The Theory of Love (264)

1 Name: Ulrich : 2006-04-20 02:42 ID:TcP5hhun

Alright, I've been told numerous times that love is indescribable. In a worldly sense, I believe love is a false ideology, mainly because of all these nymphomaniacs, rapists, etc. I may seem pessimistic, but that is what I believe. The world is so corrupted and plagued by such primitive beings who indulge in sex and such. Those who marry for money and a great sex life, not for companionship or devoted trust to ones spouse. From a pyschological perspective, these traits defines males and females, as well as from my point of view. Males: Possesive, arrogant and chauvanistic, and at times deceptive. Females: Majority of the time deceptive; greedy. Love is but a simple fragment in this world. It holds no true value, because people fail to recognize it and act on it. They just care about themselves. Their own indulgences. I'm asexual because of these very same reasons and more. Relationships, sex, and marriage ALWAYS lead to problems, and the majority of the time, divorce ensues or maybe even death. I deny my primitive "instincts" and think out of the box instead of the "normal" individual. Why bother when one can avoid these unecessary anamolies? Lust is usually dominant. Love is underminded, thrown out. It usually about sex. I have plenty of other reasons why I do not like either gender as well. Males: AIDS, STDS, immoral, societal rejection. Females: deception, STDS. I supress my hormones. I reject their lustful manipulation. And I'm not insinuating that love does not exist, only that it's presence is but a fragment in the world, and in the hearts of humanity. This is my theory. Opinions?

201 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-18 22:11 ID:okvyZJSO


Ah, I see. Sorry for the misinterpretation. I thought you were referring to violence.

I do not drink alochol, nor do I never do drugs, and I have never done either in my entire life. This may seem suprising since you are probably going to generalize and say, "oh, you're lieing. Everyone has done it at least once it their lives". Obviously not I. I like to keep my intelligence in tact, mind you. I abstain from things that are wrong, I'm not like some typical adolescent to try such things because of peer pressure and experimentation. I know they're wrong, so why should I do it? Pure ignorance for those who do it.


You really are a moron. I would love for you to explain exactly what a "troll" is, because it surely is not me. I'm assuming it is someone who gets onto forums to start trouble and stay for no apparent reason to harass others. Am I right?

>Now here's a kid who thinks he has the whole world figured out telling everyone that the world is too full of corrupt, primitive beings to hope for a loving relationship.

I am not a child, I am an adolescent. I am not some arrogant, stubborn, and immature little brat. But that is evidently false in your "superior adult" minds, eh? Actually, they are. And like I have constantly said before, love, TRUE love, can be obtained, but it is a RARE case. True love, which is comprised of commitment, passion, and intimacy which is based off of Robert Sternberg's Triangular Theory; this is also known as consumate love. If all of you are talking about love(not true love) that is passion+commitment, passion+intimacy, intimacy+commitment and so on, then I can understand. But, as I said, lust usually has dominance over the minds of many, unfortunately.


I do not troll. That's a complete waste of valuable time. Time that is limited and irreplacable.


What do you speak of?



202 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-18 23:17 ID:YkoalLH6

Very true. A differentation of views does not mean one is right and the other is wrong, unless actual facts preside over these ideals. And just like an opinion is the source of many a corruption, hatred ensues from it because of different beliefs.

203 Name: Pms : 2006-05-19 00:21 ID:wTSVBEak

I hate it when people think teenage love is fake. Just because some people didn't fall in love when they were a teen doesnt mean other people can't. Love happens at any age, fake or not. And maybe a lot of teens are confused between love and lust, but hat isn't everyone. I love my boyfriend, probably more than people would think. But you don't have to an adult to be in love. Love is, like it was said in the book "The Alchemist", international. It's a smile, a look, a glance. So please, if anyone can feel happiness, anyone can feel love.

204 Name: the Jolly Javelin : 2006-05-19 00:37 ID:O/+lOSvL

To Ulrich

>I do not drink alochol, nor do I never do drugs, and I have never done either in my entire life.

According to this, you have never not drunk alcohol in your life. Haha! Just a joke to start our little lesson. I think we will have a few more after this, but I can't say for certain. All depends on your progress!

Anyways... either start being a little considerate of the people dwelling here, or be called a troll. righteously so if I might add. Just because this board doesn't scowl at you the way your mommy does is no excuse to offend everyone. Perhaps you just don't realize how your texts are perceived.

