The Theory of Love (264)

156 Name: Pms : 2006-05-15 03:17 ID:VZbCmJwK

I think that teens can be mature for their age, but I think people on this thread are taking this too seriously. I mean people tell me on mature for my age, and I'm going to be 16 in June. Yet I still laugh when someone says 'duties' or "but I don't care if you 'do do' that." (lol those never get old! ;). But I'm just saying that teens have the ability to think deeply. It's just when, like the 154 Ulrich said, they become pompous and arrogant as hell. I like to think I'm not arrogant and pretty openminded, but hey thats opinion, so what do I know?

Just sayng, if you were God, you wouldnt be human (j/k but kindof serious.) ;)

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