The Theory of Love (264)

31 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-23 07:08 ID:Heaven

>My parents do not even talk to each other anymore. We all live together, yet it's always my father's dad who always tears the marriage apart, that aside from his constant ignorance.

Well that explains a lot. So because you have shitty parents everyone is magically corrupt. Age may not mean anything in regards to intellect, but it does mean everything in respect to one's worldview. You're 15, you've read some philosophy and psychology, and you think you've analyzed humanity completely. All you have to go on is your crappy homelife so you try to rationalize it. "It's not that my parents are jerks, it's that everyone's a jerk!" Misery loves company. If everything is somehow inherent evil then your situation isn't so bad, right?

By declaring yourself asexual you're not thinking out of the box. You're trapped in the box, the prison of emotional walls in yourself created by your parent's failed relationship. Of course there's risk in any relationship. You've only experienced one of the possible bad outcomes.

You're afraid. You're terrified of ending up in a loveless sham, with so many years wasted. Yes, people get divorced. However, people also stay together for 30, 40, 50 years happily married.

But if it didn't work out for you, and it did for someone else, then that wouldn't be fair right? Not fair at all.

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