Ok. I resign. I am evil. very evil. I said something to you. many other people here are evil. and corrupt. in countless measures. and many here actually despise little children because they tend to be very right especially when talking about things that are wrong in our murky desolate little world. Truly, we are evil. EEEEVVVIIILLLL!!!!!!

BUT! maybe?... maybe maybe???.......pretty please if you please believe maybe?.... .. .maybe there's a nice person here? Someone who really likes your incomprehensible socio-babbling? (not in the way I said that of course..) And would you, Ulrich.. insult that person? you wouldn't want to, would you? No. You really wouldn't

How about a nice attitude? nononononono... even implying that everybody but you is very stupid is not nice.. and when you imply that everybody here assumes that all young kids do drugs and get stds (btw, in your post 1, aids is actually an std - thought I'd tell you).. no. that really is not appreciated.

Now hush, little boy, It's not so bad... this is a board, people can stand a little push. Ok, ok, calm... just cry out on my arm. Realizing that your inconsiderate behaviour appalled a twentysomething people from this thread is painfull. yeah. just wipe your little nosey-nose on this here handkerchief. oh, oh oh, Ulrich... what are we ever gonna do with you ??? :) But its okay now. You can go and apologize Ah Ah AH! its only four syllables! UH-Poh-le-Dzjise. really not so difficult, no, don't be scared :) I'll make a start for you:

"Hello everybody, This is painful to admit, but I just realized that my stance towards all of you was uncalled for. I have slandered against most or all of you on various occasions because I didn't realize you all are actually people. The simple black on white appearance of the text fooled me into thinking that it was the internet that was talking back to me. Also, I took only irrelevant criticisms of you in account, because I didn't know how to properly defend my views with real reasoning. So I just blatantly repeated myself ad nauseam, and, I really, really am sorry for that. I humbly ask all of you if you would please forgive my horrible behavour....."

<<especially the last sentence is vital, Ulrich, and try to get something along the lines of the first part.

and one thing.. try to refrain from using 'off of' in your text. If it even is english, its really unprofessional. Sure.. you know better Ulrich. you have your own style. When you go to college though, you'll find out that Yoda-style writing is really not thought high of. If you're trying to emulate german philosophers... learn german first. And actually read their texts. Max Weber is a good starting point, still up to date.

Don't worry ulrich, I'll always be here to guide your process of growing up. yours truly,

The Jolly Javelin

205 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-19 00:48 ID:Heaven

Stop feeding the troll please

206 Name: Ulrich Fan : 2006-05-19 01:51 ID:31LN2qTY

Time is a corruption of space.

207 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-19 10:38 ID:bwMDbbdZ




I thought you would be suprised. Like I've said, I've never been manipulated by peer pressure, even at a young age. I despised my peers because of their malice towards me. I was a sympathic soul at the time, helping others and being compassionate, but that was lost once I decided to change and erradicate such ignorance.

208 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-19 10:50 ID:bwMDbbdZ

You are a very ignorant being, now ranting against me with pathetic jokes. You, nor any other person here, besides Pms, will never understand. You are all somewhat in intellectually and ethinically baised in your own way. Engulfed by hoards of generalizations about age, and your own personal belief sensory experience is fathomable compared to personal experience.

In the end you are all pathetic and simple-minded, and just as your ancestors of past ages, you too fall into the desolate wasteland of corruption and violence, never wavering. You tear people asunder without resolve and arrogantly fortify your own walls of security. The world is corrupt, and so are you and I, for being brethren, for being a part of this pathetic race we call human beings. How open you open your eyes for a change.

209 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-19 13:57 ID:Heaven

Jeez, now who's making sweeping generalizations and assumptions about others. 9_9

210 Name: the Jolly Javelin : 2006-05-19 14:42 ID:O/+lOSvL

The jolly javelin will leave this board now. Demian won't be here either (we're the same)

Thank you all who helped in the discussion and for all your nice posts (there really were some nice posts) and good luck to you all. May you all find true and lasting love in your life.

bye bye,
Demian and the Jolly Javelin

211 Name: Ulrich!b/J5P5LN4s : 2006-05-19 18:22 ID:LHrIFV2E

>>209 It's okay if it's me!

212 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-19 23:25 ID:w/PTLi1H

it's obvious that my opinions will spawn the same ignorance and features that you all have bestowed upon my theory. The same illogical ones.

