The Theory of Love (264)

93 Name: Pms : 2006-05-06 23:51 ID:vkp7u/JQ

ok, love is not a science. It is an emotion. For that matter you could say that you leak from your tear ducts when your sad. Love is an emotion plain and true. Like secret admirer said, I know people who have been together for 53 years and they have loved each more than people would believe. They even (sadly) died together in a car crash. Love bonds people and makes them realize that life is worth living and that someone out there cares for you so much, you just might not realize it. This science of love is true, but irrelevent. So what there are hormones. There are also hormones when a woman is pregnant or when someone goes through puberty, that doesnt mean these things are not important or unreal. I think Ulrich and Demian need to realize there is someone who loves them, they just may not see it.

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