4NKs

>>77 has got a point

79 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-02 15:34 ID:g3fkxGCk

> I don't know how you can "not be yourself by accident."

Quite easily: by listening to music that changes your mood, being at work on something in the background, or just deciding, without realizing it, that you're going to act differently than you usually do. Perhaps it's a personality-type thing?

> You can act different online (MORE UNINHIBITED PERHAPS)

I find this very hard to believe, and suspect you're extrapolating from yourself. Most people are far more comfortable conversing out loud than juggling text. Also, the cost of a careless remark is lower in person, where it's likely to be forgotten rather than logged forever.

80 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-02 17:20 ID:IoEAneza

Logged forever? Stuff like said on the image boards is deleted regularly, just as many forum posts are.

81 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-02 20:17 ID:+NftPXHa

"Quite easily: by listening to music that changes your mood, being at work on something in the background, or just deciding, without realizing it, that you're going to act differently than you usually do. Perhaps it's a personality-type thing?"

Moods change offline too. That doesn't mean you become a different person. And if you decide to act differently, then that isn't an accident.

"I find this very hard to believe, and suspect you're extrapolating from yourself. Most people are far more comfortable conversing out loud than juggling text. Also, the cost of a careless remark is lower in person, where it's likely to be forgotten rather than logged forever."

Many people I know are more comfortable online than off. Some people are pretty comfortable in both situations, too. I think it depends on the type of person you are too, and how much you use the internet in general. But that snippet from my post doesn't really stand alone, as the point that follows was trying to express that just because people act different in different situations, doesn't mean they are deviating from their personality. For instance, someone might be more talkative around friends than strangers. Someone might talk differently to friends than they do to parents. And someone might act a little different online. It also depends on how we define "personality," I guess. Personality could mean how we act without an ulterior motive. Or it could mean how we act without restraint.

Offline, people have a physical presence. You might be wary of offending the person, or making a fool of yourself, because it's difficult to get out of a physical situation. Online, it can be as simple as blocking the other person, or just ignoring their messages. That is why many people express themselves more fully online.

And of course I'm not making any general statements. There must be people who feel more comfortable offline, and otehrs who feel comfortable anywhere. But I don't think there's reason enough to warrant the suspicion of everyone you talk to online--no more so than you should suspect people offline. Because offline as well, people can purposely alter their personality, or have a varied disposition depending on the situation.

As for something online being logged forever. That's only true if the person decides to make logs. And even then it's not exactly "forever."

82 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-03 21:25 ID:Heaven

> Personality could mean how we act without an ulterior motive. Or it could mean how we act without restraint.

Usually on a line-buffered internet chat medium people will have at least the latter.

> Offline, people have a physical presence. You might be wary of offending the person, or making a fool of yourself, because it's difficult to get out of a physical situation. Online, it can be as simple as blocking the other person, or just ignoring their messages.

Great example of why people express themselves more fully in person. You know the person you're talking to isn't going to suddenly leave, get disconnected, etc. And it's a lot easier to offend when the person you're talking to has no tone of voice or facial expression to go on.

> As for something online being logged forever. That's only true if the person decides to make logs.

IRC/IM software often logs by default. I find it difficult to communicate sensibly otherwise, since I can't remember what I told whom yesterday or last week.

For perspective, I have IRC logs of myself being an idiot as far back as 1999. Even if I got all angsty and decided to cover up history by deleting them, I'm sure others would have logs of me of the same vintage.

83 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-06 05:54 ID:c7Wi4NKs

logged forever haha many an argument with my ex was won because it just so happened the converstation we were refering to was one that we were having through icq (^∀^).v

84 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-06 08:33 ID:lTOqI13z

I had a relationship almost 3 years with a girl around 10 hours away from me. She ended up breaking up with me because I started spending all my time with my friends instead of in my roon talking to her. Which I'm glad I did. I lived at a boarding school for art, and made my best friends there, which I probably wouldn't have made had I spent all my time cooped up in my room chatting with my girlfriend.

Also she was interested in a guy that had been hitting on her for months ;(

But truthfully I HAD been pretty selfish. That event really changed me. I don't think she would have been disappointed had she given me another chance, but well, both parties have to want it, don't they? Thankfully life goes on.

Anyways, took it really hard for 2-3 months, dated a girl for 2-3 months (and I did a damn good job at dating her if I do say so myself; she broke it off though because it turned long-distance and she didn't want to deal with it. WUSS!), single for 7-8 months, and here we are today!

For the first month or so, I thought I would never get over it, but I can honestly say she is NEVER on my mind nowadays :)

My sex drive has been going crazy lately, but I think it's finally starting to calm back down.

85 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-06 16:34 ID:c7Wi4NKs


I'm glad you're story has a happy ending ^_^

86 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-17 18:15 ID:86vtlgaU

I have one... He's totally pissing me off.

87 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-18 01:41 ID:Heaven

Dump that internet loser and get with one of us internet losers!

88 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-18 17:05 ID:7pzpKGbf

Eheh... It's impossible dump him >_< gosh, what I did?!

89 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-24 18:17 ID:iJku1AII

I'm in love with someone I got to know in web. No chance we have it seems.

90 Name: benson_2009 : 2006-02-27 09:36 ID:KY0YKmC/

is it true that if you like someone from the web its a absolute no chance?? but theres so much people that falls on the net ~~"

91 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-27 15:40 ID:0PGRIskg

Maybe there is really no chance but I won't give up~

92 Name: benson_2009 : 2006-02-28 07:40 ID:KY0YKmC/

woww!! i support ya!! goodluck!! maybe i shouldn't give up as well!

93 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-16 05:56 ID:hIRCXNMR

I have had two online relationships, and both lead to something in real life and for long term. The first one went on for 2 years and 11 months and the other one has been going on for a little more than five years now. We still live far apart and use the internet to communicate with each other daily. But the problem in making the relationship work is very good communication skills. If you are unable to communicate with the other person or show them you care, then things can go down the real fast.

That was the problem I had in my first relationship. We both had poor communication skills with each other and it was worse when he made promises that he didn't keep or wouldn't talk to me often. My second boyfriend, however, has been my friend for many years before we started to date online, and we were always very close. He would be the only person sometimes who would be on my invisible list and I would often chat with him for hours at a time very happily.

We still chat online, but we also supplement it with phone conversations and trips to see each other. We are so good at communicating with each other that I often don't have to explain myself in so much detail-- he'll get the point or sense when I am too distressed to want to push a certain topic further.

I think it just takes luck, patience, and a lot of courage to be able to trust or leave yourself open to a stranger on the internet. So be friends first and then lovers later!

94 Name: benson_2009 : 2006-03-16 08:26 ID:7Xn84i1q

woww!! soo far i am waiting for the girl i really like to email me back. i waited for 1 month now, we talked on the microphone always for 5-6 hours ~"~

95 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-16 14:40 ID:OL4nxGvF

I had two online relationships... my first was constructed of nothing more than lies and frabication for her simple amusement and I was burnt. The second well it was pretty good for a year till we actually met which then her dad stepped in, but then I did manage to get a really good and understanding friend.
so no regrets there.

96 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-16 16:43 ID:BshjDJP+

i had one who was pissing me right off. but i could never bring myself to dump him, until i got really, really drunk. you should try it.

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