The Theory of Love (264)

227 Name: Pms : 2006-05-21 19:28 ID:RNL25Tsz

Hello everyone. I'm sorry to say this will be my last post on this thread, unless we get some order here. I know ya'll don't care, but maybe it wil be a wake-up call for you to go get a life. This thread started off very well. Good posts and stuff, but now its a bunch of bullshit. We all have flaws, I do. So lets not gang up on one another. Ya'll stop picking on Ulrich, and Ulrich, stop giving them a reason to. The internet was made to connect the world together to get peoples opinions not to berate everyone about how stupid they are for having a different way of thinking. Now people, yes I'm stupid for thinking ya'll would care. But I don't care if you don't care. I'm just saying, this was a very interesting thread and people have ruined it. So everyone, I must leave you. I hope that you all find happiness. Love will one day find you and so will happiness. And to Ulrich I leave you these words. Tell these people to go fuck off and masterbate to Henti.
See ya'll

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