213 Name: Pms : 2006-05-19 23:29 ID:9ZlxYzig

Lets not be rash, yall. I mean quit taking peoples names. If Ulrich has been using Ulrich all this time, leave it alone. Yall can have my name if you want, its just my name plus my BF's, so its all yall. Quit being dicks. And lets not be judgemental, its not right. Your making yourself look ignorant and so are the rest of you. Lets get back to the topic, because all the posts now (except for a few) are retarded. If your going to be stupid, leave.

214 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-20 00:42 ID:OK6KY+ZH

It's a pointless endeavor. They are too primitive to listen to reason. I spoke my opinions and gave feedback to their's, so, in turn, they retaliate by acting immature and childish to irritate me and supposedly make me leave like some child. It's bad when you contradict yourself on a consistent basis. And you will all probably reply to this topic with hatred as well, bah.

I'll go ahead and cease with that now, because I wish not to be devolved down to the level of premature mentality.

215 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-20 00:50 ID:NGmYDuJM

I believe knowledge is more important than anything else. It's all a human being truly needs. I haven't necessarily read any books either, just studied various Philosophers in a Philosophy book that I purchased a while ago. Already read it, but I'm letting my English teacher read it. Unsuprisingly, I'm not stressed out, although a bit angry at times. Sometimes I am angry for no reason. I guess I might be bipolar

216 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-20 17:03 ID:O/+lOSvL

was it 'philosophy for dummies' perchance? It's good to educate your english teacher. Most likely it is the first time he ever hears about Descartes.

217 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-20 18:40 ID:W23LQ7Dp

I took Psychology class this year, and I discussed with the group about my opinions of "love". And they did not denounce that opinion. They thought it had logical relevance, and they respected what I thought, instead of ravaging it and tearing it apart like you idiots. No matter how much I continue, all of you're stubborn minds will never understand. Human beings would rather go through instinct than logic, which leads them in a corner of immoral behavior. Pitiful.

218 Name: Pms : 2006-05-20 22:42 ID:X6Vpm0wO

I dont think knowledge isnt the most important thing in the world. On the contrary, I think love is. Love helps you understand the world and understand yourself. If people love, you would learn that there is such thing as fate and hope and that someone can and could be eternally happy. Maybe I'm too gung-ho on the fact that love is real, but hey sue me. Love is real, so get off this forum and find someone to love!

219 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-21 00:55 ID:Heaven

The first thing they teach you in psychology class is "don't outright denounce people's ideas", because when you're a psychologist there's every chance the person ranting inanely at you is a psycho.

Here on the internet, we don't need to hide behind a layer of bullshit, because it (usually) doesn't matter if we accidentally antagonise a psycho. Here on the internet, if we think you're deranged, we don't tell you your opinion has logical relevance; if we don't respect you, we don't tell you we respect you. We tell you you're fucking deranged, and we give you no respect.

If your ego is easily bruised, you might take it as a personal affront, and complain that we're all idiots. Once you toughen up a little, though, you'll come to appreciate that on the internet people generally say what they really think, rather than what they think you want to hear.

220 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-05-21 01:09 ID:JeJ2h3Tr

lovely. absolutely lovely.

221 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-21 03:46 ID:ViWosKCj

>>215 >>217

All right, dumb and dumber.


>"don't outright denounce people's ideas"

I haven't denounced anyone. I haven't said, "YOU'RE WRONG! YOU'RE DUMB!" I respect EVERYONE's opinion, but that does not mean I will agree with you, just as you of I.

Like I did not already know this.

Like I said, I've no emotions to harden, no ego to castrate.

>you'll come to appreciate that on the internet people generally say what they really think, rather than what they think you want to hear.

I've always known this.

222 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-21 04:40 ID:Heaven

Ulrich admitting he's dumb? I never thought I'd see that!

223 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-21 06:06 ID:Heaven

You have a certain knack for latching onto a single phrase in a post, misinterpreting that one phrase as summary of the entire post, disregarding the remainder of the post (and thus its actual point), and finally replying in some manner that barely relates to the phrase you originally latched onto. It's like conversing with half-deaf parrot.

224 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-21 06:18 ID:Heaven

>>223 Don't ruin it for him!

225 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-21 06:40 ID:Heaven

>>221 "I haven't denounced anyone. I haven't said, "YOU'RE WRONG! YOU'RE DUMB!" I respect EVERYONE's opinion, but that does not mean I will agree with you, just as you of I."

Let's take a look into Ulrich's past!

