The Theory of Love (264)

186 Name: Pms : 2006-05-17 13:32 ID:Z8jaVZ20

Sex is not a primal instinct, the act of mating may be, but sex for sex is not. Drugs were used in the early days for medical use, until people began to abuse them and became addicted to them. I think ya'll are blowing this mess out of proportion. And Ulrich, when you said "Those who actually use their minds instead of instinct abstain from such things, because it may escalate into something much more than sex, something such as rape to the more extreme." People who deal without sex usually have mental instabilities also. So I think that is you go from one extreme, i.e. no sex at all forever, or the other, i.e lots of sex constantly, then your screwed. Extremes are not needed they are there to be there and thats all.

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