The Theory of Love (264)

157 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-15 03:19 ID:Heaven

>>154 You're pretty pompous, actually. You also can't seem to grasp that there is more to being "immature" than spamming and joking all the time.

You ARE acting immature. It's immature to know nothing about the world and go on and on with your jargon about how you KNOW all of these things that for some reason the rest of the world can't grasp, and at the same time turn around and use the defense that you're ~only human~ if anyone criticizes you. I'm telling you. It's a FACT. There is not a single 15 year old in this entire fucking world that has a real grasp of what the world is like. I was a "young intellectual" myself, actually. The difference between you and I is that I never suddenly came to the realization that I "have an advantage" over everyone and understand the world. I knew better, and I still do.

The way you think is arrogant. The way you type is arrogant. You. Are. Arrogant. Defending yourself with modest speeches doesn't change the obvious.

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