>They are too primitive to listen to reason.
>I wish not to be devolved down to the level of premature mentality.
>You are a very ignorant being
>In the end you are all pathetic and simple-minded
>I was a sympathic soul at the time, helping others and being compassionate, but that was lost once I decided to change and erradicate such ignorance. (I just included this for lol's)
>I've done that for many a year (also for lol's, stop trying to type like a Brit from the 1800's)

This is really a pointless endeavor, since pretty much ALL of your posts are telling people they're wrong. Someone gives you their opinion, and you counter with your unwavering extremist opinions, basically telling them they're wrong. You might prefer to say you're trying to talk people into believing what you do. Whatever you call it, when it all boils down it's telling them they're wrong.

226 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-21 09:57 ID:Heaven

227 Name: Pms : 2006-05-21 19:28 ID:RNL25Tsz

Hello everyone. I'm sorry to say this will be my last post on this thread, unless we get some order here. I know ya'll don't care, but maybe it wil be a wake-up call for you to go get a life. This thread started off very well. Good posts and stuff, but now its a bunch of bullshit. We all have flaws, I do. So lets not gang up on one another. Ya'll stop picking on Ulrich, and Ulrich, stop giving them a reason to. The internet was made to connect the world together to get peoples opinions not to berate everyone about how stupid they are for having a different way of thinking. Now people, yes I'm stupid for thinking ya'll would care. But I don't care if you don't care. I'm just saying, this was a very interesting thread and people have ruined it. So everyone, I must leave you. I hope that you all find happiness. Love will one day find you and so will happiness. And to Ulrich I leave you these words. Tell these people to go fuck off and masterbate to Henti.
See ya'll


228 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-21 19:35 ID:Heaven

Nice try Ulrich but you still fail

229 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-22 01:52 ID:1SDhFbOZ

Well, Pms, I've pretty much give up on this thread anyway. It's not worth my time if people are constantly harassing me in my attempts for feedback.

>>228 Idiot. She is a friend of mine. Posing is for the simple-minded that have no lives.

Well, the human beings here are no better than anyone else in a specific location of the world. Baised opinions, hatred, idiocy and fluent controversy with uncompromising results. I've pretty much given up on this thread due to that.

Btw, do not be contradictory when you state something anti and you do it regardless. That's pure hypocrisy at best. All of you still have a way to go in this world, and I, for knowledge and understanding.

230 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-05-22 02:39 ID:EtL8egam

Ulrich, stfu.

231 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-22 04:02 ID:Heaven

>>229 Baised opinions, hatred, idiocy and fluent controversy with uncompromising results.

Perfect description of yourself!

>>do not be contradictory when you state something anti and you do it regardless

That's you again! You're getting really good at analyzing yourself Ulrich. I must commend you for this

232 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-22 05:21 ID:Heaven

I think we can finally let this thread die and restrain ourselves from taking this assenine arguement further. For the good of /love/!

233 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-22 05:22 ID:O/+lOSvL

come to the netherlands, you moron, or anywhere else but the US for that matter. what lowlife area are you from anyway?

>>229 is completely rite.

234 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-22 05:28 ID:Heaven

>>233 you bastard.

235 Name: 233 : 2006-05-22 18:37 ID:O/+lOSvL

ok sorry. let's not generalize the US as one single lowlife area. I actually know plenty of nice americans ;)

236 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-23 01:05 ID:Heaven

My opinion of the world…

The world is a dark wasteland. One engulfed by deception and despair. Paranoia is constant and the turmoil of the land is infinite. Human beings are inexplicitly weak. They indulge themselves is the pleasures of the world with their deceptively complacent life styles.

Life is barren. Hatred in concealed within the soul, but is usually unleashed as a hail of merciless abuse. I think only of the negative aspects of the world, for the malicious intent is much higher than the benevolent characteristics. I do not “worry” about my brethren. I only think of what they do because they ARE my brethren. The same life form. All in correlation with flexibility of emotions and behavior. Chaos dominates the land. The world. Even the universe. The multi-verse is full of various things, hatred being one of which. From a philosophical perspective, I know how the world is (yet my father thinks otherwise), which is deprived of any sense of virtue. Only the fragments of hope instilled within few people. Either individually, or those collectively in a religious sect.

Love is supposedly a benevolent and gratifying emotion. Yet, love in this world is a comical joke. Love conceals lust. Lust is the true, deceptive form of love. The whole world writhes with this thought. Human beings do not “love” one another. They wish only for gratification. Impeccable pleasure. From a worldly outlook, this speculation is highly accurate. Love is comprised of three components. Passion, commitment and infatuation. A true love that is difficult to attain.

Religion is the major source of spite. An individuals “opinion” is the dominating factor. Various Religions dislike one another due to their principles or opinions of one another. I highly disapprove of Religion because of this. The only thing I believe in is God; nothing more or less. The destructive properties of one’s opinion can be devious.

Well, from analyzing this information you may come to the conclusion that I am an enigma, or that I am problematic. That prediction is obvious though, and I myself occasionally think I am insane in this corrupted world at times. My sympathy for my fellow brethren has been eradicated, with the exception of my comrades. My loyalty does not waver.

237 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-23 06:12 ID:Heaven

Thanks for sageing at least, but please, go away!

238 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-23 17:20 ID:O/+lOSvL

I am happy today. I was happy last week. Most of my life I haven't felt bad. So I must be living at a sunny spot in that dark dark wasteland.

In my whole life, I don't think I have really been deceived more than 10 times. Despair and paranoia can be deceived to go elsewhere.

Brethren is not a word in my vocabulary. If love is a comical joke, I want it even more. I love jokes.

239 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-23 19:20 ID:Heaven

>>238 you should think just like Ulrich because he understands the world unlike your ignorant self.

p.s. sage please ):

240 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-24 10:59 ID:DhKGmRFd

>>1: With those preconceptions, you will never find love

241 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-24 11:12 ID:Heaven

gtfo nub

242 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-25 16:14 ID:VakYe9zi

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Aristotle, Plato and Socrates were all men with opinions, which not everyone agrees with. You placing them on a pedestal shows how polarized and subjective your "logic" is

243 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-25 23:04 ID:Heaven

sage sa-sage please sage

244 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-26 09:05 ID:Heaven

Sorry to burst your bubble, but that was posted months ago, and the discussion has since moved on. You bumping the thread to reply to it shows how you didn't bother reading the thread, and thus how irrelevant your "comment" is.

245 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-09 00:34 ID:O/+lOSvL

thesis: there is no theory of love, just as there is no theory of cow or theory of daffodil. There can only be a definition of love. However there is room for theories on successfuly pursuing, growing and keeping love.

246 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-10 08:25 ID:GA+moQEW

thesis: >>245 is trying to sound smart without being smart.
conclusion: he fails

247 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-10 14:48 ID:Heaven

thesis: if a thread has gone to shit, have the courtesy to not bump it if you absolutely must add your witty retort. (enter "sage" in the link field)

248 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-10 16:06 ID:O/+lOSvL

so threads cannot be revived?

249 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-10 16:46 ID:Heaven

no no no no no I never want to see this thread again!

250 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-10 16:46 ID:Heaven

>>248 nobody wants this thread to be revived

251 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-10 17:07 ID:Heaven

needs more sage

252 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-10 20:25 ID:Heaven

253 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-11 05:56 ID:GzM6uCgw

what is sage?

254 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-11 06:42 ID:Heaven


255 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-11 08:35 ID:O/+lOSvL

I've been wondering what this sage thingy is too.

256 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-11 13:14 ID:Heaven

>>247 explained it perfectly. lern2read, and stop bumping this thread.

257 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-12 14:05 ID:Heaven

witty retort

258 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-16 13:13 ID:63I22VK2

what is bumb? sorry im new to this internet thing

259 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-06-16 13:58 ID:Heaven

Bump is when a thread is sent to the top after someone replies. Putting "sage" in the Link field allows you to reply without sending the thread to the top.

For a thread that has gone to crap like this one, that no one wants to see again, it's polite to sage your reply if you absolutely have to reply.

260 Name: Cactus Tree : 2006-06-20 03:13 ID:Heaven

HEs rIte GIZe I thinK Ur AlL DuM BeCAZe U CnaT SaHGeY, WaHt NoObZ

261 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-13 10:45 ID:jTy+JT3K

well, everyone reflects his personality and complex... if you dont have that desire for love and stuffs like that, then why you live???
just ask yourself.. you have a period of time to live, and no one is emortal.... then the love that you will grant or you will be granted will live forever...

262 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-13 19:31 ID:Heaven

why did you bump this god awful thread!!?!?!?

263 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-19 19:23 ID:Heaven

Baby, don't hurt me, no mo'

264 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-23 12:39 ID:Heaven

Baka baka bleak dispair
neko neko everywhere...

needs more permasage

This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.